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Kony 2012


Anti - Little D

Please , Please , Please watch !!!!!!
I know its 30mins long but please stick with it :)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I know I'll inevitably take some flak for this, but it has to be posted.

A preface first: Awareness of this issue is most certainly a good thing and is most certainly required, however, it's advisable to do your research on this organisation in particular because they're not as good, wholesome and innocent as they'd have you believe.

If you're willing to take the time out to read something, I'd suggest checking out this blog which critically evaluates some pretty significant issues with the Invisible Children activist group.


People will probably end up inevitably calling me a cynic, a horrible person, whatever, for posting this in any of the places that I have, but I'd rather be a cynic than fund and promote a group that at best is remarkably shady and at worst believes in funding direct, violent military intervention.

I'm happy to see people being made aware of this issue, awareness is great, but not necessarily through the means Invisible Children would have you go to. Like the blog says, don't just blindly follow it because it's something, sometimes something isn't always better than nothing.


The one true son of Sparda
if you all would know kony hasnt been in uganda since the past i dont know 4 years or so he is believed to be dead by the people of uganda this is just a way to get money and if you are in contact with any uganda people just ask them they will tell you its all bs. and the american government is very advance yet in this video they tell us how they cant find this guy i find this hard to believe


Entertain me.
To quote an article posted on another forum,

"'There has not been a single soul from the LRA here since 2006. Now we have peace, people are back in their homes, they are planting their fields, they are starting their businesses. That is what people should help us with.' Invisible Voices has faced criticism over its finances. Of more than £6 million it spent in 2001, less than £2.3 million was for activities helping people on the ground. The rest went on “awareness programmes and products”, management, media and others.”

I agree that it's a worthy goal. The man is atrocious and I do not want him on my planet; however, the tactics need to be considered. I agree, it is important that people are aware that these things are going on around the world, but this video, this campaign, and this organization are not the ones that I trust to turn my feelings into action. Writing letters to government is the best way to do it. At least that way, it's your voice and no one else's that chooses your words. Donations and stickers will not see the man arrested.
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