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Just Wanted to Say Thanks


Well-known Member
This really has nothing to do with anything, BUT I just thought it be nice to say
THANKS to the people that created this site and THANKS to everyone that takes care of it and keeps it tidy.

That's really all I wanted to say. :$


Well-known Member
Aww aren't you nice :)
Well, on behalf of the staff: You are most welcome!
Afterall guys, what would we do without posters and fans to keep this place live & kicking eh?
You are the ones who deserve the thanks ;)
Plus Steve for doing all the complicated maintenance, Dark Drakan and Angel for some top class Administration and Mister Credo for some awesome contribution and Super Moderation :D

If you guys keep posting, I'll keep on tidying; that is all I've got to say.
Aww, that made my day ^^ :D

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
You know, in between all the pointless trolling, abuse and just general asshattery the ruins things for everyone, I sometimes forget the little things that make me smile here.

Stuff like this is one of those things, kinda makes everything worth doing if at least one person appreciates this site for what it is, so thank you Meg, today was off to a bad start, but you made my morning there. :)

I'd also like to offer my own thanks to all the frequent posters, without you guys this place wouldn't be what it is, now would it? We just keep the place tidy in the long run, without you lot this place would be much less interesting, and I'd be out of a job. :p

And naturally my thanks to Steve for creating the site, and to Sharon and Andy for, as Keaton said, top class Admin work.

And last, but not least, to the K-Man himself, for being a fantastic friend, a fantastic moderator and for helping me keep this place cleaned up. :p


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Heh. I was gonna do this, but looks like Meggy here beat me to it! You sly devil you... Anyway, yeah. The mods are nice, keep the site clean, they really keep the wheels greased. Nice job, you guys! ;)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Like i've told Angelo Credo, i don't envy the jobs the mods do on the forum. I've also told him that on one forum, i get a bit of 'abuse' because i'm the only girl on there.
I love this forum, there are so many great ppl on here. Friendly and enjoy a bit of banter...

So to the top guys that run this forum, thanks and keep up the good work.
From a greatful VB
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