Most Pathetic/Useless character in FF 13

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Most Pathetic Character

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CloudStryker;228778 said:
^^so ebony heard from someone your a proper FF fan.

That was me. :cool:

And to keep this on topic

First half- Lightning will b*tch slap you for no reason
Second half- Lightning will b*tch slap you for a good reason
Now THAT'S character development.
The reson Lightning was so bitchy was probably due to the fact that it was "that time of the month". :P
Thats my theroy anyway.

Just relised this forum blocks **** and **** but not bastard and bitch,
CloudStryker;228782 said:
The reson Lightning was so bitchy was probably due to the fact that it was "that time of the month". :P
Thats my theroy anyway.

:O I think you might be on to something. She did have a lot of mood swings. That's probably it. Never mind the fact her sister became a l'cie, engaged to snow, and turned to crystal in her arms. Never mind that. No, it was her time of the month. :lol::lol::lol:
Of course it was,
*computerised Voice* My logic is undeniable.
I'm starting to wonder why i didn't just put vanille and snow in the pole, everone else is bearable.
So what did you think of the last boss fights?
Uh....a dagger? Orphan is a one sided giant DAGGER! Really? I laughed so hard when I saw it, its easily the dumbest thing I ever fought in any video game ever. And Orphan's other form, the wheel thing wasn't much better.
Just making sure I wasn't the only one who thought they were a bit underdesigned. Last boss fights were easy, I would name them but I don't know how to work the spoiler thing. oh well.
The last boss was easy! The real challenge is to figure out why they destroyed cocoon when they should've saved it. That's the real last boss! It has killed me over and over. I'm soon too tired to actually restart so I gave up.

Barthandalus was an epic boss in my opinion. I liked fighting him, and that awesome music in the background... I always met him when I was underleveled. He pwned me so much I had to grind, especially in Oerba.

Why was the last boss such a loser? It's... It's Final Fantasy III all over! You hear about the last boss through the game but you see it only in the end.
That last boss was hard for me though... I was underleveled, as always.

To be back on topic:
Galenth Dysley was an epic character and I understand why you didn't add him to the poll, he is too awesome. That counts for Yaag Rosch and Jihl Nabaat too.
Didn't you train at all when you went back to gran pulse, not trying to offend you here but due to previous experiance, when you are given a huge plain full of monsters you go nuts and kill everything till you get bored. Then you keep at it till your almost insane cause that Giant Cacture takes off 10000 Hp a pop. :P
And yeah, Dysley is one of the most memorable villans yet.
As for the poll I didn't want to put in anyones name I couldn't spell (Ironic, isn't it) so that's the reason for the "Other option".
PS. Tanked the last Bartandelos in under a minute. Was dead proud. :D
aka958;228793 said:
The last boss was easy! The real challenge is to figure out why they destroyed cocoon when they should've saved it.

They did save it! :O Lightning was even like "OMG, they saved the world!" at the very end.
CloudStryker;228815 said:
Well, they saved the existance of cocoon but leveled quite a lot off the surface.(can't remember the name of the city, damn)

You mean Eden? Oh well, its still better than total destruction.
meg127;228813 said:
They did save it! :O Lightning was even like "OMG, they saved the world!" at the very end.

No they didn't. That giant crystal ball was cocoon. Pretty much exactly formed like it.
No sign from Hopes father either.

I dunno, she could be "OMG, sumfing sumfing sumfing!" too.

CloudStryker;228798 said:
Didn't you train at all when you went back to gran pulse, not trying to offend you here but due to previous experiance, when you are given a huge plain full of monsters you go nuts and kill everything till you get bored. Then you keep at it till your almost insane cause that Giant Cacture takes off 10000 Hp a pop. :P
And yeah, Dysley is one of the most memorable villans yet.
As for the poll I didn't want to put in anyones name I couldn't spell (Ironic, isn't it) so that's the reason for the "Other option".
PS. Tanked the last Bartandelos in under a minute. Was dead proud. :D

Galenth dysley is not as memorable as Garland, Golbez, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, Kuja, Seymour, Gabranth, Dr.Cid.
These above are quite memorable, Dysley doesn't stand a chance against neither one of them.
>_< so many spoilers in this thread and I'm still running around Gran Pulse doing random missions (I'm making it last, and apparantly the end is rubbish, so why hurry!)

Anyway I'm not too bothered about the spoilers - the story is very weird anyway I just enjoy playing.

Anyway back on topic - Here who I like in the game in order -

1 - Lightning - I like her - she's a lot like me - a grumpy bitch, who often relises she's been a grumpy bitch! lol

2 - Sazh - The Chocobo in afro says it all!

3 - Hope - never thought I'd say that!

4 - Fang - meh

5 - Vanille - annoying!

6 - Snow - deluded!

I'd like to see every one elses faves / least faves and why.....^_^

Also yeah Meg Dante in the photo frame is sooooo cute!!!
aka958;228836 said:
No they didn't. That giant crystal ball was cocoon. Pretty much exactly formed like it.
No sign from Hopes father either.

I dunno, she could be "OMG, sumfing sumfing sumfing!" too.

Last time i checked Cocoon was still there, supported by crystal but still there. There was a massive power outage, but some rewiring and change of fuse will fix that up. And PSICOM landed on Pulse as well Serah and Dajh so you know people on Cocoon didn't die.

And might I add that Coccon is a terrible name.

Ebony, my favs in order are-

Lightning (probably could have guessed that) i like her because she's BA, but also cares.
Sazh- he's so funny
Hope- he's speeches are cheesy, but there were some moments i just wanted to give him a hug
Fang- She's cool i guess...
Vanille- Annoying, but easy to make fun of
Snow- Where do I even start?
^ yeah Cocoon is a terrible name.

So we have the same opinions on the characters, it will be interesting to see what others think.
Here's my list of characters Fave - Must be killed

1) Sahz - Most down to earth character, and the fro, got to lve the fro(and the chocobo chick in there.)
2) Lightning - Badass, Snow punching, Crazy B*tch. You just can't not like her.
3) Hope - Needs a pair at the start of the game(gave him a break though since he lost his mum) Then halfway through DOES grow a pair, still a little whiney though.
4) Fang - I'm going with Ebony with this one, Meh.
5) Snow - Thinks he's a hero but gets owned by lightning, a LOT. Then everytime they encounter Dysley charges at him and gets owned, AGAIN.
6) Vanille - Just read the first post, Nuf said.
Also If I was Sahz, I would have aimed for the head. And yes I've said that I want her dead before.

Right that's me, who's next?
meg127;228850 said:
Last time i checked Cocoon was still there, supported by crystal but still there. There was a massive power outage, but some rewiring and change of fuse will fix that up. And PSICOM landed on Pulse as well Serah and Dajh so you know people on Cocoon didn't die.

And might I add that Coccon is a terrible name.

Ebony, my favs in order are-

Lightning (probably could have guessed that) i like her because she's BA, but also cares.
Sazh- he's so funny
Hope- he's speeches are cheesy, but there were some moments i just wanted to give him a hug
Fang- She's cool i guess...
Vanille- Annoying, but easy to make fun of
Snow- Where do I even start?

Not just supported by crystal, all crystallised. It wasn't saved, not the way they wanted it.
Some people may have survived but nothing much happened more then Fang and Vanille stopped Coccon from falling on to Gran' Pulse. I thought it was save Coccon not save Gran' Pulse!

They said throughout all the game "We won't kill that big ****ing Orphan or whatever..." but then the first time they actually saw it, then it suddenly was "Let's kill this thing!". Short term memory or what?
aka958;229245 said:
They said throughout all the game "We won't kill that big ****ing Orphan or whatever..." but then the first time they actually saw it, then it suddenly was "Let's kill this thing!". Short term memory or what?

That I agree with. The whole time I was fighting Orphan I was like :huh::huh: And Cocoon wasn't all crystallized. Just the outside. The inside where are the people live and such wasn't.

@CloudStryker- "Crazy B*tch" That made my day. :lol: We're also not giving her to much credit since she did get a lot better as the game went on. *remembers certain moment*

She drew her sword on Snow and told him he better marry Serah or else.

Oh. Never mind she's a crazy b*tch the whole game. :lol:
Hope is the most pathetic.Instead of calling him Hope I'd rather call him Hopeless.I mean he hates Snow for not being able to save his mother?!?Seriously,Snow didn't wan't her to die so don't get so angry with the guy.Also,for Vanille and Snow...Snow isn't the best playable character but atleast he had a cool personality unlike Hope.Also Vanille may be annoying,but c'mon shes more usefull than Hope.
^ How far are you in the game? They all go threw major character development around half way-ish. Hope gets a lot less annoying after that. Vanille...not so much.