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My opinions of the female characters of the series


Well-known Member
i decided that since my friends are jerks and wont listen to me id post this here

Trish - im OK with this character her appearance makes sense as the game was meant to take advantage of ps2 grraphics

lucia - never paid much attention to dmc2 but her appearance is ok at best

lady dmc3 - interesting dressed in a more normal way but still appearace was slightly odd backstory was pretty good to and she has some bad ass pistol skill

lady dmc4 - heres where i got ****ed at capcom, no story line significance dressed like a slut definite plastic surgery here

trish dmc4 -i was glad her appearance was unchanged not enough story importance

kyrie - boring, did nothing made me go to sleep boring as dmc2 dante thats it

Kat - capcom ever heard of someone who dresses normally good back story and high significatince lot like dmc3 lady in my opinion

thats it. do what u want with this thread


The Mad Man
I'd agree, I hate it when developers just put female characters in a game as eye candy and give them no relevance to the story at all.


Fake Geek Girl.
Girls in Devil May Cry were always chalked up as just eye candy and hardly held much real relevance to the plot where every appearance of these characters just seem like they're trying to show off their sexy girl. I don't hate all of them but in the end they really are nothing more especially in how they are usually always presented. I almost facepalmed my head into the wall when someone told me the sexual themes in Devil May Cry were as he said "handled with class and was sophisticated"
So this is considered classy?

Kat has actually become one of my favorite characters in the series all together and even more so than any version of Dante. I just like the character of Kat. You can tell with the subtle hints that she is a very tragic character but also very brave. She's just a human caught up in this supernatural world full of people with superpowers and demons who can kill her in an instant but still holds her own. Just because she isn't the demon slaying girls from previous games doesn't mean she isn't strong. The lack of physical strength is made up for courage and heart. She held out under Mundus's torture and risk he life many times ultimately saving the life of Dante and Vergil multiple times. It's true, they would have failed 20 times over if Kat wasn't around. I will go as far as saying she is my favorite Devil May Cry character in the series to date.


Your Friend and Mine
Trish - im OK with this character her appearance makes sense as the game was meant to take advantage of ps2 grraphics

Given the pared down nature of DMC1's narrative, Trish didn't really have to do much in order to fufill her role in the story. While a deeper plot might have her grapple with the horror of being created as a pawn to stimulate the sympathies of your master's enemies, and the inherent awkwardness that would come with fraternizing with the man whose mother you were cloned from, the story is meant to be a big fist pumping exercise where evil is cast down and heroes deliver awful dialogue in the name of justice. DMC1 Trish is fine.

lucia - never paid much attention to dmc2 but her appearance is ok at best

In some ways you can see that Lucia was intended to be some kind of exploration of the pathos I just mentioned; she discovers that she was created by a diabolical prick as an expendable bodyguard and even has to kill several women like herself in the course of the story. The game does throw in a couple of cutscenes which mines this concept for some shallow angst, but it does very little with the premise by the end of things. The games more dour tone compared to it's predecessor would have probably complimented a little exploration of Lucia's problems, but it was not to be. At the very least, Lucia is the only female playable protagonist we've had in the series so far, and I'm pretty sure the game actually passes the Bechdel Test (Matier talks to Lucia about her origins at some point, I recall). Even DMC3 didn't pull that off.

I'll provide a little more insight later.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Girls in Devil May Cry were always chalked up as just eye candy and hardly held much real relevance to the plot where every appearance of these characters just seem like they're trying to show off their sexy girl. I don't hate all of them but in the end they really are nothing more especially in how they are usually always presented. I almost facepalmed my head into the wall when someone told me the sexual themes in Devil May Cry were as he said "handled with class and was sophisticated"
So this is considered classy?

God, I hated how they treated women in DMC4. They were just manicans that could move and I didn't like that. I respect women and prefer they be strong willed, engaging, and full of life. But DMC4 really sh*t all over that and handed it to me in a pretty box.

Kat has actually become one of my favorite characters in the series all together and even more so than any version of Dante. I just like the character of Kat. You can tell with the subtle hints that she is a very tragic character but also very brave. She's just a human caught up in this supernatural world full of people with superpowers and demons who can kill her in an instant but still holds her own. Just because she isn't the demon slaying girls from previous games doesn't mean she isn't strong. The lack of physical strength is made up for courage and heart. She held out under Mundus's torture and risk he life many times ultimately saving the life of Dante and Vergil multiple times. It's true, they would have failed 20 times over if Kat wasn't around. I will go as far as saying she is my favorite Devil May Cry character in the series to date.


Kat, to me, is the third female character in DMC who I actually respect. The first being Lady in DMC3, and the third being Patty. They're all humans who went beyond their human abilities to fight demons.

Patty went to the demon world alone with nothing but Allen's tear to rescue Dante.
Lady traveled through a demon infested tower with only guns, bombs, a motorcycle, and a cannon just to kill her father.
Kat went through a demon world and held out under great torture, just to help Dante and Vergil with her magic.

Now those are woman I can respect in video gaming.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
Personally I feel that the DMC series has degraded women to a point to where, I just want to put down my controller and go.."Really?" I mean, I'm fairly sure that many of the fans who play the Devil May Cry series are in fact female. I'm a girl, and it doesn't feel very nice seeing Lady dressed up like a prostitute to please the 'fans'. I would have rather seen her in her DMC3 outfit. She didn't look like a whore nor a prostitute, not to mention plastic surgery. Trish has always been alright for me, but I really hope that DmC: Devil May Cry can break away from this awful 'sexy eye-candy for frothing fanboys', type of genre. Kat is one of my favorite characters, she risked life and limb for her friends and is not afraid to step out and help them.


Your Friend and Mine
I think we can take for granted that 4 was the tragic misstep in all but gameplay, while the series has been fairly even handed with objectifying everyone regardless of gender up to that point.


Well-known Member
But I really hope that DmC: Devil May Cry can break away from this awful 'sexy eye-candy for frothing fanboys', type of genre. Kat is one of my favorite characters, she risked life and limb for her friends and is not afraid to step out and help them.

hopefully DmC did already screw up with the appearance factor and by DmC 2 it will probably be two late

damn this sucks nobody at crapcom realises that people that are annoyed with their eye-candy ideas trish as i stated before is the ONLY time they had a believable excuse

sorry for my spelling:D


"Waiting for one's arrival."
I agree. Capcom needs to start showing some respect for women. Not to many girls like seeing women flaunted around on the screen like a piece of meat.
hopefully DmC did already screw up with the appearance factor and by DmC 2 it will probably be two late

damn this sucks nobody at crapcom realises that people that are annoyed with their eye-candy ideas trish as i stated before is the ONLY time they had a believable excuse

sorry for my spelling:D


Well-known Member
I agree. Capcom needs to start showing some respect for women. Not to many girls like seeing women flaunted around on the screen like a piece of meat.

hell im male and i have a problem with it that's the right the audience it is meant to appeal to hates it how'd ya like that crapcom

*insert evil laugh here*


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
These are the women I hold respect for in Devil May Cry.


Trish and Lady seem like the more stereotypical 'to please guys' types of characters.


I'd agree, I hate it when developers just put female characters in a game as eye candy and give them no relevance to the story at all.
Well, I just played DMC2 and the entire of DMC2 is about Lucia. On the topic of Lucia, she's not really eye candy either. The same with Trish, DMC3 Lady, Kat and Kyrie. The females aren't as lame as people think.

Trish is never really sexualised in any of the games she appears in and kicks just as much arse as Dante. In DMC1 she storms into Dante and launches his sword through him with an attitude. She doesn't need saving except for the point when she takes a bolt to the chest for Dante and the only reason for that scene is so we (the audience and even Dante) can find that demons aren't all bad and do care for others. The only slight problem (which has already been said) is the jiggle physics in DMC4. But she's matured along with Dante. The same with Lucia. She isn't about T&A and has the same past as Trish (being created to destroy) and again, she also kicks some serious butt. This also applies to Lady. She doesn't have the skills of Demon Hunters but she DOES have skills that a require a lot of training. The only time you could even say Trish was "under-respected" was in DMC4 when she was Gloria. But that's because Gloria is supposed to be nothing like Trish (to not give away she's backstabbing Credo and Crew).

I think we can all agree DMC4's Lady was the worst offender. Trish never really changed. She matured and he clothes were the same, plus she was assisting Dante. Kyrie is supposed to be the Princess Peach as she's used to get to Nero. So it makes sense to have at least one Princess Peach in the series. Kat, she's normal. I don't see any problem with her.

DMC3 was Dantes worst look though. Damn. WTF is he wearing!?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Well, I just played DMC2 and the entire of DMC2 is about Lucia. On the topic of Lucia, she's not really eye candy either. The same with Trish, DMC3 Lady, Kat and Kyrie. The females aren't as lame as people think.

Trish is never really sexualised in any of the games she appears in and kicks just as much arse as Dante. In DMC1 she storms into Dante and launches his sword through him with an attitude. She doesn't need saving except for the point when she takes a bolt to the chest for Dante and the only reason for that scene is so we (the audience and even Dante) can find that demons aren't all bad and do care for others. The only slight problem (which has already been said) is the jiggle physics in DMC4. But she's matured along with Dante.

Matured? So she became a 12 year old in a 30 year old woman's body like Dante? I doubt that.

The same with Lucia. She isn't about T&A and has the same past as Trish (being created to destroy) and again, she also kicks some serious butt. This also applies to Lady. She doesn't have the skills of Demon Hunters but she DOES have skills that a require a lot of training. The only time you could even say Trish was "under-respected" was in DMC4 when she was Gloria. But that's because Gloria is supposed to be nothing like Trish (to not give away she's backstabbing Credo and Crew).

I think we can all agree DMC4's Lady was the worst offender. Trish never really changed. She matured and he clothes were the same, plus she was assisting Dante. Kyrie is supposed to be the Princess Peach as she's used to get to Nero. So it makes sense to have at least one Princess Peach in the series. Kat, she's normal. I don't see any problem with her.

DMC3 was Dantes worst look though. Damn. WTF is he wearing!?

Um...DMC3? Has no one gandered to DMC4 Dante?






I agree, their fashion sense sucks. But they had differently level of responsibility in DMC4. Dante was still cocky but he now had Nero to clean up after. The same with Trish. From DMC1 she wasn't there to get in the way or get emotional with him. And they did mature in terms of physical appearance....just not dress sense.


Member of the Order
Without question, the ladies of DMC were created for the sole purpose of entertaining the male audience.

Their skimpy costumes and jiggly boobs are the only reason they made some sort of impression within the games. I didn't find that any of them were interesting in any way.

I was very happy when they created the character Kat, in the new DmC game. She's cute, and she has an interesting back story for a female character. For once, they didn't create a character who had enormous boobs and had cheesy one-liners.

They should continue making female characters similar to Kat.


Devil hunter in training
As a woman, I'm not offended by the females in DMC. I've just come to accept that that's how females are in videogames.Maybe it's not right, but that's the way it is.
As for DMC/DmC females, it's not like Dante goes around being a pervert to the female sidekicks or slapping their butts. ^_^
While I'm not too keen on the skimpy outfits that show too much cleavage, Lyrie was a bad step in the opposite direction. She was just too plain whith clothes that covered everything. I get that she was supposed to be a religious 'pure' girl, but she bored me to tears. Clothes were boring and she had no personality and no idea how to defend herself.

Lady (DMC3) and Kat have to be my favourites. They seem more normal than the others, good style, and able to have a good go at defending themselves.Lady as a human takes on demons and kills her father. Kat has a really troubled past, but doesn't let it get to her, wants to save the world by putting herself at risk against beings far more powerful than herself and survives being in the same room as Mundus. >_< I wonder what he did to her to get her to talk? She was already pretty beat up by the SWAT team, so I don't know how he could add to her pain and suffering.....

In conclusion: More characters like Kat and DMC3 Lady! :D
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