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J. Jonah Jameson must go!

Should J. Jonah Jameson begone forever?

  • YES!

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • No

    Votes: 12 92.3%

  • Total voters

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
sorry i had to

anyway J.J is already not even in the movies anymore considering this performance can't be topped

while J.J excuse in the movies for treating spider man like a menace is pretty weak i remember in the 90's cartoon that his wife (i think) was killed by a masked shooter so he never trust's anyone in a mask

but also spider-man was built from the ground up to be a character were everything went wrong for him
yeah he would save the day but Perter Parker's life would still suck

this is something that may have been lost over the years
what with to two hot babes that are both in love with him
joining the avengers
making a deal with the devil to bring ant may back to life at the cost of forgetting his wife never seeing her again only to find her and fall in love with her again any way

J. Jonah Jameson might be the only downside to Spider-Man's life at all at this point
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Yeah, I mean there is a backstory as to why J.J doesn't like Spider-Man.

He became a full-time Bugle reporter, including a stint as a war correspondent, criticizing most costumed heroes as glory-seeking vigilantes upstaging the common man. Marrying his high school sweetheart Joan, Jameson rose to editor-in-chief and became renowned for supporting civil rights and opposing organized crime. When Goodman's heirs put the Bugle up for sale, Jameson tapped his last dollar and made the newspaper his own. He worked hard to support his wife and their son John, eventually becoming a millionaire member in New York's elite Century Club; although earning a reputation as a notorious miser, he supported many charities and often helped employees in true need. Still a reporter at heart, he ventured to Korea for a story but was crushed when Joan was killed by a masked gunman in his absence; this and other self-perceived failures contributed to his distrust of masked heroes and the heroic ideal.


Let's rock, baby!
Yeah, I mean there is a backstory as to why J.J doesn't like Spider-Man.

He became a full-time Bugle reporter, including a stint as a war correspondent, criticizing most costumed heroes as glory-seeking vigilantes upstaging the common man. Marrying his high school sweetheart Joan, Jameson rose to editor-in-chief and became renowned for supporting civil rights and opposing organized crime. When Goodman's heirs put the Bugle up for sale, Jameson tapped his last dollar and made the newspaper his own. He worked hard to support his wife and their son John, eventually becoming a millionaire member in New York's elite Century Club; although earning a reputation as a notorious miser, he supported many charities and often helped employees in true need. Still a reporter at heart, he ventured to Korea for a story but was crushed when Joan was killed by a masked gunman in his absence; this and other self-perceived failures contributed to his distrust of masked heroes and the heroic ideal.

That's why that hatred of his must go! I hate him!

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
He's a good character but with any character of these popular long-running IPs, it depends on which version you see so i get why you could hate him.


Well-known Member
Well if Some of you hate J. Jonah Jameson then here is a fun fact about him

He was based on Stan Lee

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
My opinion? A hero isn't much of a hero without his detractors. If Jameson didn't exist, talking smack about Spidey, there would be far less entertainment value. Sure, Spider-man has plenty of super villains to contend with, but Jameson belongs in a category all his own.

Just because a character challenges the hero doesn't mean he shouldn't exist. What good would it be if every character hell-bent on making Spidey's life a living hell was ousted? Same goes for pretty much any franchise, really. A hero is so defined not just because of his actions, but because of the obstacles he has to overcome in order to perform those acts of heroism...especially when someone else either doubts him or gets in his way.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
while i do agree that the character has devolved and basically turned into a hollow caricature of what he once was, i gotta admit, it is hilarious to see his pigheadedness play out in the comics


Legendary Devil Hunter
Dude, Jameson is essential.
For one, the character's good comic relief
Secondly, not everyone can love the hero, that would be boring
And lastly, he has some redeeming qualities. He supports mutant rights, in general, his disapproval of vigilantes is overshadowed by his hatred of prejudice and racism


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Well if you want to look at it from another angle, Amazing Spiderman 1 & 2 don't feature Jameson. So they're always there for a watch if you really can't stick him as a character.
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