new devil breaker arms from pax

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Well-known Member
Aug 30, 2018

not too crazy about some of the names but they look pretty damn good to me
Overture is probably the arm I get the most fun out of. It's like some push weapon to finish off combos.

Gerbera seems like a risky ability because it doesn't seem to be able to stop the sonic wave at will. The petal ray looks good though.

Punchline is one of my favorite looking arm with the red and black. It's ability only adds to the fun of it. I'll definitely find this to be the funnest arm of all.

Tomboy seems to have a good ability to deal with more powerful demons.

Ragtime looks sick! Especially when it opens up. It seems to have similar traits of Quicksilver and DmC's Devil Trigger without them lifting up in the air.

Helter Skelter was the name of a manga I once read. The arm is alright, but...meh. Not my favorite. It reminds me of Killer is Dead with Mondo's drill arm.

Rawhide looks fun as hell. Like a sort of judgement cut all around you with a mix of a move from Nier Automata.

Wait...what was the special mission?
They have some bizarre naming conventions but if you look up the names they start making more sense.




Overture - an orchestral piece at the beginning of an opera, suite, play, oratorio, or other extended composition.
Probably alludes to the fact it might be first Devil Breaker Nico makes.

Gerbera flower

Itsuno explained the meaning behind Tomboy and how it emboddies its weapon.

The only one I cant explain is Punchline. I know what a punch line is but how does it relate to the Devil Breaker. Is it supposed to be some sort of gag (The Break Age attack ends with Nero flopping and landing on his face. What does the laugh track and a catchy tune appear when that happens?)

Wish the Buster Arm had a fun name to it too but oh well.

As goofy as some of these names sound Kablooey still takes it as the oddest (and imo lamest) name for a weapon in this franchise.
Is it me or did DMC 5 get some elements from third person shooters?

Yeah some of them do feel gimmicky especially with Tomboy's rail gun move. A 3rd person shooting mechanic in a 3D Stylish Action Game is bizarre but Bayonetta manages to incorporate it wonderfully. I'm sure skilled enough players will find ways to incorporate it into combos and manuvuers.

They barely showed off much for the Devil Breakers so it left me with more questions and concerns than hype.

Questions like.

1. Can we hop on and off of the Rocket for Punch Line or once we are on we dont come off until it crashes into something?
2. Is the act of riding on Punch Line's rocket a Break Age move or is the crashing part the Break Age move? It seems to be instantaneous (no charging).
3. Can we use Tomboy's Rail Gun in the air or is it a different attack/move in the air?
4. How does Tomboy affect the Red Queen or how is Red Queen utilized with Tomboy (as shown with Blue Rose)?
5. If Tomboy is equipped can we still use our Red Queen and Blue Rose normally in tandem with their powered up state?
6. Also how long can you ride Punch Line?

Things I do like a lot.

When you use the Time Stop move for Ragtime the arm breaks and you go into your next arm so you should have access to a Devil Breaker during the Time Stop (can imagine performing Petal Ray, Stamen Ray, or Tomboy's Rail Gun fully charged during stopped time).
You can perform other maneuvers and attacks while riding Punch Line so much combat potential with that one.
The Devil Breakers break really quickly and Nero reequips one very quickly after a Break Age move so chaining together combos with them shouldn't be too tough.