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Ninja Gaiden 2 AI cheats you

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Well-known Member
How the bloody hell can people support Itagaki cheap games? The ONLY reason his games are hard is because he uses the classic cheating AI the takes data from your controller. That's how the AI can perfectly attack that 2 second lightening fast opening in your attack that no normal human could. I even noticed this time around when you try doing onlanding uts you get grabs or shot from off screen. Itagaki is a sick FREAK who designs games NOT TO BE HARD BUT TO **** PEOPLE OFF.

Ninja gaiden is NOT HARDCORE. It has artifical difficulty that gives the illusion that it's hard by having AI that reads your gaming pad, off screen attacking, and annoying brain dead hyper aggessive enemies that(aka non stop attacking enemies for add kids) Hyper aggressive AI doesn't mean smart AI.

Ninja gaiden is for the macho meat headed gamers so obsessed with challenge that they DON'T care if the AI cheats. That's why dumb NG nerds defend it so much.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
First post on a DMC forum and it's about Ninja Gaiden? Meh, your choice I suppose.

EIDT: You know what, forget it, I've had enough of obvious trolls.

Ninja Gaiden was NEVER designed to be an easy game for a casual gamer to pick up, it takes pracitce and hard work to get used to the playing style, suggest picking up Ninja Gaiden Black.


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
DeadEnd;116760 said:
How the bloody hell can people support Itagaki cheap games? The ONLY reason his games are hard is because he uses the classic cheating AI the takes data from your controller. That's how the AI can perfectly attack that 2 second lightening fast opening in your attack that no normal human could. I even noticed this time around when you try doing onlanding uts you get grabs or shot from off screen. Itagaki is a sick FREAK who designs games NOT TO BE HARD BUT TO **** PEOPLE OFF.

Ninja gaiden is NOT HARDCORE. It has artifical difficulty that gives the illusion that it's hard by having AI that reads your gaming pad, off screen attacking, and annoying brain dead hyper aggessive enemies that(aka non stop attacking enemies for add kids) Hyper aggressive AI doesn't mean smart AI.

Ninja gaiden is for the macho meat headed gamers so obsessed with challenge that they DON'T care if the AI cheats. That's why dumb NG nerds defend it so much.
You sir, ****in' fail now GTFO my forum.


New Member
In fact, that sir has a point. If the game would be a success, It wouldn't have been reviewed as a negative fact, that the AI is ridiculously hard.

The dark knight

Well-known Member
Your forum? Whatever. You ain't the admin. And are you making fun of add kids you dumb F*ck? Screw you. And you sir should stop whining. If you don't like it DON'T play IT!!!


New Member
The dark knight;116897 said:
Your forum? Whatever. You ain't the admin. And are you making fun of add kids you dumb F*ck? Screw you. And you sir should stop whining. If you don't like it DON'T play IT!!!

Yeah, I guess you have a point there. Never really liked Team Ninja's games.:dry:


Not even DOA Dante. You have to admit that DOA is a pretty awesome fighting game.

Bringerofchaos;116889 said:
You sir, ****in' fail now GTFO my forum.

Bringer how come you've been acting so cruel lately man. Wouldn't expect that from you.


New Member
PorKYkinG;116905 said:
Not even DOA Dante. You have to admit that DOA is a pretty awesome fighting game.

The only thing I like at DOA are the bouncing boobs and the exaggerated sex appeal of the game...:lol:

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
DA, the POINT of Ninja Gaiden is for it to be insanely hard, complaining about the AI difficulty is like complaining about Dante's cocky attitude...


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
PorKYkinG;116905 said:
Bringer how come you've been acting so cruel lately man. Wouldn't expect that from you.
I've been visiting 4chan too much. It does that to you. I'm happy that you think so highly of me.
The dark knight;116897 said:
Your forum? Whatever. You ain't the admin. And are you making fun of add kids you dumb F*ck? Screw you.
No. **** you.

Dante Aseroth;116896 said:
In fact, that sir has a point. If the game would be a success, It wouldn't have been reviewed as a negative fact, that the AI is ridiculously hard.
Naw, people just really suck. If they took out the Incendiary kunai the game would be perfect just like the Masterpeice Sigma and Black were.

Long live NinjaGaidenBlack! HOORAH!


Well-known Member
Okay...where do I begin?

First of all Dead End, welcome to the forums, can't say I approve of your first thread here but w/e, it has been made.

Two, yes the gameplay of all NG games are difficult, thats because it is one of the few games on the Market that is actually aimed at the self-titled 'hardcore' gamers, its not meant to welcome a new player to the series aboard...I should know NGII was my first NG game and boy...did I have a hard time.

But you get used to it.
Reguardless of what methods the develops emoploy to look for flaws in your strategys and skills, it is still a great game. I am halfway through the hardest difficulty and I am still having trouble, but its half the fun!

You should've seen Bringer's joy when he beat it!

Sure its hard...REALLY hard, if you want some advice, tips or just general chat about the game feel free to PM me, I'll be glad to chat!

BUT I do not approve of many things that have happened in this thread as a result of its creation, intended Trolling or NOT.

First, it is rude to badmouth any game in the way you have you should always take a critial view but present it maturely, not only does it encourage creative agrument but prevents excessive flaming.

Which brings me neatly onto point no.2, Bringer, your outburst was not needed, as said above you should take a mature view at what is said and reply in kind, this whole, Charade coud've been avoided.

Dark Knight you post had just eight words of sense, and shouldve been left there rather than flaming in retaliation "If you don't like it DON'T play IT!!!".

Dead End, if the game is too 'cheap' for you trade it in get Devil May Cry 1-4, remeber this is a community forum, not everyone likes the same games (except DMC ofcourse), but that doesn't mean ANYONE should start insulting OR flaming just because someone has touched a raw nerve.

Dante, PorkY and Angelo, I award rep to you for acting 100% maturely in this case of a Fire Starting Troll.

Welcome to the forum Dead End, hopefully the next thread that is started will be a much more productive one ^___^


EDIT: Ps. I don't give a hoot what they do on 4chan, don't do it here ^_^
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