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Is it true?


New Member
Some people say that Vergil is Neros father but I dont believe it I am super against Nero and if hes my fave Vergils son Ohh boyy! Im doomed thats all I can say

In DMC 5 Hopefully it will explain more about Nero

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
The timelines don't fit. If Nero is Virgil's son then Virgil must have gone teen at the age of 10. =]

So no. Its not true. If it turns out to be then Capcom are going against there own timeline.

Hope this helped =]


Well-known Member
yes the timeline isnt and also Vergil wuldnt have a child he dont care about humans so i dont he wuld impreganate one


Fearfully and wonderfully made
The whole Vergil = Nero's father is just a father is just a rumour at this point. Capcom haven't confirmed or denied anything as yet. I wouldn't be surprised if the rumour was created and spread by the members of this forum... :p

Personally, I'd wager that Nero is NOT Vergil's son. I mean, it's just so cliche! I'm sure Capcom can come up with a better Nero-Vergil connection than that! That's if they even are connected at all. Who knows.

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
Theory time :p
We know that Angus found the Yamato but broken .. well .. (here i go XD)
Could Nero be a remenent of Dante and Virgil?
Angus was a scientist , it says he recently started researching demons ...
The Order could have took DNA of the Yamato which would contain the blood of Virgil (when he cut his hand for the ritual) and Dante (when Virgil impaled him) and fused them together to create Nero , A rememnent of Sparda. That would explain why Nero has Sparda's blood and acts like Virgil and Dante and also explain the pre-mature Devil Trigger!
As Nero was growing up , the order could have thought that they could not wait and searched for Dante , so untill Sanctus saw his fighting abilitiy , he saw his perfection. Angus and Sanctus could have been hiding the whole thing , as when Angus stutters in the opening saying "that kid posesess d-d-d-demonic power!" , Credo was there ...
hmm ... Not close I think but its a try.


Well-known Member
I'm betting on younger brother or somekind of Sparda clone lol (j/k)

Who knows what Nero is or where he came from, no-one knows...yet ¬_¬;

The only problem with the above theory is a) Metal doesnt have DNA since it is not an organic substance (or in rare cases a virus) and b) it is doubtful that Virgils blood was on Yamoto otherwise Capcom wouldve made it clear via a movie sequence. The only blood that logically could be on is Dantes (DMC3 Virgils jump into hell), and even then it couldve evaporated or deterorated by the time Agnus found Yamoto (how Yamoto got seperated from Virgil and even broken is a mystery I would love to have an answer to)


New Member
^ That is highly unlikely. In the Anime, which is canonical to the series' storyline, Dante tells that Sparda and Eva were greatly and passionately in love. That leads to an open chance of Nero being the third son of the Dark Knight, and the second brother of Dante and Vergil.

Evil Nero

Well-known Member
How come Dante doesn't like him?
When Dante comes up to Virgil for the first time in DMC3 , Virgil asks Dante why he does not crave the power of his father? and Dante replys "I don't have a father"?
I haven't seen the anime so I don't know most os the story that revolves in te anime.


New Member
Before Dante's Devil transformation on Mission 7: A Chance Meeting, in that cutscene you prompted, Dante wasn't sure he was a demon or a human, while Vergil had fully accepted his demonic heritage.

He dislikes Sparda in the beginning, realizing his power was the one responsible for his family's disruption and the one which caused the corruption of his brother and the death of his mother.

Later, Dante accepts Sparda as the one which truly helped humans and fully deserves the title of the 'Legendary Dark Knight'.
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