Alternatively you could all stop getting at each other's throats, especially you Nic, Jess offered constructive criticism and people seem to be getting at her just because she dared to question the "brilliance" of your story.
She made very valid points, it was all constructive, she explained all of it, what I don't understand is why you had to pick at it and why you couldn't have taken the advice of someone who's obviously very experienced at writing/dealing with high quality fics and just gotten on with it and used her advice to improve your story for the next chapter.
Honestly, I'm getting sick and god damn tired of this holier than thou attitude that some forum members seem to spout off about here, and the number of ass kisser that step in to defend someone who's evidently at fault.
Nic, the problem is you started off your post directed at Jess in quite an aggressive manner when there was absolutely no need, hence why people are jumping on you for it, recognise that, move on, get over it.
You know what, I'm also tired of the attitude on the forum in general, not just in the Fan Fiction section, it's all become very cliquey and childish around here, seriously, immaturity is running rampant and it's getting incredibly tiresome to deal with.
Now kindly allow me to summarise, all of you, I may have to embolden this just to get the point across.
Now that's out of the way with, a lot of you are treading on thin god damn ice here, Angel has already demonstrated that today, and I'm following suit, I won't be having any more of it. The following isn't a threat, it's a promise.
If I see any more of this petty bickering from any of you, you will be out of here quicker than you can sneeze.
She made very valid points, it was all constructive, she explained all of it, what I don't understand is why you had to pick at it and why you couldn't have taken the advice of someone who's obviously very experienced at writing/dealing with high quality fics and just gotten on with it and used her advice to improve your story for the next chapter.
Honestly, I'm getting sick and god damn tired of this holier than thou attitude that some forum members seem to spout off about here, and the number of ass kisser that step in to defend someone who's evidently at fault.
Nic, the problem is you started off your post directed at Jess in quite an aggressive manner when there was absolutely no need, hence why people are jumping on you for it, recognise that, move on, get over it.
You know what, I'm also tired of the attitude on the forum in general, not just in the Fan Fiction section, it's all become very cliquey and childish around here, seriously, immaturity is running rampant and it's getting incredibly tiresome to deal with.
Now kindly allow me to summarise, all of you, I may have to embolden this just to get the point across.
Now that's out of the way with, a lot of you are treading on thin god damn ice here, Angel has already demonstrated that today, and I'm following suit, I won't be having any more of it. The following isn't a threat, it's a promise.
If I see any more of this petty bickering from any of you, you will be out of here quicker than you can sneeze.