Chimera Khaos Hades Leading General Commander Jul 6, 2011 4,044 1,287 5,415 Underworld... Nov 1, 2011 #41 Indeed.
DMC_Freak Yes I'm a DMC Freak XD Nov 3, 2011 33 4 185 39 Canada Nov 5, 2011 #42 The box look great! Also ive noticed on amazon that there was a silent hill and MGS hd collection coming. But the ps3 box art seem larger. Will it have more content? I wish theyd give like a small art book or something, or a poster!! That would be insane.
The box look great! Also ive noticed on amazon that there was a silent hill and MGS hd collection coming. But the ps3 box art seem larger. Will it have more content? I wish theyd give like a small art book or something, or a poster!! That would be insane.