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Joker Leto

For or against?

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Fake Geek Girl.
Tom Hardy wasn't Bane. He was a dumb terrorist with a Looney Tunes voice. As for Tom Hardy's character Rick Flag, he's the leader of the Suicide Squad.

Also, Captain Boomerang is pretty freaking cool. The dude became a pretty dark and twisted Flash villain.

Now as for Jared Leto as the Joker. I don't know what to think. He won an Oscar for Dallas Buyer's Club and is not a bad actor, but Joker idk. I'd personally cast William Dafoe.

More importantly though.....WHY IS THE JOKER EVEN IN THIS MOVIE?!!?!!

Harley Quinn fine, but not Joker. Who the hell is playing my beloeved Harley anyway? I she worthy playing one of my favorite female comic characters? I'll choke a b!tch if Harley is screwed up.

Will Smith as Deadshot, I can roll with. Why not?

I just really have no faith in WB/DC after the abysmal Man of Steel and the insufferable direction they are taking. Arbitrary casting choices seems to be what DC is all about.


Supporter 2014
Well, I have no idea what to think, either. The Joker name makes money, so I guess they the executive studio heads figured, why not?


Fake Geek Girl.
Well, I have no idea what to think, either. The Joker name makes money, so I guess they the executive studio heads figured, why not?
This is going to be approached as DC's response to Guardians of The Galaxy. They have no idea what the f#ck they are doing and are so desperate to have a cinematic universe going. However, it would go to show how little confidence DC does have as a whole when they shoehorn a recognizable character like the Joker in to a Suicide Squad movie.

This is the kind of film that is all about giving lesser known characters some spotlight. People like Count Vertigo and Bronze Tiger should be considered. Joker would never EVER be a part of the Squad though. He's too unpredictable and Amanda Waller would never take a chance on him.


Devil hunter in training
I'm curious about this movie. I did want one for the Suicide Squad, but this casting is unusual.

I'm not sure what kind of role the Joker will play in this either. Perhaps it will be like the Assault on Arkham movie where he's an innmate and not part of The Squad. I just can't see him being on the team, not even with Harley on it, unless Waller is going to bait him to join or do some kind of double cross on him.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I'm willing to give it a chance, whoever they cast...

But honestly, I won't let myself get excited, because as Chancey said--they've been making some pretty weak choices, lately.

It might wind up better than expected, though. Guess we'll see. ^^;


Fake Geek Girl.
I'm willing to give it a chance, whoever they cast...

But honestly, I won't let myself get excited, because as Chancey said--they've been making some pretty weak choices, lately.

It might wind up better than expected, though. Guess we'll see. ^^;
It's disappointing really because I love both Marvel and DC. I'd love to see DC on the big scree done right, and they just don't seem to get it. Marvel does.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I think Jared Leto has put in some great performances so why not give him a shot, most people didnt think Heath would do a good job and that turned out ok.

Harley Quinn fine, but not Joker. Who the hell is playing my beloeved Harley anyway? I she worthy playing one of my favorite female comic characters? I'll choke a b!tch if Harley is screwed up.

Well shes hot which is a good start, her name is Margot Robbie (Wolf of Wall Street).

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Supporter 2014
Which is why I called her "that shoe girl." No one really knows the name "Margot Robbie" -- yet.

I should've credited Will Smiff as "Welcome to Erf."
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i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i hate it...because its wb/dc...and hating them is the popular thing to do...aw, what the hell, i wasn't cool in highschool, why start now?

i'm cool with everything...except
WHY WILL SMITH!?! we all know that now, if they don't kill off deadshot, his kids are gonna have to show up in the sequel...or maybe WB sat will down and said "will...every movie you've been in the past few years has sucked major balls. we don't need you. you need us." and if thats what happened, then cool.

i don't see why people are so ****ed that the joker is going to be in this movie? the thing i like about the DC universe and marvel is starting to take notice and do now as well, these villains aren't exclusive to their heroes anymore. i've seen clock king as a recurring villain in batman tas. the joker played a huge part in a superman story arc where he broke out doomsday, just to watch him kill superman again...for fun. i've seen spider-man fight magneto. i've seen the avengers fight the insidious six. point is, it happens in comics all the time. i'm cool with it playing out on screen.

and the fact that i'm seeing the enchantress on screen...um...yeah. i'm totally in. plus, KGBeast is supposed to be in batmanvsuperman, so he might show up.

they might take the assault on arkham route and the suicide squad has to fight the joker. i dunno.

one more thing...the fact that they put rick flag in the movie really is a hoot. because of the thing that wonder woman did to him. i know its most likely coincedence, but could wb be flipping the bird to people who hated man of steel for the neck snapping thing? i'd like to think so, but i know that's not the case. still funny as hell though


Dressed To Kill
Probably the best choice on the whole cast. Dallas Buyer's Club shows the talent at work.

The real question is how Jai Courtney gets work. I mean, really.
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