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Mass Effect 2 Review (Xbox 360)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Mass Effect 2 is probably one of the best Action RPG games that I have ever played. It was a vast improvement from the original game, Mass Effect.



As the first game, you will be controlling Commander Shepard in a quest of eliminating the Reapers.​

The game starts few weeks after Mass Effect. During a patrol, Shepard's ship, the Normandy is under attack by an unknown spaceship. The unknown spaceship totally obliterated the ship, while Shepard orders anyone who survives to evacuate. Unfortunately, before he is able to evacuate himself, the ship has been destroyed, creating an explosion and a debris damaged Shepard's armour. This in effect, killed Shepard in the space vacuum.

Each main characters have their own side missions which has something to do to affect their own personalities (except one or two) and their own histories. Each of it are beautifully told with emotional storytelling. This, in turn, gives us insight on how they become to be, giving them rather realistic personalities.

As you can see, the first Mass Effect has a great story. This one is no exception, except even better, in my opinion. As I said in above paragraph, your crew (Garrus, Jacob, Miranda, etc.) has their own stories to be told and own side mission to complete. I would dare say that by doing their side missions, the story felt more complete when you are finishing the game.

However, there is one problem. With the freedom of choosing outcomes to affect the story, it is hard to guess which path that you take is canon to the Mass Effect universe. However, I can only say that there is only one ending is not canon, and other endings will lead to Mass Effect 3, eventually.

Regardless, the story is well told, epic, awesome, and can be shaped by your own choices. Although different choices affect certain outcomes, the core of the story will remain unchanged, and this includes the ending. So, it is up to you to shape the game's story, and it is rather satisfying to do that.



Your decisions will still affect each outcomes in this game. If you transfer the Mass Effect save file to this game, the choices that you made in the first game will be included in the second one as well.​

If you transferred the save file from the first Mass Effect game to this game, you will get various bonuses, like bonus credits, extra Paragon and Renegade points, etc. It is highly recommended that you transfer the save file, as it is to keep in continuity from the first game. However, one thing should be noted. If a certain member in the first game is already dead, he or she will stay dead in Mass Effect 2, and vice versa. If you feel that your Mass Effect save file is good enough, transfer it to the second game for a great gaming experience. You can also start a new game instead of transferring the first Mass Effect game if you wish to do that.


The important changes from the first game makes the second one much better with improved gameplay.​

Like the first game, this is an Action RPG, with some modifications from the first game.

You don't have to wait for your weapons to cool down after firing. However, you must 'reload' with thermal clips. Thermal clips is used to cool down your weapons, and it can be considered as your 'ammo'. Most enemies drop it when they are killed, or certain places have it in the battlefield.

Instead of using grenades, Shepard can use Heavy Weapons. Heavy weapons are devastating, and it is useful to take down a group of enemies or bosses. However, ammo for heavy weapons are scarce, so it would be best if you conserve it until you fight bosses or other difficult enemies.

Another change is that you have self health regeneration. If you are damaged critically, you can sit in cover and wait for your health to recover itself. This also applies to your teammates. In the first game, medi-gel is used to heal yourself and your party. However, it is only needed to revive your party members if they are in KO status.

The cover system is much simpler than the first game, just go to a wall, or a small one, press a button, then Shepard will be in cover, protecting him from most damage. Like any other games, covers are important for offense and defense, so use it wisely.

You can also target enemy's body parts with varying damage. Shooting in the head can do major damage, shooting in the leg may cripple them, yet alive.

There is no customization for your weapons unlike the first one. This is much better, as the first game's weapon system are rather confusing and messed up. However, you can change equipments for Shepard and other members, as well as their appearances.

You can use powers like Unity as in the first game. However, powers in this game recharges faster than normal, making it more useful than the first game. You can also combine your power with your two squad members for maximum effect.

Also, you do not need to use the Mako (a space tank car) to explore. Instead, you will be sent directly to any cities or dungeons in each planet. This actually saves a lot of frustration, unlike the first game.

I like the new changes from the first game. This gives better gaming experience, in my opinion. The changes make this much more action paced, with better pacing.


You have two choices. One, convince him nicely using a Paragon option. Two, beat him up using a Renegade option. The choice is yours.​

Like the first game, conversations play a major role in telling the game's story. Decisions will effectively affect most outcomes, and will decide whether you are a Paragon or Renegade. By choosing a positive choice/response, you can get Paragon points, and will also make you become more popular. If you make a negative choice/response, you will get Renegade points, and you will get more notoriety than usual.

As the first game, Shepard has Paragon points and Renegade points. Doing good deeds will net you Paragon points, and doing evil deeds will net you Renegade points. By getting high Paragon or Renegade points, you have access to exclusive choices for certain conversations, which can be very important. For example, by getting high Renegade points, you can persuade someone in a shop to give you a discount, which is a good deed. This also in turn, will net you bonus Paragon points. This also applies to Renegade points. Paragon and Renegade choices affect the outcome of the story heavily, so think wisely whether you should be in Paragon path or Renegade path. Before making any decisions/responses/choices, you can inquire from the person for further information which may relates to the game's story and universe.

You can also do Paragon and Renegade interrupts. By doing one of this interrupts, you can get extra Paragon and Renegade points as well. This also affect certain outcomes in a mission. For example, by saving a certain someone using a Paragon interrupt, you will save that person's life from the eventual outcome of an event where he is supposed to be dead. This also applies to Renegade interrupt, so plan accordingly.

Romance subplots are also available in this game. If you have romanced someone from the first game and you transferred the file to this game, the romance will remain. However, you can choose to romance another person to abandon the old one. In other words, being unfaithful, or cheating, as they say.


Plan accordingly on which new ability a character should learn.​

You have character levels in this game as well. By gaining a level, you will receive points. The points are needed to learn new powers. As each characters have different sets of powers to learn, so it would be wise each character to learn a different one from another.


Experiment on each powers that your squad member have on your enemies to determine their effects.
In battle, there are many types of enemies. Organic, synthetic, different races play a part in this. For example, krogan enemies have self regeneration if they are still alive. Robots have high defense, and can only be brought down by hitting their critical points. You need different strategies to defeat each type of enemies. Your powers also useful on defeating them. For example, Incinerate works well on armored enemies. Some enemies have Barrier and Armor as their extra layer of health. You need to destroy either one of them (or both) to damage directly to their health. Using powers is essentially important to take down enemy Barriers and Armors. Bosses especially have both Armor and Barrier as their extra health, so use the right powers to defeat them.

In this game, you will be doing Missions as well. Different missions have different objectives. However, most of the missions are involving recruiting someone, yet the process to do it are varied in a number of ways. As I said before, Paragon and Renegade choices can affect some outcomes in each missions. There is a lot of variety to the missions, which makes the game feel more fresh and non repetitive.

However, traversing from a planet to another is cumbersome, and it is the same one like the first game. You can also get minerals from uninhabited planets to get upgrades for your squad, your ship, etc by scanning the planets. It is a rather tedious task to get the minerals for your upgrades, but it is still acceptable.

Shops now sell a variety of items. You can buy weapon upgrades, personal armor upgrades, etc for your squad. Some characters have their own exclusive upgrades, which they can use it for better advantage. It is recommended you get those to increase your winning chances.

The gameplay is a massive improvement than the first game. I love the new changes, and I loved how good it is. My only complaints are the tedious planet scannings, as well as some minor bugs and glitches. As in the first game, I always find myself addicted to this game's conversations as they are amazing, emotional, etc. Regardless, this is a great game.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer


Spectacular graphics. No argument on that.

The graphics in this game are amazing. Perhaps one of the best looking games for this year, and one of the best looking Western games. With spectacular details on alien's facial and body structures, makes this game a great looking one, with extremely great visuals and beautifully made cities, dungeons, environments and last but not least, the universe.



As in the first game, excellent voice acting, if not, better than the first one.​

With excellent cast of voice actors like Mark Meer, Jennifer Hale, Martin Sheen, D.C. Douglas, Steven Blum, Seth Green, Carrie-Anne Moss, and other great voice actors did spectacular jobs on voicing each characters to their fullest, with emotion and authenticity. You won't be finding many games that have this kind of quality of voice acting. They really did a great job.

The soundtrack is space inspired, making it rather futuristic and epic. The soundtrack is great to hear, especially with the game's main theme.

Replay Value


Extremely high replay value.​

The replay value of this game is quite high. You can do side missions to get extra levels, credits, etc. You can also load your completed Mass Effect 2 save file to take a different path. For example, if the Shepard in your first playthrough is a Paragon, try to make the Shepard in the second playthorugh as a Renegade. This will gives you a new experience, and you can check any missed conversations and stuff.

It is also interesting if you choose a Shepard in a different gender. Different genders of Shepard allows different romance subplots, which are tend to be emotionally touching, and great. So far, I think the romance subplot with Jack is the most emotional one that I have encountered so far.



It is a must play game for everyone. You won't find this kind of game around a lot. Bioware sure knows how to make a great game.​

An absolute purchase. If you have played Dragon Age: origins, then perhaps you will like this game. Any RPG fans should give this game a try, as this is one of the best made games ever.

The vast improvements from the first game makes this sequel a winner. With great story, great characters, gameplay, voice acting, I highly recommend this game to anyone. Give it a try, and you may like the game.


Story - 10/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Graphics - 9/10
Sound - 9/10

Final Score: 37/40 or 9.3/10.0.

Pros and Cons


- Epic storyline.
- Great characters.
- Improved and awesome awesome gameplay.
- Great space exploring experience.
- Superb voice acting by veteran actors.
- Superb graphics, especially the alien characters and level designs.
- Non repetitive mission objectives make this game feels fresh.
- Excellent conversations with other characters.
- The freedom of choice makes this game very entertaining.
- High replay value.
- No Mako.


- Some glitches and bugs
- Scanning planets is a tedious task.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Id fully agree with your pros and cons as the scanning planets thing drove me insane. Starting with a default character is definately a much poorer option than importing a save from the original. As the game assumes what choices you make and also kills off default characters which can be a pain if you particularly liked a character. Same with lack of romance options transferring over. That said Mass Effect 2 is fantastic and one of the best RPG's ive ever played and ive completed it twice and loved every minute of it.


Oldschool DMC fan
I adore the Mass Effect series, but despite the improvements in 2, I have to say the story just wasn't as good as the first in my opinion. Saren was a great enemy. I think he should have been given more to do, or that the storyline of the first game could have been expanded into the second. If you play the first through without sidequests, it is actually pretty short. Which is a shame. I would have liked the mystery of what Saren was up to to have gone on a bit longer.

And I liked exploring planets with the Mako. Scanning sucks. . .

Otherwise, thumbs up from me.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Lexy;286912 said:
I adore the Mass Effect series, but despite the improvements in 2, I have to say the story just wasn't as good as the first in my opinion. Saren was a great enemy. I think he should have been given more to do, or that the storyline of the first game could have been expanded into the second. If you play the first through without sidequests, it is actually pretty short. Which is a shame. I would have liked the mystery of what Saren was up to to have gone on a bit longer.

And I liked exploring planets with the Mako. Scanning sucks. . .

Otherwise, thumbs up from me.

I really liked Saren too, was good to have a decent singular enemy to focus on instead of a collective of enemies (no pun intended).


Oldschool DMC fan
Also, we need more clubs like Afterlife IRL.

I would have enjoyed working the club I did if it had been anything like Afterlife.</nerd>

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Lexy;287502 said:
Also, we need more clubs like Afterlife IRL.

I would have enjoyed working the club I did if it had been anything like Afterlife.</nerd>

Yeah i mean who wouldnt like dancing Asari strippers.
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