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Interview with Shadow

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Thanks to Shadow for participating.​
General Questions

1) What is your current occupation?

Erm...sort of a caregiver-house cleaner-freelance writer hybrid. Which is just a fun way of saying jobless and looking for someone to publish me.

2) What are your hobbies?

Writing, mostly. Also gaming, reading, sewing, crochetting, and drawing. And the occasional written RPG.

3) How did you come across with this forum?

A certain friend of mine from FanFiction.Net and I were chatting on MSN and she mentioned that she was doing an RPG on a site I'd never heard of and, knowing I liked RPGs, asked me to join to play Nero in it (whom I, after looking at the wikia, had confused with Credo). Despite the fact that I'd never played or even heard of DMC at that time, I joined the forum. And now you lot can't get rid of me. ;)

4) Have you ever joined other forums?

Yep. I've joined quite a few, actually. The first I joined was a LJ Smith forum back in...oh, 2008? 2009? I can't quite remember, but it was quite a while ago. Then it was MyLeaky, The Muse Bunny, FFN, AdultFanFiction and FictionPress (if those count), WTRP, and Welcome To My World...just to name about half of them. Not to mention I admin a couple I haven't mentioned....

5) What do you like about this forum?

Its members. Everyone is so nice here, it freaks me out sometimes. I also like all the discussion threads and the mods (I never thought I'd like mods on a forum after my early experiences with some ._.).

6) What do you dislike about this forum?

Trolls and the way arguments spring up over nothing. It's disheartening.

7) What movies do you like and why?

Oh, too many to count! Here's just a few off the top of my head in no particular order: The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Harry Potter Series, Ghost Rider (only the first one), Constantine, Terminator Series, the Alien Quadrilogy, Sin City, Pirates of The Carribean (1-3), V For Vendetta, The Day After Tomorrow, Mary Reily, Dracula (the silent one, the one with Gary Oldman, and Dracula 2000), Star Wars, almost anything M. Night Shymalan has done, all the Batman movies ever...etc. etc. All the movies I love, I love for the same reason: they have a good story. I honestly don't care if they have my favorite actors in them or not, I have a short attention span so if they have a good story, I like it.

8) What music do you like and why?

Anything but polka and folk music. To be honest, it really depends on my mood for what I like. At the moment, I'm going through a Pink Floyd, Birthday Massacre, Shiny Toy Guns, Depeche Mode kick, though.

9) What is your future goal?

I've got a lot of them, mainly breaking the space-time continuum so people can travel interdimensionally. Realistic goals, though? I'd just be happy to be published. Maybe have kids one day. Dunno, though. Kids are scary.

10) What do you think about the negative trends of current generation, such as excessive gambling?

My shrink said I'm not allowed to have an opinion on this, but I'll make an exception for you. On one hand, I think it's highly detrimental to society. At heart, I think I’m a purist who thinks people should try and live their lives as full as possible and to try and be the best they can be. On the other hand, 90% of my family are alcoholics and several of them are gambling addicts. When I remember that, cynicism kicks in and says “well, how are ‘modern’ vices any different than the vices of the past so what's the point in concern?” I guess I'm just pessimistic in that reguard.

11) Have you watched many television series?

In the past, yep. Before my parents split up, the tv was on 24/7 (I kid you not), so it was hard not to. Now, however, I’ve grown to dislike tv so I usually only watch a couple series…namely Walking Dead, Elementary, and Too Cute (which the pets seem to enjoy, too).

12) What animals do you like?

Anything short of bugs…and some kinds of fish. Cats and dogs (or I should say any member of the feline and canine families) are my favorite, though. I also have a soft spot for birds, lizards, bunnies, and snakes. My relationship with snakes is two-fold, though, as they scare the hell out of me. However, I must say that my pets are the best animals in the world, therefor I like them the most.

Devil May Cry Related Questions

1) Have you played all Devil May Cry games?

Yes, I have. =) I started with 3 and 4, then played 2, 1, and then DmC.

2) Which Devil May Cry game is your favourite?

It's between DMC2 and DMC3, though I think DMC3 probably is my favorite.

3) Which Devil May Cry game is your least favourite?

The very first DMC. *prepares to be attacked with sporks* It just...doesn't appeal to me the way the others do.

4) Which Devil May Cry character is your favourite?

Vergil...who's tied with Credo.... Also Matier and Kat.

5) Which Devil May Cry character is your least favourite?

Lilith and Bob Barbas. Oh! And Jester. *shudders*

6) What do you think about DmC: Devil May Cry?

It exceeded my original expectations, I'll admit. There are some parts that annoy me (such as Mundus smut and keys that are out of reach), but, overall, I found it to be an extremely satisfying game.

7) Do you think Ninja Theory is the right choice for the reboot?

I...don't know, to be honest. If you'd asked me in 2010 (or whenever the first trailer came out), I would have said "no" in a heartbeat. But, now...again, I don't know. The game was great, so...I guess they were?

8) Who are your favourite bosses in from the Devil May Cry games?

Nevan and Vergil, for personalities sake. For fight's sake...probably Mundus, the Despair Embodied, and Angelo Credo; those were all really hard fights (for me) and so were extremely satisfying to complete. Not that it wasn't satisfaying to beat Vergil, but, as I spent half of the time yelling at him for cheating with raising his health back up and the other half of the time worried about hurting him, I was a little too distracted to focus on that.... >_>

9) Do you think there will be a sequel to the original Devil May Cry series?

Hmm...I doubt it. While I could see what they could do with plots and going on, I think an attempt at a sequel would come across as fanfiction-y in the worst of ways.

10) What do you think about the music used in all Devil May Cry games?

I like the music. The original DMC music was great in terms of atmospheric quality, with the boss battle music sutibly helping to pump you up and all that. I'm not as crazy about the music from DmC, though...but I haven't really paid much attention to it....

11) Do you think future Devil May Cry games should include multiplayer?

If it's in an unobtrusive way (like how you could have a second player control Dante's doppleganger in DMC3), I think it would be nice. If it's forced upon the player to the point where you can't complete a mission without being in multiplayer, then no. I think it would ruin the mechanics of the series. Maybe if it was in a Bloody Palace-like setting, that would be cool, too.

12) What are the things that you like about the Devil May Cry series?

I love the game plots and the characters, as well as the fighting. Fluid fighting seems to be something I don't find often enough, so...yeah. I like Kalina Ann, too. >_>

13) What are the things that you dislike about the Devil May Cry series?

The over-cheesed feel of the games, at times, bugs me. And the fact that Vergil and Dante never get along. I just want to bang their heads together, remind them that they're brothers, and walk off. >_> Also, all of the voice acting in DMC1 and 2 grates on my nerves. DMC2's was the worst. (Though Nero always shouting for Kyrie still makes me roll my eyes, so I should probably add that, too.)

General Gaming Questions

1) What consoles do you own currently?

Xbox360, original Xbox, PS2, Wii, N64, Kinect, and a Gamecube...which I'm trying to get rid of.

2) Which console is your favourite?

Probably the Xbox360, though I do like the PS2 and N64 alot for nostalgia's sake.

3) What do you think about next generation gaming?

If all the rumors are true, I'm not looking forward to it. I just don't like some of the apparent plans for the consoles. My mum (who's as big a gamer as I am) and I got into a debate about this the other day. Playing online all the time, not being able to buy used games, it just seems a bit ridiculous to me. I, for one, know my internet's not good enough to play online all the time and I couldn't game if I couldn't buy used games. It just seems kinda...like they're fishing for money and digging a grave for the game market.

4) Have you ever considered in purchasing any new consoles like PS4, WiiU, etc?

I have, actually. A WiiU for Bayonetta 2, a PS4 because I have a friend who only buys PlayStation games and I want to game with him, and an Xbox--what is it, 720?--because my most favorite series ever is an Xbox only series.

5) Do you think current game prices reasonable or not?

Not in the slightest. Shelling out $50 or $60 for a game, only to have to spend another $20 on DLC is ridiculous. It makes me continuously go "Good Lord, have mercy!" complete with a fake southern accent. Then again, with the amount of money they spend to make games...I guess they kinda have to make us pay alot.

6) What do you think about current gaming culture?

I think it's fascinating, though, I must admit, I've not thought too much on it. I'm suitably impressed with how it's grown from a sort of geeky, living-in-parent's-basement type thing to where there is gaming commercials on the tv and all this stuff about it everywhere.

7) What kind of games do you like?

RPGs (though I also loathe them with a burning passion) and strategy games (of the Tomb Raider variety), though hack'n'slash are fun, too.

8) Do you think current generation games have better quality compared to the previous generation games? Why?

Visually? Yes, the graphics have improved by leaps and bounds. Their play value? I'm not sure. Games seem to have lost their "for fun" value and have become all about getting them out as fast as possible to make more and more money, which has lowered the play value, in my opinion. That isn't to say I won't be constantly replaying games, but it does make them alot less fun to me.

9) What do you think about Japanese games?

To be honest...I'm not really sure of the difference between Japenese and Western games.

10) What do you think about Western games?

See above answer.

11) What video game companies do you like and dislike? Please state few reasons.

I like Bethesda for their graphics, and I love Lionhead Studios's storylines. And I like...erm...erm...the company that does Saint's Row? I don't know their name.
At the moment, I'm not too fussed about CAPCOM. The way they reacted to fans was rude.

12) If you are a billionaire, which company would you like to buy and own?

Lionhead Studios...
...that way I would legally own Reaver and I could ebil laugh at fangirls.
...I'm kidding. I just really love their games. =)

13) What will you do once you have owned the company that you like?

Erm...make tea for everyone and ask if they need help doing things? I dunno...what does someone do when they own a company? :S

14) What are the best sequels you have played?

Most of the games I play are sequels (I tend to buy the sequels first), so...ooh, that's though. Fable II and III, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Batman: Arkham City, and Saint's Row 3 are the ones that are at the top of my list.

15) Do you like or dislike to play online, and why?

It depends on the context of "online". If you mean in the online RPGs like World of Warcraft and League of Legends...no. I don't. They annoy me. If you mean online co-op like through XBL or PSN, then I enjoy it if my partner is a decent player or if it's a friend (or my mum...we try to mess each other up in games). If you just mean signed into my XBL account while I play...I don't even notice it anymore. Don't notice when it logs out, either....

16) What are the worst sequels you have played?

God of War 2. It's the reason I haven't played any other GoW games. I just...I just...ew.

17) Do you prefer Japanese games or Western games? Why?
Again, I'm not really sure

18) Between gameplay, story, music, replay value, and graphics, please rank each accordingly from the most important to the least important component in a game.

I'd say: story, gameplay, graphics, replay value, and then music. As much as I love music...my remote does come with a mute button.

19) What are the best games you have played?

You're making me choose? But...but...it isn't fair! D: But if I must...I guess, DMC3, Fable III, Sims (2 and 3), and Bayonetta. I can't really pick, though. I love all the games I like equally.

20) What are the worst games you have played?

God of War 2 and Dante's Inferno. No...just, no. *rants about people butchering fine literature with terrible gameplay*

21) What games that you think are lacking of originality?

I can't think of a game in paticular, but I can list genres. Zombie games, for instance, and fantasy RPGs. It seems like those games usualyl follow the same plot. Plus, it's a pet peeve of mine how every RPG seems to think dragons and elves are essential.

Art and Writing Related Questions

1) What fictions do you like to write or read?

I love to write horror, sci-fi, and...basically anything of a supernatural persuation. I usually stick to "urban fantasy" for reading, though. I also like to read gothic romances and YA.

2) What kind of art do you like to do?

I would love to do something in the style of Luis Royo or Victoria Francis, but, instead, I usually do chibis (when I'm bored), charcoal sketches, or people. As well as photomanipulations, if those count.

3) What fanarts do you like the most?

I don't really have a specific type of fanart, I like. Good cosplays are always enjoyable, but I mainly like just...art work. Celestialess, Karai, VB, and Lexy are my favorite deviantArt artists, if that gives an idea of what I like....

4) Is it hard or easy to appreciate an art or a written work?

It's not hard for me. Art is art, whether it be written, painted, sculpted, drawn, or whatever it may be, so I've an inate appreciation for all art.

5) If you are reviewer, how do you review a fanfiction or fanart?

To be honest, I don't consider myself good at art so I refrain from reviewing fanart. Fanfiction, is another matter. If a writer seems open to it, I try and give critique, but I always try and point out what's good in a story and not just say "it sucks". If I don't like it, I don't review it. (I also don't review it if I'm lazy, so dislike isn't the rule. >_>) If I'm reviewing it in the beta-reader sense, I tend to forgo alot of the fluff and fangirlisms in my usual reviews...in fact, I've been told I'm a kinda...harsh beta-reader.

6) Do you value more a writer's effort of writing a work than his/her grammar and story cohesion? Why?

It depends on if I like the story or not. If I like the story, I can ignore the grammar and cohesion and just appreciate the effort. However, if the story's poorly written, the grammar and errors bug me to no end.

7) How do you classify your art style?

Erm...bad? Yeah, really bad. Or, at the very least, basic.

8) Do you prefer to draw using a computer, pencil or pen? Why?

Pencil, because they have better control and they have erasers. >_>

Scenario Cases

1) A dialogue case. Assume that you are a policewoman. You have encountered few girls smoking in front a shop when you are off-duty. As a good-hearted policewoman, you want to advise them from smoking.

Day 1

You: Girls, please do not smoke. It is not good for your health and you are still schooling.
Girl A: Screw you.
Girl B: Yeah. You cops are damn biased. Men gets to smoke a lot, but women don't? How 'noble'.
Girl A: We expect to be treated like men are, so buzz off woman.

The girls left.

Day 2

The next day, the girls are arrested due to marijuana possession. They tried to run away, but you knocked them down and handcuffed them.

You: You are under arrest for marijuana possession. You have the right to remain-
Girl A: Hey, woman! Give us a break, we are just schoolgirls!
Girl B: Yeah, we are more delicate than men, as you would have known!
You: I am under the impression that you like to be treated like men.

What would be your assessment on this?

To be honest, the fact of the matter is that they did wrong and they have to pay for their mistake, just like anyone else.

2) You have found a rare games collection at a junkyard during your free time. Each of those rare games now costs more than 50 dollars due to rarity and in great condition. You are also a spendthrift person and has been spending a lot of money of buying games without concerning of your health and other important things.

Few days later, you have found out that you are unable to pay the rent of the apartment that you are living in due to lack of finances. You also found out that one of your family members are dying, and needs money for the operation. What would you prioritise first and why?

I would prioritise my family member's health, first. My mother is chronically ill irl, so...I'd always put her health first. I would probably sell the games I'd found to help pay for the operation and then, if there was anything left, worry about paying for the house.

3) You are a wife of hard-working man. Your husband is poor, but you are a rich woman. However, you have a very bad personality such as easily angered, but he still provides you money for living. At that time, you are fed up with this situation and wants to divorce him as well as to find a richer husband.

One day, you have found out that your husband is in the hospital due to an accident, and you have rushed to the hospital. Once you have entered into his room, he gave you a present. A beautiful, gold and diamond ring that is worth more than 50,000 US dollars. He worked hard so he can give you a proper wedding ring, since he gave you a simple silver ring to officialise the wedding months before. Are you touched or not by his effort in giving you a present?

What would you do next, and why?

It depends on if I loved him or not. If you don't love someone, no amount of gifts are going to make you feel touched over a gift and it might seem like a slap in the face to get such an expensive ring when everything's so bad off. However, if I did...I probably would be very touched and very guilty. And I'd feel like a right b*tch for wanting to walk out just cuz of the situation when he'd been trying all along and when the situation could be much worse. Just...as long as he didn't tell me how much it was worth (then I'd probably do something stupid like fret about bills and stuff).

Then again, not being in the situation...I really don't know.
Interview List
Angelo Credo Part 2​


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Wow. Great answers Shadow ^_^ (and my head a grown a couple of sizes :lol: )
Great questions Chaos Raiden :D
*Will have to play co-op on fable with you one day*


the horror was for love
Wow. Great answers Shadow ^_^ (and my head a grown a couple of sizes :lol: )
Great questions Chaos Raiden :D
*Will have to play co-op on fable with you one day*

Thank you, VB. ^^ Hehe. *would love to co-op*

Wow, those scenario questions were brutal. Good answers though! :lol:

They were! I got through most of the interview quite quick, but I spent forever on those! :blush: Thank you.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Normally dads I know that are secret gamers, first instance I've known for some time of mum being the gamer. Glad to see some older mums into gaming too, what games is she into?


the horror was for love
Normally dads I know that are secret gamers, first instance I've known for some time of mum being the gamer. Glad to see some older mums into gaming too, what games is she into?

Hehe, same! She likes...lots of games. Red Dead Redemption, Left 4 Dead, Rage, all the Saint's Row games, Dead Island, Sims, Call Of Duty, The Darkness (2), Far Cry 3, Mass Effect 3, and Dead Space...3. She also keeps stealing Skyrim from me.


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
Nice to know more about mine fellow forum members :), also Nice interview Shadow :), I would wish i can get mine someday too.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Hehe, same! She likes...lots of games. Red Dead Redemption, Left 4 Dead, Rage, all the Saint's Row games, Dead Island, Sims, Call Of Duty, The Darkness (2), Far Cry 3, Mass Effect 3, and Dead Space...3. She also keeps stealing Skyrim from me.

She has good taste also with most of them.
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