Storm Silves;289915 said:
So... What are your thoughts on this? Frankly I'm scared ****less because I live in the US and we're screwed for troops. I don't wanna sound like a wimp, but I can't get drafted. I'm a writer, not a fighter. Wouldn't last a day in boot camp.
I'm not scared. There's always something we're supposed to be crapping our pants over these days, isn't there? We were supposed to be terrified of Saddam and his invisible WMDs, NK, then Al-Qaida or the Taliban, then Iran, now NK again... and in the past if it wasn't Russia it was Commies elsewhere; and I suppose soon enough China will be the new threat as they grow powerful enough to rival (and therefore spook) America.
Nah. Someone's always making out there's some new threat to our cosy way of life, but we're still here, and many of them have been red herrings. I'm pretty sure most of the time it's U.S.-based spin, aimed at nations that don't conform to its worldview - er, I mean, threaten its superiorit - erm, I mean wellbeing.
You know, it's been suggested that the U.S. government has always needed an 'imaginary threat' to maintain better control of its own people, and funnily enough they've always managed to conjure one up from somewhere. With the imaginary terror on the horizon, citizens more easily relinquish certain freedoms... which has worked wonders in the UK for our government and the erosion of our civil liberties in the name of 'security' and protecting us from the unseen hordes of evil terrorists. Really, there's no need to be scared, because you never
can protect yourself from terrorists who could be anyone, or an idea like radical Islamism, and there's not much point in doing
anything if there ever is a full-scale nuclear war. Well, no - I tell a lie - there is
one way you can attempt to protect from these things - through
education... but nobody's interested in that. Least of all this UK government.
NK and SK are still technically at war - they were only ever in a tremulous truce arrangement since the last major exchange of fire, and have been this way for quite a while. If you ask me this latest attack by NK is an attention-grabbing move. They've just deliberately shown a guy all their centrifuges for nuclear fuel enrichment who went and reported back to the U.S. - they want back in on the talks and they're quite serious about it, I suppose. But they're going about it like a belligerent child (NK, that is). We shall see what we shall see. China have stayed fairly mute on the matter which is rather predictable of them, given their political position.