Lexy;202891 said:
. As far as I know, Biblical angels are never mentioned to breed - QUOTE]
Genesis Chapter 6, verses 1 through 4 ( i found this on wikipedia
"Now it came about, when men began to multiply on the face of the land, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of god saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose. .... The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown."
sons of god sounds to me like it means angels found some women they liked and had some fun and then had some children. many belive that nephilim ("the fallen ones ") refers to those children. so that means that one of the always accepted books of the bible says angels did breed with human women. can you think of men of more renown than the sons of angels.
You need to keep in mind that time is perceived differently by God, and presumably also by His angels. Scientifically, it took a while (say a millenia or two?) before mankind came into being and became civilised creatures with intellect and personalities. That's the way we look at it, but in God's eyes, it was more like 'today I make the animals, tomorrow I make the humans, day after that I take a breather'. So, considering that thought, it was pretty early days for the sons of God when they decided to try out the daughters of men. And by the way, the 'sons of God' do not in actual fact equal angels. Angels are beings created SOLELY to worship God and do His bidding. Since Luficer got the boot out off heaven, and took some of his fellow pals with him, they were forever forbidden to ever re-enter paradise. But God never said (not in scripture, at least) that they can't wander the earth. Therefore (imo) the sons of God refer to the Fallen, whom happened to be there when humans started reproducing pretty girls, and they got jiggy with it because 1.) God didn't forbid them, 2.) they wouldn't have listened even if He did and 3.) to try pull a few strings in the Big Guy to get Him mad enough to wipe out His precious human race, because I doubt God's intention was to have humans breed with His enemy, and because the Fallen are just malicious that way. (God did eventually wipe them all out, eg. the story of Noah)
Point I'm getting at is, it is possible for demons to impregnate human women. The Bible says so
And I doubt spamming Capcom's email for the next game is going to get things done any faster. Maybe if somebody drafted up a cool email with the general consensus of all us fans on the forum and sent it to them, we might be lucky enough to get a response of some sort from them, but spamming them will gain none of us anything.
And you guys with your friggin katanas! Are they real swords? I mean, four feet long, sharp as hell, genuine samurai swords? I want to get a real katana, made by the pros who forge them in China, but it's going to cost me about three mansions and four race cars, and maybe an arm and a leg, too. Those things are expensive, where'd you guys get the money for it? :O