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Killed Over a Video Game


Well-known Member
Heard a horrible stories from my friend about murders being related to video games when kids don't get their own way. It's just so sad...


I think that part of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Daniels parents. Because in the end of the it said this

Daniel's lawyer, James Kersey, gave a short opening statement. He said his client had been under great stress at the time of the shooting because of a snowboarding accident that resulted in a severe staph infection. It left Daniel with such severe spinal damage that the slightest injury could leave him paralyzed.

Daniel was home bound for a year with nothing to do but watch television and play video games, Kersey said. It was during that time that he became fascinated with the Halo series and would play them for hours at friends' houses. His father forbade the games, saying that were too violent and sexually explicit.

If at the time Daniel was home bound his parents made him play some puzzle games or strategy games. and the same event happened. i mean if his father forbid a game that Daniel really want. would Daniel do the same thing?

The answer is yes he will.

Daniel didn't commit the crime because of the violence in video games. the true motive of the crime was jealous. Daniel was jealous because his friends and the people around him can do something and he can't. he could have bought it and hid it somewhere and play it when his parents leave home. but that won't last for long because his parents will find out that he was breaking the law of the house and he will be punished. So the logical way and the easiest way to get it and not be punished is to remove the obstical that prevents you from having something.

Your thoughts?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
There is a magazine in the UK that are against video games because of this, so-called influenced violence.
They had a national buring of GTA discs to symbolize that they were against violence in games... at times... i think they're just against video games.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Wait, the link's broken, I'm not sure what happened here, did Daniel kill his parents? I need clarification before I can offer my thoughts seeing as I can't read the article.

EDIT: Ah yes, found the article and I remember reading about this on The Escapist a month or so back, I'll say the same thing here as I did there in that case.

I can appreciate the fact that his accident left him home bound and unable to do anything due to massive spinal injury, but it doesn't really matter, to kill anyone, let alone your own mother over a bloody game already suggests that Petrick had to have some degree of mental instability, you don't just go and shoot/kill your parents out of jealousy, the fact is that whether it was then or god knows how many years down the line, he probably would've snapped at some point anyway, and who knows what might have happened then.

Games aren't what cause these sorts of events, what causes these events is people with severe mental issues who blur the line between reality and fiction, it's not sad and I don't feel sorry for Daniel in the slightest, in the end, it's a case of a messed up kid using his accident as a crotch for committing an absolutely disgusting act and I have absolutely no pity for the boy.

DOUBLE EDIT: I don't think the parents should have any responsibility for what happened here, Daniel's father did what a lot of responsible dads would've done in acting on his beliefs, at the end of the day, it's his house, his rules, and if Daniel didn't like that, well, tough, quite frankly, it's absolutely no excuse for what he did. So there we go, that's my two cents on the matter.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
The ***hole deserves the shocky chair. What he did had no excuse. This reminds me of another case similar to this where the frickin' lawyer got his sentence diminished by having him plead insanity. This is bull****...


Well-known Member
Yeah I heard about this before. The kid probably had some type of psychosis like schizophrenia or something. I agree with Mr. Credo. Normal people don't go around killing people over a video game unless they already have something wrong with them. Its a sad thing that happened. I feel bad for that family.

Wait a minute, Dreadnought. You mean the person on trial got of because he said he was insane, or was there actual proof that he was insane?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
meg127;199313 said:
Wait a minute, Dreadnought. You mean the person on trial got of because he said he was insane, or was there actual proof that he was insane?

No. He got his sentence shortened because his lawyer pleaded insanity on the kids behalf... Sounds retarded, but it worked... I still think that kid and this Daniel deserve the shocky chair, or just the good old-fashioned gallows...


Well-known Member
DreadnoughtDT;199315 said:
No. He got his sentence shortened because his lawyer pleaded insanity on the kids behalf... Sounds retarded, but it worked... I still think that kid and this Daniel deserve the shocky chair, or just the good old-fashioned gallows...

Oh so the kid himself didn't plead insanity? Good, since that would have been a catch-22. Anyway, I don't think either kid deserves the death sentence. I think they need to be psychoanalyzed to see if the really do have some sort of disorder, and then go from there.


Well-known Member
Angelo Credo;199308 said:
I don't think the parents should have any responsibility for what happened here, Daniel's father did what a lot of responsible dads would've done in acting on his beliefs, at the end of the day, it's his house, his rules, and if Daniel didn't like that, well, tough, quite frankly, it's absolutely no excuse for what he did. So there we go, that's my two cents on the matter.

Well i disagre with you. Daniel's father prevented his son from playing Halo 3 caliming that it has a lot of Violence. but he didn't prevent his son from playing the first two Halo games. and that is why i said "that part of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Daniels parents"


New Member
Cyclone|Joker;199361 said:
Well i disagre with you. Daniel's father prevented his son from playing Halo 3 caliming that it has a lot of Violence. but he didn't prevent his son from playing the first two Halo games. and that is why i said "that part of the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Daniels parents"

This is not the responsibility of the parents.

There's no excuse for what he did. Some people just can't tell the difference between a game and reality. His parents did prevent him from playing Halo 3, after they saw his behavior reacting to the first two games.

He is sick, and needs medical care. But It's not the game doing It, It's his behavior towards such games that makes him dangerous.

The parents did all they could, so you can't blame them for ANY part of the responsibility which ALL of It falls heavy as iron to Daniel's shoulders.

Games aren't what cause these sorts of events, what causes these events is people with severe mental issues who blur the line between reality and fiction, it's not sad and I don't feel sorry for Daniel in the slightest, in the end, it's a case of a messed up kid using his accident as a crotch for committing an absolutely disgusting act and I have absolutely no pity for the boy.

'Nuff said right there, Mr. Credo.


Well-known Member
Sparda™;199373 said:
This is not the responsibility of the parents.

There's no excuse for what he did. Some people just can't tell the difference between a game and reality. His parents did prevent him from playing Halo 3, after they saw his behavior reacting to the first two games.

He is sick, and needs medical care. But It's not the game doing It, It's his behavior towards such games that makes him dangerous.

The parents did all they could, so you can't blame them for ANY part of the responsibility which ALL of It falls heavy as iron to Daniel's shoulders.

Daniel's parents didn't prevent Daniel from plaing Halo 3 because of his behavior. Daniel's parents took away his Halo III video game. They objected to its violent content.

and also Daniel's father was careless to put a game in a box that has a gun in it. which leads to a question

Why would a minister at New Life Assembly of God in Wellington keeps a gun in his home?


Theese sorta things happen when a person get's tied to a game and overplays it and thinks he is a superhero from a video game that's when the horror starts.

If he wouldn't have played the game at the first place no killing intentions would have came up because his mind had no reason to do so. He was just another gaming maniac wanting to play halo.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
In my opinion, this is a very SAD case. However, you don't kill your mother or father for a video game. It is plain ridiculous, and it is crazy action. Either this guy is jealous of not having of Halo 3, or he is obsessed with Halo games. The father did what every father could do, which is protecting their children from negative media. We can't run away from the fact that video games may give negative impact onto people, thus Daniel's father decision to forbid his son from playing violent video games. This kid is either crazy, or game obsessed murderer. I am not feeling sorry for him, but to his father and sister. In this case, the murder wasn't influenced by video games, but murder because of wanting a video game. God bless the family.


Well-known Member
Sparda™;199375 said:

That does not justify one bit what Daniel did.

yes you are right it doesn't justify what Daniel did. but it can be taken as an evidence to make part of the responsibility on Daniel's father. and it shows that Daniel's father was sitting a bad example for his children. he forbid his children from owning a video game because it contains a lot of violence. While he owns something which was created for violence purpose.


Well actually most every American citizen owns a gun since it isnt hard to get one.Which is pretty sad since they usually end up blowing each others brains on the streets


Well-known Member
You know the more i read about this case more questions pops into my head.

You know reading what you guys said makes me realize something. I am being surronded by a lot of simple minded people. because they judging the people without trying to dig deep for the truth

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Cyclone|Joker;199437 said:
You know the more i read about this case more questions pops into my head.

You know reading what you guys said makes me realize something. I am being surronded by a lot of simple minded people. because they judging the people without trying to dig deep for the truth

Well, excuse me for being simple minded. Not all of us are interested with this. And you asked us our thoughts about this case, not to solve the mystery of this case.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Don't insult our intelligence. Remember, you asked our thoughts on this, and we gave them. You never asked us to investigate.


Well-known Member
Yes you are right i did ask for your thoughts. but no one have gave me his/her true thoughts about this. all of you said that Daniel is found guilty for killing his mother.

Ember To Inferno

Eternal Rest
Sadly the kid went overboard...I feel sorry for the parents. I however, think the kid is at fault...He has to be like...you know..to actually perform such an action on his own family. It saddens me to see this, I just hope kids now a days can distinguish between Fantasy (Games) and Reality (Real Life). I can say kids...im 16 >.>
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