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Max Payne 3 Review (PS3)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer

Max Payne is back.
The game takes place 8 years after the events of the second game, where now Max lives in Brazil and works as a security guard with his friend, Passos. His job is to protect the family that he works for, although his job goes awry as a gang tried to kidnap his boss's wife. However, the attempt did not stop there, and this time, the kidnapping succeeds. Little did he know that his rescue mission will meet a futile attempt, and will discover some dark secrets along the way.​
The storyline is borderline great, with great narration by James McCaffrey as the titular character Max Payne. His narration fleshes out the story greatly, as well as showing Max Payne's vulnerability as a human with fragile side who struggles in moving on with his life. Other characters are quite memorable, although none can match Max Payne's character in this game.​

i) Singleplayer Mode

Use Bullet Time to kill off your enemies brutally and effectively.
This game plays like most third person shooter games, with some key differences. This game allows you to use Bullet Time, a mode where your enemies' reaction and gunshots are slowed down where you are able to kill the enemies more accurately as well as dodge bullets from either close range or long range. Bullet Time however, cannot be used infinitely since there is a gauge that stores up your Bullet Time gauge. The gauge is filled when attacking enemies, or when the enemies attack you. Once there is a portion filled at the gauge, you can use it immediately. The more you store at the gauge, the longer you can use Bullet Time. Be mindful that you can turn off Bullet Time mode at will, as to avoid unnecessary expenditure on your Bullet Time gauge.​
There are two ways to activate Bullet Time. First by pressing the Right Analog Stick, or using Shootdodge. Shootdodge allows you to dodge bullets while firing at your enemies in Bullet Time mode. You can Shootdodge to the front or back, or even sideways. Be aware that if you use it from a high place and land it on an extremely low ground, you will take damage.​
When you kill off the last enemy, you have the chance to activate Bullet Cam. Bullet Cam slows down the bullet(s) and allows you to view how the bullet(s) hit the last enemy. You can see explicitly how the enemy is shot down by Max's bullet(s). It is a nifty feature, and pretty detailed stuff for a game.​
Gunfights function like most third person shooter games, where you can use firearms to kill enemies. Max can carry two single-handed weapons and one two-handed weapons. Most weapons have their own pros and cons, such as ammo count and firepower. You may also Dual-Wield two single-handed weapons at the same time, but doing so will discard any two-handed weapon that you are holding at the moment. Weapons can be picked up while playing the game, whether at the dead bodies or at some other locations. A variety of weapons can be used such as sub-machine guns, revolvers, sniper rifles, grenade launchers, etc.​
Bullet Time rarely, if not, never bores me when playing the game.
There is also a cover system, where you can stick to any covers to avoid damage. Covers are important to avoid damage in most games, but be aware that enemies can flank you and shoot you from your blindside. This is noticeable when playing harder difficulty modes. Some covers are destructible, thus you need to switch another cover if it is destroyed. You can also use melee attacks on enemies, by pressing the shoot button when the enemy is close to you. Be aware that enemies can also melee you if they have the opportunity.​
Unlike other third person shooter games, the singleplayer mode does not have health regeneration. In order to restore your Health, you need to use Painkillers. Painkillers can be found throughout the game's levels, and should be used sparingly since they are not easy to come by. If you are dying and still have at least one Painkiller, you will enter into Last Man Standing mode. This mode allows you to revive back from the dead by killing the last person who shot you. Failure to do so will result a game over, and you will need to restart from your last checkpoint. If you are able to kill the enemy who shot you last, you will be automatically revived back from dead, at the cost of a Painkiller. Painkiller can be also used manually to restore health, and it is useful in playing Old School difficulty mode or to prevent cheap deaths.​
Level progression in this game is quite linear, although there are no mission objectives that will point you exactly where you need to go next, as well as no mini-maps. Pay attention to the game's cutscenes to know where you are supposed to go next. Since the game's levels require you to kill enemies on every levels, there is not much point on asking you to do something else.​
At certain points in playing the game, you will entered into a mandatory Bullet Time mode where you need to kill enemies before it ends. At some points, failure to kill off the allotted enemies will result a game over, otherwise the game will proceed normally to normal gunfights.​
There are set of challenges in this game that can be completed optionally, which are called Grinds. Grinds are set of challenges that can be completed while playing the game, such as finding Golden Guns parts, or killing a set number of enemies using handguns. Completing them is optional, and some requires grinding to complete. Completing them will reward you XP for your online multi-player mode, and other stuffs.​
ii) Multiplayer Mode
Play as one of the gangs from Max Payne 3 single-player story campaign and compete with other players.
Other than the single-player mode, you may also play the online multi-player mode and compete with other players online. Gameplay remains similar with the singleplayer mode, with some differences. You will now compete with other online players to see who is the better player at different maps.​
Your online character has his/her own level, which can be increased by getting XP in playing online matches or completing single-player grinds. As you increase in level, you will have access to better weapons, equipment, as well as new gang characters. Killing enemies, completing match objectives in Gang Wars, and etc will reward you different amount of XP.​
You can choose starter loadouts, such as Soldier loadout and others. Starter loadout will have certain default items equipped for you to use in online matches, such as AK-47, and it's own Burst. Bursts are special abilities that can be used while playing online matches, such as Bullet Time. Depending on your playstyle, Bursts can make or break your current online match's situation. You can also make your own custom Loadouts, for you to use your own weapons, equipments and Burst.​
To purchase new weapons, equipment or Burst, you need to spend some Cash, which can be obtained by playing the inline matches or when you gained a new Level. After that, you can use it at your Custom Loadouts.​
You can also customise your online characters' appearance in the multi-player mode, such as their hair, face, clothes, and etc. This allows you to differentiate your online character from the rest, especially when you play team matches such as Gang Wars or Team Deathmatch.​
There are a variety of matches, such as Deathmatch, Large Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Large Team Deathmatch, Gang Wars, Payne Killer, and Gang Wars. All online matches have the similar objective, which is to kill other players and see who scored the most in a match in a time limit. However, Gang Wars is different because it has a set of 5 different type of matches included, which may involves bomb-defusing, defending checkpoints, etc. Of all online matches, I had the most fun with Gang Wars, because it offers different types of matches whenever I play it. Depending on what matches you play, you can play up to 16 players online at the same time.​
iii) Gameplay Conclusion
Overall solid gameplay for both single-player and multi-player modes.
Overall, the gameplay for both modes are very good, with some minor flaws. The single-player mode could use a bit more variety, such as infiltrate a base stealthily without being detected. Since this game mainly requires you to shoot people and stuff to progress, it may causes player to feel a bit boring due it's repetitiveness. Fortunately, the action packed shooting scenes and story what carries forward the gameplay to be less repetitive and boring. The multi-player mode is solid as well, with it's rewarding leveling system as well as being addictive. My main concern with the game's multiplayer mode is that it will gets old quickly, like it's single-player mode due to repetitiveness. Unless you like to kill enemies in a game in slow motion, then this game will not bores you.​

Spectacular graphics.
This game has excellent graphics, with awesomely detailed looking characters as well as great looking environments. Bullet Cam is a spectacular display of the game's graphics, where it shows the bullets entering the enemy's body in detail. Cutscenes use in-game engine graphics, and they are extremely well done. At some points in the game cutscenes however, there are brief flashes that might distract you. Be aware of the flashes as it might disorients you while playing the game. There are few glitches in the game, but some of it are fixed by the latest patch.​


Excellent voice acting, with suitable dark electronic music by HEALTH.
The game's voice acting is great, with my particular praise on James McCaffrey's role as Max Payne. His narration what stands out the most in the game, with reflections as to the past and present that brings out Max's full character.​
Unlike like most games, a rock band called HEALTH contributed the soundtrack of this game. Personally, I am not exactly a fan of the game's soundtrack since I am not much a fan of electronic music. However, I think the soundtrack fits the game's tone and atmosphere perfectly.​

The only thing I find troublesome about the game's dialogue is the untranslated Portuguese speeches in the subtitles. It would be nice to see the Portuguese speeches translated in the game, since I am not particular good in that language itself and I want to fully know what the Brazilian characters talking about in the game.

Replay Value

Good replay value.

The replay value is good. If you are up to the single-player mode's harder difficulty modes or investing time with the multi-player mode, then you may find that this game has good replay value. The harder difficulty modes in the single-player mode are quite challenging, such as Hardcore mode. In this mode, you will die much more easier, and you will find yourself cover more often and use Bullet Time more sparingly.


Excellent game that is marred by some minor issues.
This game is easily one of my top games for this year, and possibly one of the best third person shooter games that I have ever played. With some minor flaws that may affect the game's sheer greatness, this game is enjoyable for those who are looking violent, realistic, and stylish third person shooter game.​
Story - 9/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Graphics - 10/10
Sound - 9/10

Final Score: 37/40 or 9.3/10.0

Pros and Cons

- Excellent gamelay features, such as Bullet Time.
- Impressive and immersible gunfights.
- Bullet Cam is a nifty feature.
- Well-written storyline.
- Excellent graphics.
- Challenging game, especially in harder difficulty modes.
- Great voice acting, especially by James McCaffrey.
- Fitting dark and electronic music.
- High realism, such as when Max hits something like a wall after using Shootdodge.
- Good multi-player mode.

- Single-player mode levels lack variety of objectives.
- Mild repetitiveness for both single-player and multi-plater modes.
- Minor bugs and glitches.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Im loving the game and its already quite a challenging game but I agree about the lack of variety in missions and can feel very samey in parts.

Chaos Raiden said:
The only thing I find troublesome about the game's dialogue is the untranslated Portuguese speeches in the subtitles. It would be nice to see the Portuguese speeches translated in the game, since I am not particular good in that language itself and I want to fully know what the Brazilian characters talking about in the game.

I think the reason for this is that you are playing it from Max's point of view and he doesnt speak Portuguese either. Hes meant to feel out of his depth in a foreign country surrounded by things he doesnt understand (the language and politics etc).

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
I think the reason for this is that you are playing it from Max's point of view and he doesnt speak Portuguese either. Hes meant to feel out of his depth in a foreign country surrounded by things he doesnt understand (the language and politics etc).

In the character's standpoint, I agree. But from a player's standpoint, I personally feel that I should know what they are talking about so that I am not lost somewhere in the story, or missing important plot points. It would be nice if Rockstar translated the Portuguese dialogue into English to allow the players to have a grasp about what they are talking about in Portuguese.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
In the character's standpoint, I agree. But from a player's standpoint, I personally feel that I should know what they are talking about so that I am not lost somewhere in the story, or missing important plot points. It would be nice if Rockstar translated the Portuguese dialogue into English to allow the players to have a grasp about what they are talking about in Portuguese.

I can see what your saying but Max also narrates those parts to fill in whats going on or in some parts he actually admits to not knowing whats going on. Then your partner explains everything in the next cutscene.
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