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New DMC4 Screens (Spoilers)


Well-known Member
Ok, maybe I went a little overboard about the spoilers bit, but I'm assuming that not everyone has seen the final trailer and being that the game is coming close, one can never be too careful:p


TimeLord Detective
Good ones. The fact the we may fight the big guy and some random devils at the same time doesn't look very enjoyable though:p Anyway rep+


Well-known Member
Thanks for the link. I don't know if I will enjoy fighting that giant guy, he's just so big. I enjoy Shadow of the Colossus, but that game was designed around that kind of battle so they did it really well. But I wonder if this might end up a bit cheesy


Wesker's #1 fan!
Yeah, the whole "Boss as big as the screen" thing is kinda PS1 oldschool, buuuuuut it can still be pulled off today if they make it interesting. (Like God of War ^^)


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Very nice find, danteluvx!vbmenu_register("postmenu_63740", true); Those are some awesome Devil May Cry 4 screenshots! Dante looks like a maniac with that gatling gun! :p

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Well, let's not forget that giant bosses are a DMC staple. Mundas and his generals, not counting Nero Angelo in DMC1, the Living Tower and the Argosax bosses in DMC2, Cerberus, the flying bug and Arkham's Disco Blob Sparda form... I'd say the fact that the Silver Gigas is so big you can't see the whole thing on the screen is a plus.


I love giant bosses. I just don't like the " hit the weak point" variety. Like Vigor's 1st form on ninja gaiden. Such cheese. It reqiures no skill at all. Giga looks like that type but i'll get them the benefit of the doubt. Fighting various goons at the same time might make it interesting. Yeah, but im more of the Cerberus, Beowulf, Berial type of guy. They're big but they can put some moves on ya. Especially Beowulf. That is a gorgeous fight. It's a brawl the whole time. I really want to see what that one-winged Knight got. (Does anyone one else see two wings and only one arm? One is free and the other is used as a shield.:\ I haven't seen any vids though, just pics.o_O )
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