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Million dollar question:Will GTA 5 be serious or funny as the old games ?

Do you want GTA 5 to be a funny or you want it more like GTA 4 type ?

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Keyser Söze
I know its going to be biggest GTA of all time and its gonna have branded cars and its going to have 3 protagonists and it is the only game i'm looking forward to.
I'm totally sold.. but one thing which bugs me is that will it be as profoundly humorous as the old games ? i know that GTA 4 was funny at moments but hot damn the story&characters were serious and most of the time were unfunny or just plain annoying.

I still remember some funny moments like a pope getting a hooker or Catalina nagging CJ all the time or Toni butchering a person with a buther's knife and selling his dead body to his own meat shop or that time when Tommy's drunk friend blows his own arm off and you have to rush him to a hospital or that love fist band talking all funny Scottish and bisexual stuff or that time when Big smoke orders a lot of food in the restaurant or when you steal the harvester and make minced meat out of p!ssed off rednecks just for a hippie dude who talks about aliens&sh!t etc etc

Mainly the characters in GTA 4 sucked IMO all the characters in old games were funny as hell and that made their missions&character interactions 10X more fun.

for ex:Saving love fist is basically just speeding up constantly while the bomb gets defused but how is it funny ?? Love Fist talk funny sh!t that makes you roll over and laugh,whereas potential funny characters like brucie or roman just come off as plain annoying in GTA 4 because they are in this "Realistic" mess and don't talk funny stuff.

Those moments are just comedy gold IMO those moments had me laughing in the floor but in GTA 4 everything was just so bleak and serious like James bond movie acted by Daniel Craig (no offense to Craig fans he just sucks at being charming or funny) sure there was occasional Radio station chats and character interactions which was kinda funny but still not as hilarious as the old games.


Fake Geek Girl.
GTA has always had serious noir crime stories. Sure GTA had always had a sense of humor but they were never something you'd say were comedy games. GTA 4 had that humor as well. And the charm of the humor in GTA is that it's a world that is real but you can do wacky sh!t in it and everyone plays straight man to it.

I do think GTA V is going to have some funny stuff in it already though just from the trailers with that crazy guy Trevor. I think he will be a riot. I'll probably switch to his campaign and he's gonna be running away from the cops on a lawn mower in his underwear or something.

And f#ck Saints Row 4. I lost interest when I found out it was just a DLC and Saints Row also totally forgot what made it good in the first place.

Also Daniel Craig is a great Bond. You do know that Craig's Bond is the truest form of Bond on the big screen right? His is based on the original novels. I'm excited for the next film after the awesome Skyfall. Sean Connery will always be my personal favorite though. Typical as it sounds.


Keyser Söze
GTA has always had serious noir crime stories.
Serious ? it was never serious like The Godfather it always had a touch of satire and humor until GTA4.
And the charm of the humor in GTA is that it's a world that is real but you can do wacky sh!t in it and everyone plays straight man to it.
Wrong again GTA world is not real its a dystopian corrupted world with satire and hidden references.
I do think GTA V is going to have some funny stuff in it already though just from the trailers with that crazy guy Trevor. I think he will be a riot.
IMO i'm looking forward playing as Franklin.
Also Daniel Craig is a great Bond. You do know that Craig's Bond is the truest form of Bond on the big screen right? His is based on the original novels..
He's not charming and he's so blunt i don't like him regardless of how true to the novel it was i still think that many plot elements don't make any sense whatsoever

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I think they tried to be too serious with GTA IV with only minor bits of the old humour inserted. I think they will strip back again and although it wont be really silly they will have more humour and things will be more over the top once again after lessons learned from GTA IV. Rockstar are a developer that takes a lot of pride in listening to fans and feedback so I expect the best GTA experience for some time.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I think they tried to be too serious with GTA IV with only minor bits of the old humour inserted. I think they will strip back again and although it wont be really silly they will have more humour and things will be more over the top once again after lessons learned from GTA IV. Rockstar are a developer that takes a lot of pride in listening to fans and feedback so I expect the best GTA experience for some time.


This is good, isn't it?
i think it would be like GTA SA, there are some serious moments, and some funny moments. but not too OTT like saints row.


Keyser Söze
I think they tried to be too serious with GTA IV with only minor bits of the old humour inserted. I think they will strip back again and although it wont be really silly they will have more humour and things will be more over the top once again after lessons learned from GTA IV. Rockstar are a developer that takes a lot of pride in listening to fans and feedback so I expect the best GTA experience for some time.
IMO the two most things which bugged was the grayish filter and the lack of variety of missions i felt like it was playing GTA 3 HD remake.

I seriously missed missions where you had more to do then just driving to point A to Point B and i really hope GTA 5 doesn't follow that pattern it should have outrageous missions like this >


This was the best mission in the entire GTA 4 saga IMHO.

GTA 4 came so late and it wasn't as good if it wasn't for the multiplayer the game would've been trashed.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I think Rockstar have been testing ideas they want to bring to the franchise in other series, a lot of the multiplayer systems were tested in the early stages in Red Dead Redemption and Max Payne 3, as well as the random events occurrences in Red Dead. I think you will still do a fair bit of travelling from point A to point B as in most open world games but they will make it a lot more interesting along the way. They have just seemed to bring in so many things to do and such a vast city they will likely let their world do the work for them, like they did in Red Dead with much more variety.


Keyser Söze
I think you will still do a fair bit of travelling from point A to point B as in most open world games but they will make it a lot more interesting along the way.
that's what i expect it to be at least Vice city was almost the same as GTA 3 expect its characters and satire made up for its repetition.. i hope they find a perfect way to blend all these missions in one package.
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