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Interview with Dark Drakan Part II

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Thanks to Dark Drakan for doing this. :)

General Questions

1) What is your current occupation?

I work for a Sports Nutrition & Vitamin company & have done for 10 years. Didnt apply for the job, just came to lend a hand for a while & been stuck here ever since.

2) What kind of games do you like to play? (e.g: Action, RPG, etc)

I have a varied mix of genres I play from RPG's, RTS's, Action, FPS & a handful of sports titles (Fifa). Only genre I dont get to play much really is MMO's as I refuse to pay monthly fees & no free ones have caught my eye that my laptop will run. Thought Guild Wars 2 looked great but doubt my laptop can run it.

3) What do you think about next generation gaming?

Im excited to see what the next gen consoles will be capable of but I dont think it will be as huge of a difference as people are expecting in visuals etc. Im hoping their scope gets larger & people are willing to take more risks in gameplay & overall be a little more ambitious with new franchises. I dont want to see the same game names as this generation simply being released with 'Next Gen' graphics & not many other improvements.

4) Have you ever considered in doing a video game related business, such as selling games?

When I was much younger I considered opening a gaming shop where people could come in & play games & buy them etc but it wasnt a feasible idea when I looked at it properly. I just enjoy talking about games with people & I would love to do it as a job rather than boring people at work about them. I originally wanted to get into game design but again the course was long & I didnt want to finish it & be in my mid 20's & not be guaranteed a job at the end & likely be in debt from College/Uni fees. I did go to college & passed all my courses & exams but plan was to get a job to get some savings then go back into education to continue it but my job was well paid & local so I never left.

5) Internet is full of childish people, but at the same time full of dangerous contents for certain demographic. What do you think about the Internet generally?

The Internet is what you make of it, I use it on a daily basis & have done so for many years but I find it a joy to use most of the time. There are idiots who try & spoil things in all walks of life, just happens to be that they can do it with anonymity on the Internet so they take things that bit further. So long as people stick to trusted sites & dont simply wander by following random links they can avoid most 'dangerous' content.

6) As a parent, what do you need to educate your children from right and wrong about the world and other stuffs?

I dont so much tell my Step-Son right from wrong I lead by example & let him make his own mistakes. Everyone from a certain age should know right from wrong & shouldnt need to be pushed towards the right choice, it should be an instinct. If they have to be shown each time they will never learn for themselves & will simply follow others into situations that might not always be the right ones.

7) If you are a CEO of a video game company, what kind of games do you want to develop with a big budget?

I would want to create RPG titles based on things like Lord of The Rings, Game of Thrones & Spartacus series. I think they would be suited to a style of level design like that seen at Bethesda. We see plenty of games that use advanced weaponry & guns & explosions that seem to get bigger & bigger with each title. However ive always had a soft spot for Medieval style combat, something more personal about people engaging in combat with hand to hand weapons & things that need skill & precision like bows. Rather than pointing a laser targeter & clicking a button to wipe away hundreds of enemies. I think those TV series/movies would make great games if done right & not these poor tie-ins they have been getting. A deep RPG with well thought out combat systems could be fantastic & I would love to see it. I would also want to get Shenmue III finally released to reward all those who have been waiting for it all these years (including myself).

) Have you ever asked any of your real-life friends to join this forum?

I have suggested it but most of them dont really use forums, they are gamers & visit gaming sites a lot but not so much forums.

9) Do you have a lot of problems in managing this forum?

Depends what you mean by problems, we have the odd troublesome members here & there who dont help situations or themselves half of the time. However thats stuff that the staff are there to deal with but it does cut into our time that could be used more productively on the forums. In the past we have had to juggle activity on multiple forums & having to fit it into a full time work schedule while at the same time not neglecting my Fiancée & Step-Son & finding time to watch TV shows/Movies & play games im interested in can be hard.

10) Do you think people will get respect as much he/she can online like in real-life?

That is situational, I think its actually possible to be more respected online than in real life in some cases if your reputation warrants it & word of mouth spreads faster online than between people in real life. Plus the fact that user names are easier to remember than peoples actual full names.

11) What are the negative issues that you find in youngsters nowadays that is detrimental to the society, such as excessive gambling?

I think the drink, drugs & gambling culture in youngsters these days is quite shocking. Plus there is very little respect between a lot of youngsters & adults & children are growing up faster & faster. They have access to things on the Internet that they didnt before & Internet bullying is quite common which is rather sad. Tie that all in with social networks, trolling forums, taking pictures of assaults & videoing abuse under the influence of drink & drugs & you have technology being used for the worst things it could be.

12) Why does people have a hard time in accepting another person's belief in another religion?

When people are brought up believing one thing that simply cant fathom that there could be something else out there. A lot of the time religions contradict each other & therefore conflict arises between people.

13) What do you think about the future?

Technology is taking over & we will all be replaced by robots & have hover boards by the year 2000 … 2142

14) If you are a billionaire, which company would you like to purchase?

Probably Microsoft, could have my fingers in many pies from Entertainment services to PC development, console gaming & tell them exactly what they shouldnt be concentrating on. Plus they are worth a hell of a lot of money which would sound rather appealing.

General Game Questions

1) Why is playing games is considered minority and a waste of time for some people?

They still believe that the games industry is full of overweight people still living in their parents basements learning nerdy languages while re-enacting Dungeons & Dragons. All in all because those people dont understand it & have never taken the time to get into it. It holds no interest to them so they discard it as a nerdy pass time full of stereotype gaming nerds.

2) Why do movie adapted games (or other media adaptation such as books) are generally badly received by players?

Purely because most are rushed through development & to the shelves to cash in on book/tv/movie sales & popularity. Its no secret that most of the games that are based around those that have been a success were developed with care, ambition & not to make a quick cash in.

3) Would you consider providing your possible voice talent to a video game?

I dont think anyone would want to hear that, im not a great actor & I really appreciate good voice talent in games. I wouldnt want to bring the quality of the game down by it featuring my acting 'skills'.

4) Games on mobile devices are on the rise lately, such as iPad. What makes them more appealing than other consoles like PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and etc?
I think its because they are easily accessible & you can pick them up for 10mins & put them down again without needing to sit there for hours to get the most out of them. I dont tend to play many on my iPhone but the ones I do have offered a significant amount of content for no cost at all (Plants vs Zombies). Its so good I have considered buying the full version, so even though you get good amount of content for free you are tempted to purchase it afterwards for the full content.

5) Why do voice actors are uncredited in many games, especially in Japanese games? Specifically, English voice actors are not credited in certain Japanese games.
It happens in a lot of movies too where certain actors have a bit part but they remain uncredited. I think sometimes it just so their records are only filled by big name titles so they look more successful. I mean what is more impressive, that you have appeared in 20 titles that are all hits & you have won awards & played a main part or that you have appeared in 80 titles 60 of which appeared abroad & no-one from your country has heard of but 20 were well-received over there.

6) Do you think it is fair for them not to be uncredited for their work in the game?

As said above, lots of times I bet its the actors choice themselves to remain uncredited.

7) If you are given a chance, which company would you like to be the CEO for and what would you do once becoming the CEO?
Bethesda because I love their game worlds & they are the closest to the worlds I would create myself. I would love to go & have a beer with the staff & get my nerd on talking games with them through the night while speculating on future games we could work on.

8) Are annual release games good for both gamers and the developers, such as Assassin's Creed series and Call of Duty series?

Personally I think they devalue franchises & people start to get bored of them faster, very little you can change in 12 months to warrant a full priced sequel. Financially they can be beneficial for companies if they continue to sell well & both Assassin's Creed & CoD continue to sell well plus the development costs of yearly releases is significantly lower than that of a longer development cycle. However they risk alienating fanbases at a much faster rate & usually have to can the franchise after it has run its course, something which will happen faster with yearly releases.

9) Which video game companies that you like, and why?

There are many companies I admire but to save space I will just put the ones that come to mind right away....

Bethesda: For their world design, the games are HUGE with multiple playthroughs lasting many years & hundreds of hours. I love the detail that goes into their titles, yeah they have been known to be glitchy but they are hugely ambitious & they have had most of my hours invested in them over the years.

Rockstar : They listen to gamers & their franchises are like large budget movies. They dont rush games out & are happy to take their time developing games until they believe they should be released, they dont bow to media pressure either with controversy.

Irrational Games: Bioshock series because the stories & the twists & turns are amazing & something most developers overlook for explosions & action. Though only just started playing Bioshock Infinite but I love it.

Valve: Because they have created some of the best games ive played with Half Life series & the truly outside the box Portal/Team Fortress. Though their development times leave a lot to be desired.

Starbreeze Studios: For their earlier work before they had old franchises pushed upon them to develop is ridiculous time frames. The Darkness series & Riddick series are exceptional games & ones that broke the movie/comic book tie in curse in style.

10) Which video game companies that you hate, and why?

I wouldnt say I hated any game company as such, there are ones im not a fan of their work but I havent got a problem with the studio themselves.

11) Do you regard a game's story to be a very important factor in choosing a game?

Most definitely, games that take the time to tell you a great story are very high on my purchase list. They dont have to be great in length but so long as the journey is worth it from start to finish im happy.

12) What kind of games do you consider as niche?

Any game that doesnt try to change itself to appeal to the masses but instead relies on its own merits & fans to continue to purchase it. So there could be many games considered as niche but they are getting fewer as more titles try to appeal to larger audiences.

13) Do you value new IP games or sequels of a current existing series?

I value both, without new IP's the games industry wouldnt be moving forward as fast as it is. I wish some companies would put more time & thought into new IP's so some didnt fade out after 1 or 2 titles however I have been impressed by the ambitious nature of some. Sequels done right can take a developer from being good to being regarded as great & by using past titles as things to improve upon & learn lessons from developers can gain a lot of experience from them.

14) Piracy is a rage nowadays. Do you think it is fair for the customers or the developers?

Piracy has always been there & it will always be there however if you give people enough reason to purchase a game they will do so. Using DRM measures & taking Anti-Piracy methods too far can often have the opposite effect & make people more determined to pirate it. For example a lot of people respect CD Projekt Red for their attitude towards piracy after their initial hard line attempt towards pirates...

'We are trying to get rid of DRM. If someone wants to pirate a game, eventually he will. Which is bad, of course. But you can’t do anything about it, so. We want to give the best user experience possible. When we removed DRM, people on those torrents were actually asking people not to download our game, because we [weren't using DRM].'

15) What do you think about the current games' pricing?

Im fine with current games prices as they are still the same price online that they have always been. Its when DLC is brought it that essentially completes the experience & you find you have paid double the amount for the game by the time you have got to the 'end' that can be irritating.

17) Do you think DLCs are overpriced or reasonably priced?

Depends on the DLC, I think some are overpriced map packs for CoD for example. I dont think any game should charge for extra maps for multiplayer or anything like that, unless they add significant content . However I would happily pay the extra for proper expansions like Dragon Born DLC for Skyrim for example.

18) As many people lack Internet access, wouldn't it be better if DLCs are released in DVDs for any console players and buy it to install the DLC in their consoles?

For those people I can see why it would be more beneficial to release it on CD yeah, same as those with download limits who cant be downloading huge file sizes like that so often. However I can also see how it might not be cost effective for companies to release most DLC on a CD as well as digitally.

19) Do you think demos are good way in judging how well the final game will be?

In some ways to get a feel for the mechanics of the games & how they control yeah. However not for the final quality of a game, as demo builds can be very old when compared to the final release code. Some games I have played have had great demos but what they did was pick some of the best parts of the game to fill the demo. Then the actual game has not maintained that same feeling for most of the game afterwards, so I would always use caution too & read lots of gameplay previews closer to release.

20) What do you think about the Aliens: Colonial Marine's failure this year?

It was a shame because it had so much promise but then the development cycle was all over the place & with multiple developers being involved it was a train wreck waiting to happen. Unfortunately what we got was a disjointed effort of a rushed development cycle that although it was in development for a long time didnt actually have much work go into it.

21) What do you think about the BioShock Infinite's success this year?

Well deserved, they have been ambitious & not relied on the same setting & atmosphere & really pushed themselves. I have just started playing it myself & it is everything you would want from a new Bioshock title & they have learnt a lot from the other titles in the series & what works & what doesnt. In my opinion it is a masterpiece of development & I did find myself with my jaw agape even really early in game.

22) In recent years, it can be seen that many first person view games such as Fallout games, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dishonored, Borderlands games, BioShock games and many more are well-received by the media and gamers. What contributes to the success of these games compared to third person view games?

What they all do really well is put you into a role & make you feel like you are in total control of that role & they give you freedom of choice. Go where you want, do missions how you want, cater for multiple playing styles & not really punished for a right/wrong way of completing missions. I found them all really engrossing & I am a huge fan of every game you listed there for that very reason. Its not really because they are First Person games, that just helps you feel like you are the character & helps you get more engrossed into that person & the world.

23) Recently, Square Enix is under major restructuring due to not meeting sales expectations for several games, like Tomb Raider and Hitman: Absolution. What do you think about this matter?

I have seen the figures they were expecting & they were really unrealistic so I think its a little disappointing these titles are being blamed for that. I think companies overestimate the sales a lot of the time & then games that have still sold a decent amount in this economic climate get panned for not achieving their projected sales margins which is a little sad.

24) THQ's liquidation is a sad thing to happen, especially for the developer studio's employees. Do you think it is fair for them to get sacked without proper reimbursements?

I think they should have received the cash they were owed & then the assets should have been auctioned off to cover their losses. It was a shame to see them go but not a surprise after their performances over the last few years & drops in sales & franchise losses.

25) What series do you think that require reboots to attract both new and old fans?

Fable is the main one that comes to mind, it has lost its way since Fable TLC & each game has been met with more disappointment. So I think they should strip it back to basics & see what did work & then go from there & re-establish the franchise because it is being left behind by bigger franchises.

26) What are the currently released games do you think that should not have multiplayer component?

First that come to mind are Bioshock, Chronicles of Riddick, The Darkness & Mass Effect.

27) What do you think about PS4 and WiiU?

I havent really had any interest in a Nintendo console since my much loved N64 & there arent enough details about the PS4 yet to know how good its going to be. Specs & power only counts for so much in a games machine.

28) What are the taboo themes that are often avoided in games? Do you think the developers should try including these themes in their next games?

I think there are plenty of areas that some think are taboo that games could explore with ease but most developers are afraid to try. The media love to bash games for making children violent & glorifying murder etc so I guess some dont want to give them more ammunition to throw at the industry.

29) PC is a highly customisable console for people to play games, such as better graphics with good graphic cards, whereas home game consoles like PS3 and Xbox 360 have fixed and limited hardware such as fixed graphic card and RAM. Which gaming console do you prefer, PC or home game consoles and why?

Im a fan of consoles & PC gaming, I was originally a dedicated PC gamer but I still owned consoles on the side for when I didnt have the cash to upgrade my PC to play the newest games. They all have their advantages & PC's will forever be leaps & bounds above consoles because of how easy they are to customise. If I had the cash I would build a monster PC for all the games that are seen to be the better package on PC then I would still use consoles for other pick up & play titles. I like watching moves etc on my consoles as well as playing games on it, so it is also becoming the media hub of the household.

30) Do you think handheld game consoles like PSP, 3DS, and PS Vita are successful nowadays?

Nowhere near what they were, when I was younger most people owned a Gameboy & then a Gameboy colour but I only know a handful of people who regularly use their handhelds these days. We used to take ours to school & play on breaks, I very rarely see people using them in public any more & games on them just dont seem to take off like they used to.

31) How exactly they port the game from a handheld version to the console version, such as porting a game from 3DS version to PS3 and Xbox 360 like Resident Evil: Revelations?

I dont know how they would go about that because surely most of the game would have to be changed for a console so it would essentially be a different game with the same name.

32) Do you think future game consoles should have the playback or emulator feature to play older games, such as PS4 being able to play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games?

I think it would be an idea to make sure they could play the last generation games (PS4 play PS3 games) to please fans however I can see why it might not be feasible. By adding the hardware into a new console to enable backwards compatibility the internal structure would have to keep older elements. That may hold a console back from being able to use its full potential as they only have so much space inside them. It may be a necessary evil to scrap backwards compatibility in order for the next gen consoles to truly move forward with their tech & try & claw back some of that gap between them & PC's.

33) Is region lock in games necessary for the gamers and the video game company?

Personally I dont believe so, I think you should be free to be able to play games from any region. As sometimes certain things are changed between regions or some games arent available outside a region. So to be fair to all gamers over the world we should all have access to the same games in the same state.

DmC: Devil May Cry related questions

1) Have you completed DmC: Devil May Cry? What do you think about the overall game?

Stated it before but I havent properly played any of the DMC games. Played the demo for the new title to see what it was like & it seemed like a decent game but I cant judge a full game on a demo. Im not on the forums because im a DMC fan im here to do a job, just to add some more controversy to the comments im not even that much of a Capcom fan & havent played anything by Ninja Theory (besides the demo of DmC).

Interview List
Steve Part 1
Steve Part 2
Angel Part 1
Angel Part 2
Dark Drakan Part 1
Dark Drakan Part 2
Angelo Credo Part 1
Angelo Credo Part 2

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Thanks once again for the thought provoking questions & getting my brain back into gear after a tedious day at work. :lol:

Nothing I enjoy more than waffling about games & the industry, though I did try to keep it as brief as I could. So if anyone wants me to expand on any answers or has any other questions please ask away...

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Thanks once again for the thought provoking questions & getting my brain back into gear after a tedious day at work. :lol:

Nothing I enjoy more than waffling about games & the industry, though I did try to keep it as brief as I could. So if anyone wants me to expand on any answers or has any other questions please ask away...

You are welcome. Thanks again for participating it. :D

I actually have more questions, but perhaps I should save them for others next time. :D
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