Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
Yet another absolute howler from the master comedian himself. You're a hilarity ICBM.
Off the utmost pico-meters of my scalp:
Believe it or not that last one isn't DmC. I poop thee not.
Even if that statement wasn't a wellspring of mirth that shall be mined for millennia to come, it still wouldn't excuse DmC in it's current form. If Classic DMC made mistakes, it's the responsibility of any subsequent iteration that wears it's name to improve upon it's past failings as much as possible as well as add additional content. Any less than that is inexcusable, because it's the whole point of making new games in an established franchise.
And stop multi-posting for the love of God.
But DMC isn't THAT big of an established franchise though. Like not CoD or GOW level.