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MGS 4 Last In Series

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Seems Hideo Kojima has announced that Metal Gear Solid 4 will be the last in the series and that he will be retiring after it. Sony were also very quick to point out that its still PS3 exclusive (though for good we dont know).

Hideo Kojima said:
It will be a stealth game but takes players into the battlefield, and i will be putting all my effort and experience into this game.

Read whole article here:

E3: Kojima announces retirement from Metal Gear - CVG.com


Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby!
The dark knight;44156 said:
I read that there will be ghosts in the game.That..is...dumb.

There were ghosts on the 3rd one at a point in a river, also MGS has werid people with super powers but I think the super enemies should be left out on the 4th because it's more realistic.


Lost Soul
I know Raiden's back as the ninja which can be classed as a ghost as he has the invisibility thing ( lol I can't think of the term they use in the game). Why bring Raiden back is anyones guess (I hope you can shoot him in this one). As far as ghosts are concerned I haven't heard about any being in MGS4. I didn't know Kojima was retiring after MGS4 though the end of MGS series was evident with the facter that Snake only has a few month to live in the game. I think they will probably kill him off taking the possesed Ocolot out and stopping Metal Gear. This is just my view on things. :)

The dark knight

Well-known Member
No he isnt considered a ghost.A invisibility suit doesnt make youa ghost.It showed a screenshot of ghosts of MGS4 in PSM!!!


Lost Soul
I think you mean that there is a flaw to the new MGS game when the PSM issue came out. Meaning you see images that aren't supposed to be there like a figure or something like that. I have seen a lot of screen shots and I haven't come across them.
It's not going to be released until early next year. Seems like what most of the popular games are doing at the moment.

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
hey, leave it to me to bring life into a dead thread but..if u ask me..i think after this they should stop the series..with the story looking like snake is going to die in this one and more then likely not leaving any decendants because the clones will all most likely be killed off as well, there wouldnt be any character good enough to take snakes place...kill snake..kill the series..end of story

Crimson Red Knight

master of the blade
u make a good point..there is a gap that needs to be filled but..more than likely mgs4 will be the last chapter..they may in the future make one last game to fill the gap but i dont know for sure how that will pan out..we'll just have to wait and see what the next installment brings
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