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Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds Review (PS3, Xbox 360)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Perhaps one of the most anticipated fighting games in 2011. I am having fun playing this game, but some flaws generally holding this game back from becoming a masterpiece.



Play as Capcom or Marvel characters, and defeat Galactus to save the world. Simple as that. But not all characters have good intentions after defeating Galactus, like Wesker.

I don't know if the game has a story, but apparently, there is one:​
Doctor Doom has assembled the greatest villains of the Marvel Universe and has joined forces with Albert Wesker in order to unite their respective universes in an effort to conquer both. However, this course of action awakens a great and powerful threat that could potentially destroy both worlds. It is up to the heroes of the Marvel and Capcom universes to put a stop to this evil before it is too late

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_vs._Capcom_3:_Fate_of_Two_Worlds#Plot

There, that's the whole story of the game. Besides that, after beating the final boss with a specific character, you will get to view his/her/it's ending. Some are good, some are not. The ending only explained using texts and comic illustrations without any voiceover, which dampens the ending's impact to players. Some endings have cameos of unplayable characters, like Ghost Rider in Dante's ending.

I have very mixed opinion with the storyline, as it is not well explained in the game, and most of the endings for each characters in the game are quite disappointing to me. Only some are good, like Dante's ending and Deadpool's ending.



Plays like previous Marvel vs. Capcom games, but with better controls.

The game plays like previous MVC games, except with more simplified controls. There are 4 main attacking buttons. Light attack, medium attack, hard attack, and launcher attack. In this game, it is much easier pulling off Aerial Combos that can devastate your opponents.

As in many fighting games, the objective to win a match is to defeat all characters of your opponent.


Every characters have their own strengths and weaknesses, but some characters are plain cheating.

You can play with three characters in your team, and you can choose either Marvel side, Capcom side, or both together. There is a lot of characters to be used in this game, as there are more than 30 characters to be used in the game, with some unlockable characters as well as two DLC characters currently.

Each characters have their own pros and cons, depending on player's point of views. Dante has a large arsenal of techniques to fight various types of opponents, but he has lower attack power. Chun-Li has great speed in movement and attacking, but most of her attacks are close ranged. The main idea to make a solid team in the game is to get characters that can offsets' another's weaknesses, like teaming up Iron Man with Chun-Li to offset her lack of ranged attacks, or Hulk with Phoenix to offset her very low HP.


Morrigan is not only hot in the game, but she's a good fighter.

Gamers have each of their own fighting styles to fight another gamer. Some might use a team of Iron Man, Akuma, and Ryu to dominate his opponents in pure Hyper Combo moves as well as projective attacks, while some uses a team of Dante, X-23, and Wolverine to attack his opponents up and close to prevent them from counterattacking. It all depends on you.

Each characters have their own special moves, like Ryu has Hadouken and Shoryuken as his special moves. Some of their special moves have advanced forms called Hyper Combos.


Hyper Combos are not only flashy, but are very devastating.

Each characters have their own Hyper Combo moves. Hyper Combo moves are advanced techniques that can damage your opponent's character a lot. Most characters have 3 Hyper Combo moves, like Dante has Hyper Combos of Million Dollars, Devil Trigger, and Devil Must Die. In order to do a Hyper Combo, you need to deplete your Hyper Gauge, which is filled by attacking your enemies, or getting hit by your enemies. All characters Hyper Combos that requires only 1 bar of Hyper Gauge, but some require more than 2.​

Crossover Combination are a combination of three Hyper Combos to defeat your enemies. If one of your characters are KO'ed, only 2 characters will carry out Crossover Combination. Although it is a good move that can depletes your opponent's characters health fast, it is not advisable to use it often as it depletes a lot of your Hyper Gauge.​


Deadpool is the most craziest fourth wall breaker in video games that I have ever played.

When you see your character has low health, you can switch out immediately with another character to prevent him/her from being KO'ed. This is vital as having KO'ed members in your team can put you in a disadvantage against others. Also, you can use Assists to help your character in assaulting your opponents. You can set up a different Assist move for each character, like Jam Session for Dante, Uni Beam for Iron Man, and Hadouken for Ryu. Setting up proper Assist moves for each characters will help out a lot in playing this game.​

Blocking enemy's attacks are important to preserve your health. Blocking is essential when your opponent uses a Hyper Combo or Crossover Combination, as both can deal huge damage, especially the latter.​

There are few game modes in this game, like Arcade mode, Mission mode, and Training mode. Arcade mode requires you to fight several rounds to view an ending, Mission mode requires you to perform moves to proceed, and Training mode allows you to hone your gaming skills. However, the main draw in this game is the online matches.​

The gameplay is awesome, except several flaws. Some characters are unbalanced, lack of fighting modes, etc. However, this does not dampen the game's amazing gameplay system as well as addicting.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer


Nice cell-shaded graphics.

The graphics are great, with nice cell-shaded visuals for characters and backgrounds. It gives off the atmosphere of comic book like feeling, where some people like it and some people don't. Personally, I like it as it is very unique kind of graphics used.



Solid voice acting with both Japanese and English dubs, but with rather mediocre soundtrack.

Voice acting are great in this game, but not utilised fully in the game for the story. Besides intro quotes, victory quotes, and minor lines used in the game while playing, there isn't enough voice acting. This is partly because there is no cutscenes for each characters in the game. Personally, I think Capcom should put some voiced cutscenes for some special interactions between characters, like when Chris versus Wesker. My favourite voice actors in this game are Reuben Langdon (Dante), D.C. Douglas (Wesker), Josh Keaton (Spider-Man), and others.

Most of the music used in the game are arrangements from the character's theme in their original game series or from previous MVC3 games. Some have good themes, some don't as some are too... techno. Think it would be nicer if they just make rock arrangements for every character's theme. My favourite would be Deadpool's theme, as it has great tune and rhyme. Overall, the music gives rather mixed feelings to me.

Replay Value


Playing online matches and fighting against your friends are this game's biggest attraction.

If you have friends, invite them over to play this game! Playing fighting games with your friends are usually fun, as it provides different experience than fighting against A.I. characters in Arcade mode.

You can also play Online Matches in this game. You can play Ranked Match, or create Lobbies to fight online with other players. Unfortunately, the Lobby Matches are poorly implemented. You can only fight one person at a time. For example, if you joined a Lobby with 6 players, you need to wait your turn to fight in that Lobby. Also, Internet connection is a factor in online matches as well. If you have a good Internet connection, it will not be laggy when playing. If you don't, the game will be extremely laggy and may disconnects you from the host. Hopefully, Capcom will releases a patch to fix this problem.

However, I am disappointed as some characters does not appear in the game, namely Vergil (Devil May Cry series), Leon (Resident Evil series), and other. Hope they will appear as DLCs in the game if possible.



Solid fighting game for Marvel fans and Capcom fans.

Some unbalanced characters, few types of matches, mediocre soundtrack, weak storyline, and online matches problems are the issues I have in this game. Despite this, this game is a great fighting game that caters to new and regular players of Marvel vs. Capcom 3. With great gameplay and easy to learn moves, makes this game fun and addicting to play at the same time. Personally, I prefer this game than Street Fighter IV and previous Marvel vs. Capcom games.


Story - 7/10
Gameplay - 9/10
Graphics - 10/10
Sound - 8/10

Final Score: 34/40 or 8.5/10.0.

Pros and Cons


- Great cast of Marvel and Capcom characters.
- Easy to learn fighting system.
- Easy to learn gameplay with fun combat and platforming.
- Solid voice acting.
- Unique visuals of characters and backgrounds that gives off comic book experience.
- Stylish looking Hyper Combos.
- Dante is included in this game.
- Some characters' ending are good, like Deadpool's ending.


- Some characters are unbalanced, like Sentinel. (before patch)
- No clear explanation of the storyline.
- Weak character endings.
- Mediocre soundtrack with hit-and-miss track arrangements.
- Very few types of matches, both offline and online.
- Online matches issues, like have to wait for a match in Lobbies, and connection issues.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Great review Chaos Master.

Just wondering, Galactus' Beam attacks cannot be dodged or avoided in anyway...can they?


Well-known Member
Great review Chaos Master.

Just wondering, Galactus' Beam attacks cannot be dodged or avoided in anyway...can they?
Right as he was attacking with a move I thought was unavoidable I called in one of the assist characters, and that character's attack stopped Galactus. :)

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Great review Chaos Master.

Just wondering, Galactus' Beam attacks cannot be dodged or avoided in anyway...can they?

Some of his beam attacks can be avoided by using Super Jump (Down button, Up button). He has a one hit K.O. attack that is very dangerous. He uses it very rarely in lower difficulty modes, but he uses it twice when I fought him in Extra Hard mode.

Have a look at this video as it is hard for me to describe his attacks.

At 1:19 - 1:20, Galactus uses a normal laser attack from his palm. That one can be avoided by using Super Jumps with proper timing. If you are unable to do it, blocking and Advancing Guard are good ways to reduce damage taken.

At 1:34 - 1:44, Galactus uses a very powerful laser attack that is a one hit K.O. Super Jumps will not work, as well as blocking and Advancing Guards. Very rarely used, and this is an unavoidable attack, from what I played.

And at this video:

This move is also a one hit KO. Fortunately, you can prevent him from using by attacking him relentlessly while he is preparing to use the attack.

Galactus also uses a laser attack from his eyes. That can be avoided if you stay close to Galactus. In case of anything, block while you are there.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
that one-hit ko really p***es me off... i thought it was one of capcom's cheap tactics at making a difficult boss.

Thank you for the help Chaos Master. :D I didn't know about the super jump. I just pressed buttons and hoped for the best. :p


Dante enthusiast!
Great review Chaos Master. I bought the game,but haven't played it much - dunno why 'cuz I was really looking forward to it.
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