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Don't trust people
OMG! a game stopped running and started to make noice... i though it was the disc but no the Xbox360 started to flash red with 3 of those things on the start button... WHAT HAS HAPPENED! the manual doesn't say anything! :(:(:(:dry::\:unsure:>_<


Is not rat, is hamster
Sounds like you are in for the Red Rings of Death, my friend. Have you tried turning it on and off again, without wishing to sound too much like an IT consultant...sometimes this happens and it's just a blip so don't panic just yet.

If it keeps happening or if you get an error message then you need to contact Microsoft and see if you can get it repaired. Is it still under warranty?


Don't trust people
Not in microsoft warranty but in the shop they gave dad and me 2 years and yes it don't stop and don't even connect to Xbox at all >_< can i change it in the store or? and i recently bought oblivion the i only came through the prolouge and BAAM all stopped! and now it is a special day so the stores are not OPEN! plz angel or someone else SAVE ME!


Is not rat, is hamster
Hmm...you could try the store I guess. We were within warranty with Microsoft when ours died so I don't know whether the store will replace it or just give you a credit note. I don't know how things work in Sweden regarding the rights of the customer so you might want to check first. Make sure you have your receipt as well...

On a side-note, Oblivion is TEH AWESOMENESS!!!

If you can tomorrow, take the Xbox to the store you got it from and ask what to do. Be aware though that your hard drive (f you have the Premium console and not the Arcade version) will be going with it and so will your saves etc. Your gamerscore will be safe as you can download your tag if you get a new console but just be aware that your save games will be all gone unless you load them onto a USB pen or something prior to returning the Xbox.

Good luck and hopefully you can get a new one or at least some idea of what to do with it. Just don't follow the "tips" on YouTube regarding how to fix it yourself because if you do, your warranty with the store will be void and you will be stuck with a broken 360 and out of pocket too.


Don't trust people
note:don't have Xboxlive
Don't care so much about gamerscore and savings... i got my games left at least.
and WHY THE DAY I GOT OBLIVION! it is so cool! have a nice day anyway
rep+ for you


Is not rat, is hamster
No Xbox live? Even less stress then :D

Just see what they say and hopefully you'll get back to the amzingness that is Oblivion :D


Don't trust people
here it is: i got 3 years warranty on the red ring of death! WOHOO! but first microsoft must come to sweden from germany get the xbox360 to germany and repair and last get it back here... take around a month! :(


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
The real red ring of death is only when have one red bar.
Check your chords and controller or hardrive, they corrispond to a light. If you get the actual RROD then you will lose all of your memory and everything you have on your hardrive, period and Xboxlive will be impossible access.I suggest you back up your data on to a memory card to be safe also
Your xbox may also be overheated, buy a cooler, but most likely your harddrive is doing it so scrap it.


New Member
X360 just sucks!

Had the same problem! But since in Albania the warranty and stuff aren't worthy, I just felt the pleasure to throw the console to the big garbage cans!:D


Is not rat, is hamster
It's got to be one of the buggiest consoles around these days...but I wouldn't trade mine in for the world :lol:

I think it's about 1 in 3 last less than three years (but only the old models) - this is now being rectified by the newer ones...when mine eventually dies (it's an old model) I'm getting myself Steve's new model and he's getting an Elite. I don't need much HD space so I'm happy with a regular one. Matches my den better :lol:


Is not rat, is hamster
At least aka's is under warranty though, eh? Shame it's gotta take so long to fix but you never know it may be quicker as ours was meant to take 6 weeks and only took about one and a bit. I think they give you a long time-frame to cover their backs just in case it does take ages, but hopefully it won't take anything near as long as that :)


Don't trust people
well i can't start it! don't show color sounds just a blue screen >_< ... is it only one!? then i maybe is happy... and i think it should have cooled down after 2 days... and the seller actually said it was circle of death...


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
Dante Aseroth;88448 said:
X360 just sucks!

Had the same problem! But since in Albania the warranty and stuff aren't worthy, I just felt the pleasure to throw the console to the big garbage cans!:D
Youd better be lucky I wasnt there I would have slaped and challenged you to a dual for doing such a thing:lol:


The devoted
The main cause that i have found with the lights of death are ventilation.
keep it in an open place, where it can "breath" and make sure that it doesnt over heat, if it is kept on for long amounts of time, then it wont help either, hope it helps


Don't trust people
well it is too late >_< so now it is only to wait for microsoft... Necris is my favorite in unreal :D


New Member
Bringerofchaos;88480 said:
Youd better be lucky I wasnt there I would have slaped and challenged you to a dual for doing such a thing:lol:

Trust me!

You'd lose the duel even before It would start.;)
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