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Movies You Love

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I've been putting together a list of my favourite movies that I'd like to go buy with the cash my mum is going to give me for Christmas this year.

So far my list consists of:
- Rise of the Guardians
- Knight and Day
- With Love from Paris
- District 9
- Constantine
I know, only one horror-esque movie? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!
If you can tell what these films have in common, you'll know why I want them so bad.:shifty:

So I was curious to see what kind of movies the members here are really into (aside from the Spiderman/Superman/Batman threads).
What's your all time favourite movie(s) and give reasons as to why/what makes it stand out from the slush pile for you? :)


Devil hunter in training
Kill Bill: It's such an awesome tale of what a mother will do to see her daughter and get revenge. Plus it goes from Japanese style film to a Western. I love the combat, and the acting too.

Repo! The Genetic Opera: It has a really interesting plot about what would happen if cosmetic surgery became not just about the outside, but internal organs too. About how people literally sign their lives away for these organs and if they can't pay, repo man comes to get the organs back. I also really like most of the songs in it. It has other stuff too, but I could go on for a looong time about this movie.:p

My Neighbour Totoro: My favourite Ghibli film and quite nostalgic for me. Sure, it's not as flashy as Spirited away, but the film is special to me.

Donnie Darko: I just really like the premise of the film, you can read and interpret it in so many ways. I just really like how Donnie is this confused teen, trying to get on in school, coping with a family who do try their best to understand him, but don't quite get there, and then he's also troubled by Frank...but by the end, he's in a better place mentally than when the movie starts...it's almost sad in a way. Don't know why, but it is a thought provoking film for me.

Breakfast club: It was before my time, but since I discovered it at uni, it has become a favourite of mine. I think the story in it can apply to teens of today as well as back then. Those kind of themes don't get old. Plus, I think the film can teach people a lesson about judging others based on appearence, intelligence, or wealth. Plus, Bender is awesome.^_^

I have more, but it would take up a looooot of forum space, so I'll stop now. :blush:


Fake Geek Girl.
I'm a total cinephile. I LOVE MOVIES. Some of my favorite films of all time are these.

-Fight Club
-Princess Mononoke
-Pulp Fiction
-Donnie Darko
-Battle Royale
-The Exorcist
-A Clockwork Orange
-The Breakfast Club
-The Evil Dead
-Evil Dead II
-Army of Darkness
-The Big Lebowski
-Ichi The Killer
-Batman: Mask of The Phantasm
-John Carpenter's The Thing
-I Saw The Devil

I think I should stop. As you can see I am a film fanatic. And while there are other films I also love this list are just some of my favorites and yes I know it's kinda big.


Devil hunter in training
The forum has that space. Gimme more! I'm serious, indulge yourself, that's what I'm planning to do with mine when I have the time to type out my essay >_<

Pick a few out of that list and say what about them it is that you love.

Thanks Chancey, you reminded me about Clockwork Orange, Akira, Ichi the killer, Oldboy, Battle Royale, Fight club, Pulp fiction...How could I forget those?:blink:

Clockwork Orange: I like the cinematic style of it, how the movie is shot. I also find the story quite compelling and fascinating. The whole question of can Alex really be changed by this psychological therapy, can criminals as bad as that really change...and the final scene is pretty powerful. Alex hasn't changed, he's thinking of doing what he did before therapy accompanied by Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. It's just a powerful ending image for me.

Akira: One of the best anime films for me. I like the whole idea of ruined Tokyo trying to survive. I love the art style and animation. I love the ending. It sort of leaves you wondering about life, war and the nature of existence.

Ichii the killer: I just like it. It's pretty depressing in a way, and certainly violent, but there's something raw about it that I like.

Oldboy: It's kind of like Clockwork orange with regards to the ending. Dae-Su has his memories changed to forget, but then when Mi-Do find him, it seems like maybe he hasn't forgotten afterall.

Battle Royale: The idea of sending children to an island to kill each other until one remains. I hadn't seen that kind of idea before watching this film. I like the relationships between the children and how they deal with this fate they are given. It's very telling of human nature. Some refuse to fight, some become opportunistic killers, some start to like killing...it's scary in a way what people can do faced with a live or die situation. It's a really powerful film in that regard.

Fight Club: I like Tyler Durden...well, you know the whole twist at the end. I like the way it encapsulates this generation of people who feel they have been lied to, trapped in worthless lives and jobs...and for some of these people, fight club is the only release. I also had a good chuckle at the turning lypo suction fat into soap and then literally selling people's butts back to them. Then there's the whole creating an alter ego in the mind to escape the terrible reality of life. It must be pretty bleack and hopeless for someone to do that.:/

Flowes of flesh and blood or 血肉の華: I couldn't watch this film at first. It is part of a series of films called guinea pig. I'm not sure what the point of the film was...maybe to show how disgustingly cruel someone can be for no reason, but the images sure stuck in my head for a long time. This film was actually reported to the FBI by the actor Charlie Sheen because he thought it was a real snuff film.:blink:

Addams Family+ Addams Family Values: I just love their quirkly life. I love how Gomez and Mortitia are really in love, but they have such an odd way of showing it.:pAll the family are so unique and have their own quirks. Wednesday is so honest and realistic about life. She sees things for what they are. Plus, their house is so cool.:p

Labyrinth: David Bowie as Jareth...need I say more?;) I really like that ballroom scene, the dancing, the costumes and thr song to go with it. It's such a classic for me.

The Devil's Carnival: Made by the same team as Repo! The Genetic Opera. This movie is about hell being a circus of lost souls, and how people who make mistakes in life are offered a test in the devil's carnival to prove they know what mistakes they made to atone for their sins.
I also find it interesting how they show god as a being who is very harsh on his creations, while the devil wants to show humans what they did wrong in life so that they can get to heaven because god is very picky about who he lets in. I find it interesting that the devil is shown in a more sympathetic light than usual.

Wreck it Ralph: I like the style of the characters. Each one of them is unique. Sgt Calhoun, I really love her character. She's no nonsense, has the best lines in the movie for me and she reminds me of a kid-friendly version of female commander Shepard in Mass Effect.
I also like the idea that this film is about what happens to game characters when no one is there to see. Plus the cameos of game characters are fun to spot.
I also like the positive message of the film. It shows kids that it's okay to be yourself, and be happy with who you are, and don't be afraid to go against the norm because you can succeed despite people telling you no, or putting you in a box without seeing the real you. ^_^ It's nice to see a children's film with that kind of message.

Yeah, I bet you're regretting telling me to go for it now:lol:


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Ninja Assassin
Undisputed 2 and 3
Legend of Drunken master
Ip man 1 and 2
Jet li fearless
Shawshank redemption
Gone in 60 seconds
Lord of the rings trilogy
Die hard
The patriot
Shoot em up
Shutter island
Rumble in the bronx
8 mile
loads more i cant think of
my entire donnie yen jet li and jackie chan collections and the ongbak trilogy

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Let's see about some of them...

- Sword of the Stranger; I just love fight scenes so this'll be a common thing. Animation-wise, it's beautiful and the music is awesome.

- Warriors; see above. Aside from the fight scenes, it's kind of a nice story about families being torn apart by war and seeing how people deal with it.

- Ip Man 1 & 2, Flash Point, Unleashed, Meals on Wheels, and Drunken Master; basically any Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Donnie Yen films are ones I like. Hey, I just like martial arts.

- Good Will Hunting; the trailer for it really sucked, so ignore it. It's a film worth watching. It's about people with gifts in poor environments and abuse. Lots of people have amazing potential, but things in life can make them feel like they are worthless. Robin William also improvises an amazing, though, bittersweet scene.

- The Twilight Samurai or Tasogere Seibei; it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's a nice film about a samurai who married a higher social-ranking woman. She dies, has an elaborate funeral fitting her social class, leaves Iguchi Seibei poor and a widower with two daughters. It's a sad story.

- After the Rain or Ame Agaru; it's a film about a kind-hearted ronin who purchases a feast for people in the inn. He could only afford it by dueling and that sort of leads to some humorous and difficult situations for the ronin. The dojo scenes are funny and true since it makes the distinction between people who only know how to fight through drills and sparring versus people who actually fought in risky duels or full combat.

- The Rush Hour films; they're funny, what can I say?

- Money Talks; dude, just listen to Chris Tucker and try not to laugh.

- Midnight in Paris; it's a great film about living in the past and present. Kind of makes you wonder why nostalgia exists.

- Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times and The Great Dictator; both are funny, but The Great Dictator really makes it special with Chaplin's speech.

- Flags of Our Fathers, Saving Private Ryan, Iwo Jima, and The Hurt Locker; I don't know why I'm drawn to war-related things, but I think its my and my family's experience with war. Anyway, they're sad stories about what war does to people.

- Schindler's List and The Pianist; great films about the Holocaust. We can never forget our greatest failures. If we should, then something worse may happen.

- Forrest Gump; sweet story about a simple man in a complex world.

- The Lord of the Rings; nothing to say but that I just like The Lord of the Rings.

- The Secret of NIMH, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and Princess Mononoke; they're really beautiful films. I don't really know what to say.


Keyser Söze
-Fight Club
-Princess Mononoke
-Pulp Fiction
-A Clockwork Orange
-The Evil Dead
-Evil Dead II
-Army of Darkness
-Batman: Mask of The Phantasm
-John Carpenter's The Thing
Holy **** we have a lot in common ! :blink:

Adding to that awesome list:-

-Alien 1,2&Prometheus
-Sin city
-Kick ass
-The Crow
-Schindler's List
-The silence of the lambs

it seems like i too have lot to list...


All hail The King
I know, only one horror-esque movie? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!
The first movie I name in my list shall be in yours too. :D
It's not totally horror, you don't see anything horrifying until the second half of the movie.
-The Devil's Advocate
-The Dark Knight
-The Hangover
-The Book of Eli
-The Ring
And every Chaplin film I have ever watched. :lol:


Well-known Member
The President's man 1 and 2
Forest Warrior
Delta force 1 and 2
Invasion USA
Lone Wolf McQuade
Breaker! Breaker!
Missing in Action 1,2 and 3
The princess dairy 1 and 2
Cloudy with a chance of a meatball
The Original Dawn of the Dead
Dispicable me 1 and 2
Critters 1,2,3 and 4
Fat Albert
Coach Carter
StarShip Troopers 1,2,3 and invasion
Blade Runner
Air force one
Silent Hill 1
Silent Hill revelation
Good Will Hunting


Oldschool DMC fan
Leon/The Professional. An unconventional love story. I like those, if they're done well and there's some interesting element that makes it stand out. And thriller/action movie I guess. I like Luc Besson in general so this is one of my all time favorites.

District 9. Unconventional style, not afraid to do what it wants as a movie, with no clear 'hero' who is amazing and wonderful and pure. That's what I like about this and Wikus. He's a jerk, but he does develop heroic qualities. Also some of the best CGI effects I've ever seen. Looking forward to Blomkamp's next film, his others and pre D9 shorts have some great effects too.

Alien. Love Giger, love the alien, the fact it's the monstrous personification of rape is awesome, the acting is perfect, the effects and low sci-fi backdrop pulled off really well considering.

Aliens. Space Marines back when they were actually awesome and not generic and boring. This is how to do a sequel.

T2. Another good Cameron. Love the first one as well but the premise in this is somehow better pulled off to me as an 'enjoyable' flick. I can watch either but I prefer this for fun

Let the Right One In - a vampire movie that doesn't suck! (Not the Hollywood remake). Again another unconventional love story (sorta).

The Empire Strikes Back - can't beat it

Akira - They still don't make animes with as many frames and colours as this was done with, even when it would be easier now to do so. I kinda prefer this condensation to the manga as well.

The Crow - Always loved this film, Proyas made others but never really nailed anything else as well as this IMO. Unfortunately the sequels suck, but I don't think this should have had one anyway.

Robocop - So great it's still politically relevant and funny now (if not more than it was) and it doesn't even need a dumb remake because the suit is and always will be pure awesomeness. Plus it has that lovely overdone Verhoeven violence. ("I want to see Satan killing Jesus" - on Clarence killing Murphy)

Lashou Shentan / Hard Boiled - bullet ballet to end all bullet ballets


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Repo! The Genetic Opera: It has a really interesting plot about what would happen if cosmetic surgery became not just about the outside, but internal organs too. About how people literally sign their lives away for these organs and if they can't pay, repo man comes to get the organs back. I also really like most of the songs in it. It has other stuff too, but I could go on for a looong time about this movie.:p

UGGGGGHHH I WANT TO SEE THIS MOVIE SOOOO BAD! Why is it not on Netflix or something?!

My movies, I think I'll just be editing this post since I can't think of them all at the moment(and so many have been listed already):
Kill Bill 1 & 2
Terminator 1 & 2
The Player's Club
Hard Revenge Milly
Ninja Assassin
Resident Evil: Degeneration and Damnation
Vampire Hunter D & Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Enter the Dragon
The Last Dragon
Sucker Punch
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
The Little Mermaid
Sin City
Ginger Snaps
Dracula (1991...or was that 2?)
Bride of Chucky
Ghost of Mars
The Underworld Movies
District 9
Blade 1-3 (is there a 4th one)
Total Recall (original)
Edward Scissorhands
Sleepy Hollow
The Ring
The Grudge
Batman Movies (1992-2008)-I haven't seen The Dark Knight Rises and I DO like the Batman and Robin movie:p
The Blob
Anaconda 1 and 2
Silent Hill 1 and 2
Jeepers Creepers
Sweeney Todd

Uh...can't think of anymore right now and I have so many more to watch...


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
The Matrix Trilogy
The Devil's Advocate
The Dark
Back To The Future Trilogy
The Godfather Trilogy
Batman Trilogy
Sleepy Hollow
Loaded Weapon
The Wizard Of Oz (1 & 2)
Oliver Twist
Drop Dead Fred
Star Wars Saga
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Die Hard 1 & 3
Stranger Than Fiction
Blades Of Glory


Fake Geek Girl.
The Matrix Trilogy
The Devil's Advocate
The Dark
The Godfather Trilogy
Batman Trilogy
Sleepy Hollow
The Wizard Of Oz (1 & 2)
Oliver Twist
Drop Dead Fred
Star Wars Saga
Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Die Hard 1 & 3
Stranger Than Fiction
Blades Of Glory

With so many trilogies in your list the lack of the Evil Dead trilogy or Back to the Future trilogy (at least) disturbs me.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek Insurrection
Star Trek XI
Star Trek: Into Darkness
(I love Star Trek, but I don't like all of the films).
Event Horizon
Star Wars IV,V & VI
Dracula: Dead & Lovin' it
Van Helsing
Bride of Chucky
Seed of Chucky
Little Nicky
Power Rangers: The Movie
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Thunderbirds (2004)
Ace Ventura (Both films)
BloodRayne (all three films)
Rush hour 2

That's all I can think of atm.
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