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Metal gear solid 4?


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Yes it is worth getting, and if you like that kind of game, yes you should get it. I completed it tonight, I was trapped by it, not able to put it down or remove it from my console until I had squeezed every gaming moment out from it. I did it in 22:45:52, I enjoyed looking around the scenery, it was so well done. The cinematic sequences are amazing, although they are said to be longer than the game play, depending on if you look for all items or not. The story is gripping and the scenes are epic, it really gets you involved. It also has a good online, a very good online.

This is just my opinion, it is up to you.


The Oncoming Storm
It's absolutely brilliant. It's possibly the only game truly worth its retail price at the moment.

Definitely buy it.


The Oncoming Storm
Well don't just buy it because we said so.

Have you played any of the other Metal Gear Solid games? Do you know the story and, if so, do you want to know how it ends?


Fearfully and wonderfully made
I haven't played Metal Gear Solid 4 yet - I don't even have a PS3 yet, hehe - but it's definitely on my top 5 'To Buy' list. Everything I've seen on MGS4 just oozes coolness. The reviews have been extremely positive, too. GameSpot, IGN, GameTrailers, everybody is praising MGS4. I am normally quite skeptical of reviews, though, especially since I wouldn't be surprised if most of the higher tier gaming reviews get paid off for high reviews... Still, I'm optimistic that MGS4 is as amazing as I've heard.

Long story short: Yeah, buy it. Then give it to me, along with your PS3! :p


Well-known Member
**If you are in the UK you could always Rent MGS from Blockbuster to see if you like it :)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
:lol: I've been known to rip this game a new one quite often.

I was a fan of the series, but if you're willing to forgive the cutscene to gameplay ratio, then by all means, buy it.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
One of the must buy PS3 games.:) Metal Gear Solid owns other PS3 games for now.(Maybe not DMC4,as I am biased on DMC games and loved them very much.:))


The Oncoming Storm
I don't think there's anything wrong with the cutscene to gameplay ratio. A lot of Metal Gear Solid's appeal comes from the story and the world that Hideo Kojima has created and not necessarily the gameplay. Obviously that does have its part to play, MGS4 is a video game after all but in MGS' case, the story is the key, so that means more video than gameplay.

Also, Kojima has filled up a 50gig Blue-Ray Disc with mostly sound and video and graphics, not gameplay.

When playing MGS4, I found myself wanting to see how the story unfolded, rather than sneaking about. I don't think this brings much new to the series in terms of gameplay apart from getting help from the rebels and the Octocamo which isn't that brilliant. I much prefer MGS3 where you had to eat animals to survive and change your camo manually for the situation you were in.


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This Metal Gear Solid isn't a traditional one, this caters to both styles of play. Others found the first three MGS limiting because they had to sneak, if they didn't they wouldn't get awards but this one gives awards for either style. I completed it yesterday and looked at the awards, I had Crocodile for killing all of the enemies I came across and Jaguar for killing lots of enemies and not dieing. You get different emblems for sneaking and others for rushing in, guns blazing.


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If you want to get it but fear you won't know any of the story, Konami has launched a Metal Gear Solid Database that is free to download from the Playstation Store. It has all the info, even on MGS 4, although info from MGS 4 is blocked out, as it accesses your save file and looks at how far you are, unlocking information accordingly.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
Definitely not for the MGS noobs this one but if you know what they are on about then its like a overdose on awesomeness. Near the end its almost too much to take at once.

You would think that after about 6/7 years of obsession the expectation would be too high for it to live up but yes as kobito said it was perfect and I will never enjoy a game like that as long as I live. No game will ever satisfy me on that scale ever again.

To truely appreciate how good this game was you need to have followed it from MGS1 and waited ALLLL this time to see the climax.
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