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League of Legends

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Don't trust people
I saw those finals.
The game wasn't even fully balanced then.

If Idra was so much faster he would handle it, I bet you are only afraid of competitors. If a game is easy to pick up doesn't mean it's in any way not challenging. It's like saying Chess is for casual players, I mean it's easy as **** to learn.

Meh, it's great having lots to do, but what I've been arguing about is what's casual and what's not. I say, it doesn't matter with any of those minor tasks that are more like small bothers but the main game.
I say, I'm a pro at thinking how to do in Starcraft, however I suck at performing it in time. The first Starcraft gives me too much to do with stupid annoyances such as only being able to select a single building, or the harvesters having problems harvesting properly. Or the fact that mobilising the army requires units of 12 at a maximum selected at all times.

None of those things are really different more than spamming the control groups to move, or spamming move on the drones, or multi-clicking buildings. Things like the smart tank I can understand, but the rest is just... no. .-.


Well-known Member
it's the little things that make the difference.

And yes those matches were pre-reaper nerf, but as it has been said before many times, cheese was, is and always will be a powerful tool in starcraft 2. The game is made by blizzard, and they are very good at getting a large audience.

It's unfortunate, and it's why almost every player in all of sc2 online stats are at just about exactly 50% wins. Hell, i've even seen nony lose public games often, and this was before he was in masters.

I played sc2 in esl, and was at the top of diamond league before there was anything about it, and my account only has about 55% wins, and i'm pretty sure that if i got unlucky i could be beaten by a 6-pool, or one of many many skilless blind rushes that i've seen professional players lose to time and time again.

About the casual thing. A casual game to me is a game that doesn't punish players that aren't good very much. To my own personal standard I include most games in this, not sc or sc2, but definitely hon, lol and dota. It is my own definition which I think most of the gaming community also uses it for.


Don't trust people
HoN, LoL, and DotA aren't casual games. They are easier to learn than SC and SC2 but they require deep knowledge of microing a single unit and knowing every enemy unit, which makes it hell at times.

They have about 50% wins because they meet people of their skill?

Ever heard of scouting? You scout early game to prevent being killed by stupid no-skill rushes like the 6-pool.


Well-known Member
Depends what your standard is, hon etc are casual compared to sc, but hardcore compared to like wow arena etc...

I am far beyond the level of being told what scouting is lol, Seriously beyond that by a long way...the thing is that blind rushes and all-ins are far too powerful in sc2...scouting isn't always possible and all the other player needs to do is pray that you have made one tiny mistake or get slightly lucky to win with a strategy that any player can learn in 15 minutes.

I am not exaggerating at all by the way. Professionals do actually lose to marine stim all in and 6 pool...the easy tactics that many players use are way more powerful in sc1, because of things like auto surround. Anyone can lose to them, anyone...

here are a just a few different retarded rushes in the game: 2 gate, 2 gate proxy, 4 gate all in, 2 port voidray, 1-1-1, mnm, mmm, 2 port shee, 2 robo all in, 6 pool, baneling bust, 8 pool.

These strategies that I have posted are only a few of which that if you are defending you have to really have outplayed the other person really really badly to win. The other player can pretty much do those blindly, with the exact same build every game and win 50% of games...even in master league.


Don't trust people
I know all of those, however the voidray thing is so easy to counter it's laughable. .-.

Has to agree though. Rushes are a nuisance. Far too boring for gameplay imo. .-.


Well-known Member
agreed about the rushes thing, I mean i've played several rts games competitively and rushes are fine by me usually. in sc2 they are just too good.

Oh and btw, about the voidray thing, the only reason it is counterable so easily is cos your opponent is doing it wrong. I can get 2 voidrays to a zerg base before the zerg can even get hydras. Pretty hard to kill voidrays without them, it's why pvz is my best matchup. You have to be perfect. I've seen many zerg players lose to it at high level.


Don't trust people
agreed about the rushes thing, I mean i've played several rts games competitively and rushes are fine by me usually. in sc2 they are just too good.

Oh and btw, about the voidray thing, the only reason it is counterable so easily is cos your opponent is doing it wrong. I can get 2 voidrays to a zerg base before the zerg can even get hydras. Pretty hard to kill voidrays without them, it's why pvz is my best matchup. You have to be perfect. I've seen many zerg players lose to it at high level.

It's alot funnier to mess with them with a Phoenix + Void Ray combo imo. D:


Well-known Member
my favourite for games against people in like gold league is phoenix spam...can kill anything if you outmacro them badly enough.


Don't trust people
my favourite for games against people in like gold league is phoenix spam...can kill anything if you outmacro them badly enough.

I'm in the gold league. D=

But Blink Stalkers counters that so badly. =O
Then I just put up some Photon Cannons around my workers. .-.
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