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Modern gaming.

Nelo The Great

Well-known Member
Am I the only one that is having trouble getting excited for Upcoming games?

And i find it extremely boring to play most of these games more than once. I remember When games had an abundance of re-playability. I always loved the PS2 for this reason. It not only had one of the biggest selections, but also had a lot of games that took up most of my free time, even after i got a PS3, including alot of games that had horrible ratings and were not very popular. But the games usually got bad rating because of errors that could easily be fixed now. Which is why I'm gonna start taking classes For game design immediately. I want to restore the awesomeness to gaming, and bring back the re-playability and hours of enjoyment that filled my childhood. I don't want All of these shooters That don't really have much re-playability Being considered The best and most popular games on the market (not that i don't like the occasional FPS or TPS like Far Cry 3.)

Two Examples Of games that i loved but got bad reviews are Final fight: Streetwise, And Beatdown: Fists of Vengeance. Both Have an average score of 4.5/10. Both are games i look forward to remaking


Keyser Söze
Its just because Current Gen started sucking after 2008-2009 era the games were highly milked and less and less innovation was implemented every year and its kinda hard to believe that this generation was the most disappointing.

P.S Console gaming ain't that special anymore :(


Praise the Sun!
I miss more so the snes days x/ back when I'd play Donkey Kong Country everyday i could and it isn't like today where you buy a 60 dollar game beat it the same day and wait until the company releases some DLC. Most games today focus more on graphics and story than depth in gameplay. The game could have an amazing story but it means nothing to me if all the gameplay is, is get to point A ,watch a cutscene, then point B to watch a slightly longer cutscene. I prefer older games because I can get full games cheaper then what they release today. My friends do stuff that really annoy me too they watch the entire walkthrough for a game they want then go out and buy said game for full price then stay up all night to beat the game in 1 day and I just don't understand that its something I can't do. Then most of my other friends are "PC elitests" who say that the PC is the best. Most of the games I want would be categorized as jrpg's or some niche genre half of which i'll have to import which costs more money then what the game is actually worth

Nelo The Great

Well-known Member
I miss more so the snes days x/ back when I'd play Donkey Kong Country everyday i could and it isn't like today where you buy a 60 dollar game beat it the same day and wait until the company releases some DLC. Most games today focus more on graphics and story than depth in gameplay. The game could have an amazing story but it means nothing to me if all the gameplay is, is get to point A ,watch a cutscene, then point B to watch a slightly longer cutscene. I prefer older games because I can get full games cheaper then what they release today. My friends do stuff that really annoy me too they watch the entire walkthrough for a game they want then go out and buy said game for full price then stay up all night to beat the game in 1 day and I just don't understand that its something I can't do. Then most of my other friends are "PC elitests" who say that the PC is the best. Most of the games I want would be categorized as jrpg's or some niche genre half of which i'll have to import which costs more money then what the game is actually worth

and have you played persona 3 FES?


Oldschool DMC fan
You are not the only one.

I was speaking with a friend about this last night. Something is definitely missing from games now that excited us back then but doesn't any more, and we still could not figure out what it was. We haven't 'grown out' of them, no more than we have grown out of books or films. I could just say I think they are becoming 'bland' somehow. Flavourless. Or something.

I use the Jurassic Park analogy - that was when movies started using CG and I have definitely become fed up of the over-use of CG in movies. And JP doesn't have that many dinosaurs, but it was still a decent film, I can still watch it. Something in the execution makes it stand up today, unlike a lot of CG trash movies now. I'd say the same for some games and the old RPGs that I used to play. It doesn't have to be flashy, even though JP was at the time, it just has to have some kind of resonance with you.

And I can get more excited at going back and replaying an older FF game than I can right now about playing the next Assassin's Creed or next Tomb Raider.

Maybe it is just the Blockbuster effect affecting games like it does movies, making them all roughly similar here, all catering to the lowest common denominator they can, and therefore all coming off as siblings of each other. They all begin to look and play mostly alike to me.

So I try to figure out what it is about those games I still do like and what property they have that a lot of games now don't. They make you use your imagination more? They had simpler but more endearing characters? They didn't care about 'realism' or about not being 'embarrassing' to play? They don't insist you 'identify' with the surroundings, scenarios or characters in the games? I don't know. There is not much that my all-time faves on the shelf have in common with each other except that they are mostly PS1-PS2 era games.

Or maybe it's the premise, the attitudes in new games now that I'm sick of. The stereotypes and archetypes - maybe they are just being overfed. Like just played Resident Evil 6 this week all the way through each campaign, and it all feels so 'done before' and the attitude of the characters was just kind of cringing. This gung ho 'MURICA kinda swank. I realized without confusion just how much I don't like it shoved in my face over and over throughout an action game. But maybe that's just me. It's got to the point now though that in a game I know how someone is going to speak, based on their visual stereotype, I usually know how these things are going to pan out because they're so Hollywood, I know what the choice of character personality types we're going to encounter because I know what is supposed to be considered 'cool'. And it bores me to death.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Most series have been relying on lacklustre sequels year after year but there has been plenty of fantastic games over the last few years that give me hope that gaming is continuing to evolve.

Nelo The Great

Well-known Member
You are not the only one.

I was speaking with a friend about this last night. Something is definitely missing from games now that excited us back then but doesn't any more, and we still could not figure out what it was. We haven't 'grown out' of them, no more than we have grown out of books or films. I could just say I think they are becoming 'bland' somehow. Flavourless. Or something.

I use the Jurassic Park analogy - that was when movies started using CG and I have definitely become fed up of the over-use of CG in movies. And JP doesn't have that many dinosaurs, but it was still a decent film, I can still watch it. Something in the execution makes it stand up today, unlike a lot of CG trash movies now. I'd say the same for some games and the old RPGs that I used to play. It doesn't have to be flashy, even though JP was at the time, it just has to have some kind of resonance with you.

And I can get more excited at going back and replaying an older FF game than I can right now about playing the next Assassin's Creed or next Tomb Raider.

Maybe it is just the Blockbuster effect affecting games like it does movies, making them all roughly similar here, all catering to the lowest common denominator they can, and therefore all coming off as siblings of each other. They all begin to look and play mostly alike to me.

So I try to figure out what it is about those games I still do like and what property they have that a lot of games now don't. They make you use your imagination more? They had simpler but more endearing characters? They didn't care about 'realism' or about not being 'embarrassing' to play? They don't insist you 'identify' with the surroundings, scenarios or characters in the games? I don't know. There is not much that my all-time faves on the shelf have in common with each other except that they are mostly PS1-PS2 era games.

Or maybe it's the premise, the attitudes in new games now that I'm sick of. The stereotypes and archetypes - maybe they are just being overfed. Like just played Resident Evil 6 this week all the way through each campaign, and it all feels so 'done before' and the attitude of the characters was just kind of cringing. This gung ho 'MURICA kinda swank. I realized without confusion just how much I don't like it shoved in my face over and over throughout an action game. But maybe that's just me. It's got to the point now though that in a game I know how someone is going to speak, based on their visual stereotype, I usually know how these things are going to pan out because they're so Hollywood, I know what the choice of character personality types we're going to encounter because I know what is supposed to be considered 'cool'. And it bores me to death.
Exactly. I feel almost as if now I'm paying for an over-priced, interactive movie That's simmilar to all the other ones rather than a game that i can play over and over again without getting bored of it. Just look at crash Bandicoot. Crash was most likely my favorite video game series to play as a child. I could beat it over and over again without getting bored. Crash was fun, and had a story that barely made sense at times. Yet it's better to me than a game like Far cry 3 or ME. After i beat Farcry 3 once, i got extremely bored with it. i didn't even wanna touch the damn thing for a couple of weeks. And when i tried to play it again, i just couldn't get into it. I'd love to bring back that sheer amount of replayability and joy to modern games that i had from The PS2 era and further beyond that.


Praise the Sun!
I wonder what would happen if for some strange reason the game industry just all of a sudden just disappeared no publishers no game developers all we had were what we have now I wonder how most people would react?

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Haha really? Well that wouldn't be good. I'd sure as heck be sad at all the games that wouldn't come out.
I'll start a Kickstarter to revive the gaming industry. Hell, I might even work 24/7 and pour all my energy, money, and time to save something millions of people love. Nobody takes Luigi and gets away. NOBODY. As for Mario ... He can die out on the streets as the impostor he really is. Luigi's the true hero of the "Mario" series.

I don't get excited for many games that are announced, but I do get interested every now and again. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time, Borderlands 2, Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and V: The Phantom Pain, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl are all the games that I can think of that excited me. With Zelda, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper, and Super Smash Bros., those were games from my childhood. I love seeing them make comebacks like Sly Cooper, evolve like Zelda and Ratchet & Clank, or just plain continue. Metal Gear after playing the 3: Snake Eater/Subsistence for the first time hooked me on with Hideo Kojima's work. The gameplay, story, and themes are so interesting that I can't be uninterested or bored when playing the game or seeing new releases. Borderlands, I loved the first and am on my second and full playthrough, but I haven't found the motivation to actually play the last DLC. Otherwise, Borderlands 2 continues this unique art style and deviation from gritty shooters that plague the gaming industry. It's goofy and over-the-top. Who doesn't love that?

Interests would be like Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Sleeping Dogs, Remember Me, Dishonored, Bioshock, Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Catherine, Shadows of the Damned, King of Fighters, Marvel vs. Capcom, the Batman: Arkham series, Fire Emblem: Awakening, etc. They're games I'm willing to play, want to play, or games that have their own quirks that makes them different from the rest of the crowd. Super Mario Galaxy, fantastically beautiful and fun, but I'm not that much of a Mario fan as I am Luigi's or Zelda. Same thing with Metroid. Remember Me and Sleeping Dogs are basically games that combine things I like: parkour, martial arts, and influences from Hong Kong action films (Sleeping Dogs). Plus, they both have main characters that you generally don't see; Wei Shen is an Asian-American cop and Nilin seems to be Middle Eastern.

Mirror's Edge holds an interest along with it's coming sequel. It would have been an excitement, but because it's only hinted at and barely any information is on it, I can't be excited about a game I barely know about. Unless it has a long standing history like King of Fighters, Zelda, or Metal Gear, I can't do much but to be excited over a sequel to one game in it's franchise that while was amazing is still one game. Fire Emblem: Awakening would be the same in that I don't own the console (3DS) to be able to even play it.

Come to think of it, I rarely ever re-play games. Unless playing fighters like Marvel vs. Capcom, Super Smash Bros., or King of Fighters a lot counts as "re-playing", then I don't usually re-play games. If I started a playthrough for some time ago and stopped for whatever reason and it's a long game, then I will re-play the portion I got through and continue - sigh, 5th or 7th uncompleted playthrough of Dark Cloud 2. Maybe challenges and I intend to do this with Ninja Gaiden Sigma; I want to see if I can motivate myself to go through Master Ninja mode while going through normal, hard, etc., first. Or if it's a really old game that I played a while back like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
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