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New Ideas for Devil May Cry games

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
awkward...i've never played skyrim or dragon's dogma... (is it good though, i might pick up a copy)

i don't really see devil may cry going the "create a character" route. but it would be a nice idea to incorporate weapons from past games like alastor and nevan into game. altering DT based on weapons like DMC3 and 4 would be pretty cool. i'm not too sold on an elemental system. but i'd have to see it to judge first.

i would like a game where there is a main story, but you get to hunt demons on the side if you feel like it or want extra cash.

Just like Dragon's Dogma, Skyrim, or another WRPG....maybe not WoW.

Also as for Skyrim or DD, it depends.....if you want an awesome combat system with awesome moves some of which are from DMC (such as Stinger) and epic boss battles try out DD but if you want a pretty rich RPG experience with tons of exploration and a large world to explore....Skyrim.

Or try out Dark Souls if you want to die a lot.


Well-known Member
I'd like to see DMC game with 3 playable Characters. In this case Dante, Vergil, and dunno one of the existing cast or maybe even the antagonist of the game.

It would be kind of like in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, where everybody visits kind of the same places but does different things in them and chooses different routes.After the game is over or in between missions the world would be more like Dark Souls where everything is connected seamlessly. But while on a mission it would be like always.

As for Combat I perosnally would "downgrade" Dante a little bit. In which I mean I'd only give him 2 Melee and 2 Range weapons at the same time.
For Vergil I'd return the 3 Weapon system and no Fire-Arms, but maybe he would also get the style switching system.

For a new playable character I'd combine two of my favourite H&S games with DMC: Chaos Legion and El Shaddai.
Meaning he would have no weapons besides his feet and fists. Not even Fire Arms. Instead he would make up for that with summoning Demonic Creatures to his aid (maybe phantoms of Bosses or something like that), this would be a DT mechanic, where he summons a creature and it stays and assists in combos until DT runs out, but it could also be used as single moves like like Vergils Summoned Swords moves.
To make up for not having any weapons the character would rip enemies apart and take their body parts as improvised weapons, like Nero did with that Scarecrow leg in the DMC4 intro.
All that combined in the Combat of DMC, meaning no QTE's could be pretty awesome I think.

Well for weapons in General I'd say bring back a few old ones (as optional unlockables for the fans, even if it's just skins like in DmC) as well as new ones. I mean we never had weapons like a Kusari-Gama, or a Spear for example.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Well I'll like a game where you can play as like 3-4 characters (Dante, Nero, Lady, and Trish).

Well Trish and Lady....I'll focus on those 2 for now since they're brand new well since Trish hasn't been in a game since DMC2....well she needs a complete gameplay re-makeover like Dante did from DMC2-DMC3.

Trish....she plays similar to DMC2 but greatly tweaked using the standard DMC basic combat formula.

Trish can do the basics jump, walk/run, lock-on, dodge, shoot, and attack. A/X to jump, RB/R1 to lock on and Trish can Devil Trigger with LB/L1 (I'll get into DT mechanics later).

I wanted to make Trish and Lady like how the girls are in Ninja Gaiden compared to Ryu/Dante and have different mechanics compared to Dante...so like Nero in DMC4 but better.

Okay she can shoot guns like Dante/Nero and uses Luce and Umbra as primary guns but gains access to other firearms (some being demonic) and can change guns using the d-pad similar to how Dante changes styles like 4-5 guns mapped to the D-Pad options. She uses the basic attack button for basic attacks and even uses Sparda but Sparda is her only melee weapon but here is where it gets interesting. Sparda or Trish can change combat forms by pressing or holding LT/L2.

She has 3 combat forms with Sparda or 3 melee functions. She can use Sparda it is standard form and has been granted a lot of combos similar with Nero in which Sparda can change shape and in its standard form Sparda can be used a sword, spear, and a scythe utilizing the 2 attack buttons for various moves and combs in which are very similar to Dante's moveset with Rebellion (Stinger, Million Stabs, High Time, Round Trip, Helm Breaker, and even Prop and Shredder) but these exhibit different qualities from its versions of the same moves with Rebellion such as Stinger has more range and so do Million Stabs to the point it can hit more enemies at once and Prop and Shredder has different different commands to input to make them work like RB: Up + B to pull off Prop and press B rapidly to cancel into Shredder and unlike Shredder its more violent, wild, and faster as it spins creating a large vortex with a wide hit radius that draws in enemies

If anything pressing the Y button to use Sparda in its Sword form for moves and combos similar to Rebellion/Alastor and the B button to use Sparda in its scythe form for combos utilizing the scythe and by using B in the air can pull off Aerial Rave (or the one aerial combo for Nevan using its scythe form) but since its a scythe its sycthe based combos. So the B button functions like Nevan's Swordmaster abilities (the scythe) but with a bit more range and some extra combos.

So I'll list the moves available for Sparda in its standard form....but note the names are half-assed to make this quick (and will be using Xbox buttons since I can't enter square or triangle so easily)

1. Sparda Combo A (Y,Y,Y): A simple sword combo attack
2. Sparda Combo B (Y,Y,-Y...rapid): The sword changes mid combo into its spear form and cancels into a Million Stab.
3. Sparda Combo C (Y-Y...rapid): By changing into a spear it impales the enemy and violent slams them around with them on the spear.
4. Aerial Rave S (Y,Y,Y,Y mid air): An aerial combo of kicks, punches, and sword slashes)
5. Stinger (RB: Forward + Y): It turns into a spear to rush at the enemy. Stinger but more range so unlike Dante if she tries to stinger an enemy like say the Blitz in its impermeable form Trish won't get electrocuted and the range can even parry/cancel with other attacks
6. Million Stabs (Tap Y rapidly during Stinger): Impales the foes with a series of spear jabs with great range and can even cancel other physical attacks
7. High Time (RB: Back + Y): A launcher
8. Helm Breaker (RB: Forward + Y): Using Nero's aerial command inputs can prove beneficial
9. Force Drive (Hold Y and release): Fires off a more stronger version of Drive
10. Sparda Combo D (B,B,B): A quick 3 strike scythe attack
11. Sparda Combo E (B,B-B...rapid): A combo where Sparda changes to its sword form to twirl around Trish similar to that one move Sanctus does with Sparda in his final boss fight but crazier.
12. Aerial Slash S (B,B,B in midair):
13. Revolution (RB: Forward + B): Similar to Prop
14. Black Hole (Tap B rapidly after Prop): Cancels Revolution into a more crazy, faster version of Shredder in which enemies can get dragged in by the vortex this attack creates
15. Sweat Dreams (RB: Back + B): Trish spins the scythe around
16. Round Trip (Hold B and release): You know the drill. Once used Trish can enter her 2nd combat form

Okay she has 2 other combat forms with Sparda.

Pressing L2/LT makes her withdraw Sparda by placing it down and fights using martial art styled moves....basically DMC2. She can withdrawn Sparda mid-combo to effectively chain combos as well as withdraw it during specific attack frames. There are other methods of withdrawing the weapon such as using Round Trip. Trish can call back the weapon or switch back pressing L2.

Her moveset is different this time around but unlike Dante uses her physical strength mixed with lightning powers to inflict damage (now its more based on Chun Li's fighting style than Ryu's).

1. Fury Combo A (Y,Y,Y,Y): A basic combo where each part of the combo can be charged by holding down the Y button
2. Fury Combo B (Y,Y,Y-Y...rapidly): A series of flurry kicks like Chun Li's
3. Fury Combo C (Y-Y...rapidly): Unleash a barrage of lightning quick punches (can cancel Fury Combo B into this as well).
4. Lightning Impact (Y in mid air): A dive kick just like Killer Bee or Starfall
5. Thunder Storm (Tap Y rapidly during Lightning Impact): Trish pulls off a series of violent kicks mid air.
6. Lightning Strike (RB: Forward + Y): A straight forward punch...like DMC3's Beowulf's Straight. Can be charged.
7 Flying Thunder (RB: Back + Y): An uppercut that sends enemies flying. Can be charged.
8. Ascension (Press Y rapidly during Flying Thunder): Trish rises with the enemy while a flurry of winds spins around her.
9. Descend (RB: Forward + Y in midair): A powerful dropping kick that sends Trish and the enemy crashing down.
10. Heel Stomp (B): Trish violently stomps the ground with a devastating heel stomp-kick. Can be charged.
11. Violent Stomp (tap B rapidly during Heel Stomp): Trish violent stomps on the enemy before kicking them away
12. Sparks (RB: Forward + B on both land and air): Trish punches the ground unleashing a devastating burst of power. Can be charged.
13. Rolling Thunder (RB: Back + B): She does a spinning kick like Chun Li's spinning bird kick mixed with some of Vergil's Rising Sun.
14. Hell Hath No Fury (Tap B during Rolling Thunder):Trish cancels into a helicopter spinning kick.
15. Fallen Angel (B in midair): A strong kick that knocks an enemy down to the ground.

Now lastly by holding LT/L2 Sparda can enter its "Doom" mode (yes I know that name is whack but that is only a beta name). An alternate mode in which Trish infuses some of her demonic energy to make it stronger and take on a new shape and be granted new forms. One form being a giant battle axe, a more giant version of itself, and etc as well as take on new functions some of which were displayed by Sanctus in his boss fight. However, this mode as limit as for how long you can hold it before it overheats due to its immense power to help balance out the gameplay mechanics.

Yeah I'm too tired to think of moves for this one....so its like 13 moves.

Now hat I covered the combat forms....what is left for Trish....her guns, DT mechanics, and the use for the RT/R2 buttons.

Okay the R2/RT buttons is to change styles the same ways she changes her combat forms.

She has a basic style (Sword Master) and by pressing R2/RT can change into Gunslinger and back into Swords Master and holding R2/RT can switch her into a Lightning Diva style (a hybrid between Trickster and Royal Guard).

I already showed off Sword Master and Gunslinger requires diving into the guns Trish gets. Now to explain Lightning Diva.

Its a style that grants Trish lightning quick reflexes in both maneuverability and reactions to attacks. When in this style Trish's body is luminated by electricity.

Functions of this style. Trish can teleport or lightning dodge (can't think of a good name) in any direction by holding down RT/R2 and pressing B while in a direction and its a mix of Darkslayer, Trick (teleport), and Deadpool's teleport from Deadpool the Game and it can also work in the air. The movement animation is similar to how in DMC1 Trish appears out of nowhere in a flash of lightning. Pressing B while the L-Stick is neutral can guard and unlike Royal Guard a perfectly timed guard can stun or repel an enemy lowering any defensive measures that they may be using. Locking on while in this style (though some may consider that hard) gives birth to more moves. This style has a Royal Gauge like function that affects its DT.

The moveset of Lightning Diva style are:

1. Flash Dance (RT: Any Direction + B): Trish at lightning quick speeds can move in any direction (can be spammed like crazy)
2. Lightning Flash (same as Flash Dance but in the air): Grants Trish lightning quick mobility in the air.
3. Guard (RT: B)
4. Lightning Guard (guard at the right moment of an enemy attack): Negates the damage and knocks the enemy back. Pulling this off fills the Lightning Gauge.
5. Stun Guard (press B after Lightning Guard): Sends a burst of electricity upon contact that temporarily stun the enemy.
6. Step Up (RB+RT: Forward + B): Just like Trick teleports up to a locked on enemy. Can work on land and air.
7. Devil Thunder Impact aka DTI (Devil Trigger while in LD Style): A powerful devilish thunder bolt hits Trish when she DTs obliterating enemies in her path (similar to DTE or Distortion). It uses up the Lightning Gauge (which can refill by performing Lightning Guard).

So yeah speaking of DT. I also needs to explain her DT and explain its mechanics.

Just like Nero her DT functions different from Dante's using its own unique mechanics but sort like how Nero's DT uses some mechanics from Vergil (such as the Summoned Swords) I was thinking of incorporating mechanics from Alastor/Nevan's DT as well.

But design and basic design.

When she DTs she doesn't go full demon like Dante/Vergil. Her's similar to Nero's/DmC Dante's where she develops a demonic aura (yellow and lightning) and emits tons of lightning but her body goes through some physical changes (glowing lightning red eyes, static body, lighter crackling skin, and static flowing hair)...if anything its very similar to DMC1 Dante's Alastor DT. In which she develops more demonic features in her flight mode where she grows wings and develops more demonic features and shows off a glimpse of her true form. Yes she has a land mode and a flight mode like Alastor/Nevan's DT.

She also has some DT specific moves as well.

1. Air Raid (RB: A): She can now fly as she develops wings and more demonic features (like that of a succubus.....Morrigan)
2. Thunder Bolt (X during Air Raid): Shoots streams of Lightning Bolts
2. Devil Thunder (Hold X and release during Air Raid): Shoots a powerful ray of lightning that can be navigated
3. Vortex (Y during Air Raid): Spins in the air
4. Devil Storm (rapidly tap Y during Vortex): Trish spins around creating a deadly lightning storm column that hits land and airborne enemies.
5. Flight (press A during Air Raid): She will go up higher
6. Air Cancel (press B during Air Raid): Trish reverts back to land combat
7. Devil Surge (Y+B): Similar to that move that Sanctus does where a series of lightning bolts hits the ground (can be done in the air and ground).
*DT has effects on the combat forms (such as DT at certain contact/hit frames of specific attacks will grant a stun) as well as giving each firearm/gun more power and auto-charge shot.

Well all I haven't covered were the guns and the one combat mode.
Will cover those next post.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Okay next post....

As for Trish's guns and her Gunslinger Style.....might be named something else (same goes for Sword Master)....I haven't decided the exact moves or her exact firearms but there was 5 firearms (one being her Luce & Umbra) and she switches them using the D-Pad and her fifth firearm is special as its not firearm as she utilizes her various lightning magic to shoot lightning bolts, lightning arrows, and etc.

So I'll list the moveset for L&U and her lightning powers.

Luce and Umbra
1. Shoot (X)
2. Charge (Hold X and shoot): Infuses lightning into her guns to do extra damage and can stun lock enemies on both land and air (will run out eventually). DT grants auto charge shots.
3. Pillow Talk (tap X repeatedly on a downed enemy): Its Wild Stomp but sexier
4. TwoSome Time (press/hold B + any direction): Can shoot enemies from any angle
5. Aerial TwoSome Time (Twosome Time but in the air)
6. Sexy Dance (tap B rapidly to cancel out of TwoSome Time): Trish proceeds to spin around like crazy while shooting a barrage of bullets and with a 360 hitbox degree hits anything within range and ends with an abrupt and a fancy dance pose (cancel out of TwoSome Time with it)

Lightning Powers (I got no name)
1. Shoot (X): Shoots a quick bolt of lightning. Press X more to shoot more rapidly
2. Shocking (Hold X and release): Shoots a stream of electricity (similar to when she electrocuted Dante)
3. Low Voltage (B): Shoots a powerful shock bolt (can be used in the air)
4. High Voltage (Hold B and release): Releases more shock bolts (has a level system lvl 1 charge is 3 bolts, lvl 2 is 5 bolts level 3 is 7 bolts) (can be used in the air)
5. Shock Wave (RB: Forward + B): Pushing out her arms she releases a charge of bolt around her knocking back enemies in a close 360 degree (think of Nikolai's 360 move in Anarchy Reigns)
6. Trap (RB: Back + B): She sets a trap on the ground and anyone who touches it is electrocuted and launched into the air
7. Electric Chair (tap B next to trap when enemy touches it): Enemy is knocked into the air as a series of lightning bolts comes from the ground hitting them.

As for her other guns she gets them from weapon-smith. Same place as Lady's so she can save up money and buy them rather than find them.

Okay now that other attack form for Sparda.

In this mode it can take on Sparda's Giant Form and an axe form. It has a pretty small moveset compared to the other modes. It uses the Rage Bar or a limit system if the weapon reaches its limit it reverts back to its regular modes until it refills by filling up the Bloodline Meter (yeah perfect meter) by gaining style points and using it drains said meter. Its limited due to its sheer power and overall usage (has great range and great power and overall usage).

1. Great Sword Combo A (Y,Y,Y,Y): A combo similar to Sparda combo A but with more devastating range and can even hit far away enemies
2. Great Sword Combo B (Y,Y,Y-Y): A sword combo where it ends with a devastating axe smash.
3. Great Sword Combo C (Y,Y-Y rapidly): A combo like Sparda combo C but with more devastating range
4. Great Aerial Rave (Y,Y,Y,Y mid air): A devastating aerial combo, can juggle multiple enemies
5. Armageddon (RB: Forward + Y): An uber version of Stinger with a wide hit box (similar to the one move Sanctus does with Sparda)
6. Rapture (RB: Back + Y): High Time but it can knock out multiple enemies at once (can't rise in the air with them through)
7. Retribution (RB: Forward + Y in mid air): Like Helm Breaker but with longer range
8. Rupture (B,B,B): A strong axe combo
9. Fissure (B in mid air): Like Arbiter's drop but without the launch effect and a large hit area
10. Apocalypse (RB: Forward + B): Axe turns into a cannon and fires off a powerful blast ray
11. One Man Army (RB: Back + B): Charges up a full powered attack and launches the axe head that in turn when impact proceeds to circle around the enemy (like Round Trip) and the sword turns into Force Edge (granting Trish basic Force Edge moves from DMC1). Press B to call it back to its original form.

Yep that is it for Trish.

Anyone got any ideas for guns/firearms she can use? I only need like 3.
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