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Nero only has 2 weapons ????


Devil May Own
Ive been reading about

and iy seems to use neros "exceed" (where he revs the sword) the button is L2 meaning tht neros "gun swap" button isnt there.

also all ive read is tht nero full weapon list is red queen, blue rose, and yamato (which he only uses in devil trigger) if this is true im sorry to say its kinda crap.

at least all the moves for these weapons wil be new to us

and the devil bringer should add variety, or at least it better since it replaces styles.

nero may become repetitve very fast at this rate :|


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I'm sure Nero will have lots and lot of weapons available. Capcom aren't idiots and they know that there's only so long that you can play with a weapon before they get bored. I reckon Nero will have a limited number of weapons available at the start of the game, maybe around two or tree, but will unlock more as he goes along.

Dante has always started off with like one sword and a pair of handguns in each Devil May Cry game before but new weapons were unlocked shortly after.


Devil May Own
very true

but information is coming thru about dantes weapons where as nero doesnt seem to get any such info :S

its weird

but i do hope there are more weapons



Well-known Member
Nero only has those weapons.
I read somewhere unlike dante who will pick up anything at his side and use it nero specialises.
Then theres the fact 3 weapons at once is hard to use add another two and the user would be all over the place.
Dante has 3 arms 3 firearms.


Devil May Own
Man they better make these weapons reeeeeli indepth then

cos if they end up jus being a few new weapons ill soon be bored

and i kno im not the only one


Well-known Member
Yep. This is what I've been saying since it was announced that Nero has 1 sword and won't get other swords or guns. It seems to be that he will not have anywhere near as much replay value as Dante, as he has 4 styles, as well as more guns and swords. No matter how many attacks nero has with his individual sword, it won't add up to the variety of Dante having 2 guns and 2 swords at once, and the ability to switch between 4 styles, and the fact that he has a much much higher total of weapons.

But I could be wrong, Nero could be awesome, I just don't see the evidence right now


Devil May Own
Actually dante can hold all 3 of his gun weapons and all 3 of his sword weapons at once now

in a trailer i seen him swap between all 3

so he has EVEN more variety value

neros guna need to pull out all the stops to get one ova on dante here :$


Well-known Member
Yeah that is true man, 3 at once. I have seen him switch 3 swords, but not three guns yet, I've only seen vids of shotgun and handguns. But I assume it will be 3 of each. That will be fun customizing the order of the weapons (if he gets more than 3 of each... he'd better!)

Devil Leon

Devil Hunter
Actually, I think Nero could be alright with only the two weapons. We havent seen anything of the weapon customisation that Nero can do, and I think it could be pretty exciting.

Plus he has the devil bringer.

So Nero has a sword, gun and DB (that could offer some hand to hand type skills) and we havent even seen any of the upgrading aspect yet. I think it will be awesome, and its good theyre going down a new route with Nero.

Obviously Dante will be good, but I'm more excited about the new gameplay Nero will offer.


Devil May Own
your rite ofcourse ... it can and probably will be awwsome

wat im saying is capcom have gave us no evidence tht neros DB and customization will make up for his lack of weapons

Devil Leon

Devil Hunter
I have a feeling theyre hiding the customisation on purpose, theyve shown us a LOT considering its not even out.

I'm looking forward to seeing things they havent given away just yet. I trust them, theyve made far more good games than bad.


Devil May Own
very true

i jus hate the waiting >_<

haha i suppose they have shown alot buttt i wanna kno more haha

jus a few more weeks now if tht

Devil Leon

Devil Hunter
I'm actually amazed at how much theyve shown, I feel like I know so much about it and I dont even have it yet.

Before I got DMC3, all I'd seen was the intro with Dante and Vergil fighting. I hope the info I've seen wont make the experience less enjoyable for this installment.


Devil May Own
be4 the third one i sat and dug up info on all the styles and stuff

cos ofcourse at the time tht was the big thing and i was proper amazed lol but i admit it did spoil it cos when i level my style up i already knew what moves id get :dry:

cosmic master

The Eternal Insomniac
well in this game dante has the same styles as in 3 so my guess would be that he will just get all the same moves again as in 3.


Devil May Own
they shud drop a couple more in i think espesh fer new devil arms and guns

does any1 kno if nero gets differant moves when using exceed or if its jus his normal moves but more powerful


Well-known Member
DanteownzNero;64404 said:
they shud drop a couple more in i think espesh fer new devil arms and guns

does any1 kno if nero gets differant moves when using exceed or if its jus his normal moves but more powerful

It makes the moves slightly different. Like his uppercut, goes from hitting them once, to spinning around and hitting them 3 times instead, with flames


Devil May Own
oo well thts not to bad

i wont be botehred if they put plently of varirty in neros moves its guna take alot with his limited weapons tho


Devil May Own
Yeah ive gotta say they are pretty cool

so are them devil trigger vids

i wonder if the blue rose has any kinda special feature

since red queen has exceed
devil trigger has yamato
and the devil bringer keeps getting new abilities
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