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Nintendo Wiimotes not working properly


Well-known Member
I have a Nintendo Wii with 4 Wiimotes. Everything was working pretty well until last night and now 3 of them randomly shutting down constantly. I resynced them and changed the batteries, but had no success. I have limited knowledge of Nintendo Wii, so can't figure out the problem. BTW my Wii is only few weeks old, I got it from Kmart through http://www.dealrocker.com discount deal and it is still under warranty. Is there any way to fix this problem or should I call Nintendo Wii tech support?


Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Nintendos Advice is the following:

Nintendo said:
Step 1

Turn off your wii, turn it back on stay on the "health and safety" screen, hold down the SYNC button on your Wii console for 20 seconds, release, wait a couple seconds and then press the SYNC button on your Wii-mote and RIGHT AFTER, press the SYNC button on your wii, it should work.

In depth guide

In case of a power surge or electrical disruption, the Wii console automatically shuts down and reboots itself. This shutdown can cause various settings to not work properly, such as not recognizing a previously working Wii remote. This shutdown can happen without you being aware of it.

First, turn the Wii power off by pressing the "Power" button on the front of the Wii. Then unplug the power cord from the outlet. Wait two minutes, then plug the cord back into the outlet.

Next, turn the Wii on by pressing the "Power" button. Once you see the start-up screen, open the small SD card slot under the Wii's disk drive. Press the red "Sync" button above the SD card slot for 15 seconds to start fresh and clear the Wii of any previous Wii remote syncs.

Now re-sync the blinking remote by removing the battery cover from the Wii remote and pressing the small red "Sync" button. The blue lights on the front of the Wii remote should blink. Quickly, go back to the front of the Wii console, open the SD card slot and press the red "Sync" button.

Look at your Wii remote. It is successfully re-synced with the console when the lights quit blinking, and one blue light remains on. This blue light indicates which player, number 1 through 4, that the Wii remote is synced to. For example, if this is the first remote that you re-synced with the console, the first blue light will be on.

The holding down of the SYNC button on your Wii is erasing the Memory of Wii-Mote Syncing, so you will have to re-sync the other Wii-motes to use them, just click one SYNC button after the other.
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