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Interview with Angel Part II

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Thanks to Angel for taking the time in doing this interview with me.

1) What is your current occupation?
Currently I am a full-time carer to one of my sons who has Autism and developmental problems. I'm also a director and trustee of a charity but that requires next to no effort on my part :D

2) What kind of games do you like to play? (e.g: Action, RPG, etc)
RPG is my favourite because I love anything that is so immersive that I can lose entire weekends and have no idea what happened. I know you can get that with drinking a lot but at least this way I wake up in the same room as I started, my liver hasn't dissolved and my husband is still speaking to me ;)

3) What do you think about next generation gaming?
I'm old so I don't really know what counts as next-gen any more. Is it 3D stuff? Is it motion control? Is it HD graphical quality? Is it anything involving a touch-screen and Apps? I'm not a major gamer - I like what I like and I play everything badly, so anything that involves more fiddling about to play just gives me an old lady headache. My kids probably know more about next-gen than I do. Which is more embarrassing than I care to admit...

4) Have you ever considered in doing a video game related business, such as selling games?
Not as such but I think at one point I toyed with the idea of having a gaming merchandise store online as a side-business to the forums. But finances and copyright permissions meant that it was just one of those nice ideas that would have ended up costing us more than we would have made. Writing about games would have been fun too but I am such a poor gamer and have so few writing skills, it would have been a disaster from start to finish. I think I'd be better off as the person who makes the tea for the video gaming business mogul. Yeah, I make great tea - that would so work for everyone.

5) Internet is full of childish people, but at the same time full of dangerous contents for certain demographic. What do you think about the Internet generally?
Nothing I can type that wouldn't be just a string of asterisks :lol:...nah, I think like many things the internet has its place in society now and nothing can really shake that at the moment. You get morons in every walk of life and the internet just allows people to do dumb things more anonymously than they would in reality, but with the changing laws that are occurring (at least in the UK), there are now mroe and more avenues for authorities to clamp down on problem users - even down to Twitter and Facebook accounts. You say something out of line, you can be hauled up in court. It's starting to become more often now than it ever was so whether that helps the problem of dangerous or idiotic users or just causes freedom of speech complaints, I don't know. I think it remains to be seen (to use an overly-vague and unhelpful phrase).

I'm the sort of person who can see how easily one can be sucked into the world of the internet but can also see how much of a lifeline it can be for those who cannot engage socially in real life for whatever reason. It's a huge resource and can be used to ill or for good - the more we educate people about how to use it correctly, the less chance there is of trouble happening to vulnerable people. In this day and age, the internet is valuable and important and should be made available to all - but where there are groups of people who need extra care such as kids, mentally vulnerable, bewildered people over 50 (sorry Mum, but you have to admit you have no idea what a router is), then a degree of responsibility for their welfare must be taken on and boundaries put in place to prevent them from coming to harm.

6) As a parent, what do you need to educate your children from right and wrong about the world and other stuffs?
A big stick.

I'm kidding. Sort of. Every parent does it differently and as I've said elsewhere on the boards before, my kids have very different needs and what works for one does not work for another. With my eldest, we talk things over and I have ensured she has a strong network of other responsible adults who she can speak to if she doesn't want to talk about something with me. I have very few set rules and work on the principle of if you respect the boundaries, you will be given more freedom. If you don't respect them, prepare to become very acquainted with the four walls of your bedroom. My middle child, the one with special needs, well he's another whole ball game altogether. Constantly repeating myself over and over and over and over and over and over again is the only thing that kind of sinks in. Jake will continue to do something until he learns by rote that it is not acceptable. Even then he will continue to misbehave or do things that hurt himself or others. It's a long road but I guess we'll get there eventually. As for my youngest...yeah. He's actually very challenging at the moment (that's polite parent talk for being a little crap) so because he is so very young (18 months), his life consists primarily of being told no. A lot. But he is slowly getting it. As he gets older, I am hoping we will be able to get to the stage where we can talk things over with him too, although I think his dad will play a more significant role there.

On a wider scale, I think children need to have firm boundaries in place but the freedom and flexibility to ask questions. Questions are good because they make both sides think more and learn more. The basics of "try not to stab anyone today, dear" are kind of learnt very early on, but the more complex issues of life, which can have varying opinions from different sources, require more careful handling, a respectful attitude and a willingness to listen to each other. What I may consider to be wrong may well be viewed as perfectly acceptable by the rest of the planet and I have to be careful to present my view without expecting my kids to adopt it as their own.

Failing that, the big stick is really awesome, guys.

7) If you are a CEO of a video game company, what kind of games do you want to develop with a big budget?
Oh my gosh - an epic RPG of epic proportions that is so epic it makes the word epic seem redundant when talking about it. I'd just make the one game and keep adding to it and adding to it and adding to it and upgrading it and making everyone love it by having no DRM, a huge modding community and...I dunno...I'd give out money with every new game sold. Or hookers. Or tiramisu. I like tiramisu.

I think if I was a CEO I'd be sacked fairly quickly, wouldn't I?

8) Do you think children now are exposed to darkside of the games prematurely, such as extreme violence from games?
First off I don't think there is a darkside, per se, I think there is mature content and stupid parents.

No one puts extreme violence in a game intended for little kids and titles that are very violent or explicit in one form or another are rated and described as such, as per the law. If parents do not take the time to find out what their kids are up to then they cannot blame games for corrupting their kids any more than they can blame books, TV, films, music or the wrong type of chocolate bar (which is anything by Hershey, in case you are wondering).

Kids are only exposed prematurely when such material is made available to them. Keeping the console in a family room, checking out the title they want online prior to purchase, playing the game for yourself or with your kids...the list goes on and there is plenty you can do. If your kids get exposed at someone else's house (it happens, there's no denying it) then whilst the initial damage is done the control can be that you talk it over - and mention it to the other parents if necessary. Most decent parents won't think it acceptable either and do something about it. Some are just idiots - pure and simple. And if that's the case, why in the hell would you want to be mixing with that sort of family anyway?

Kids ARE exposed early sometimes and there's not much that can be done after the fact. But there are measures that can be taken to prevent it from happening and if everyone took those measures then it would be a lot easier to keep kids from playing Manhunt in between watching Disney cartoons.

9) Is this forum better in terms of members' maturity of posts and behaviour compared to other forums that you are managing as well?
Um...in a word, no. But that is a generalization, to be fair, and not everyone here is part of that. What has to be taken into account is that this is our busiest forum and has probably the most passionate fanbase, for better or for worse, and when you get a lot of passionate people with opposing views on the same subject, sparks will fly and tempers will fray. I'm not really sure it's a testament to maturity either, I think it's the natural course of events when things get heated to kick it up a notch. It doesn't help matters, as we all know, but it happens. And when it does, if justifiable enough for punishment, the staff take action. Sometimes it's just a warning and sometimes it's a ban. Other times, we get in touch with people and try to talk things through.

On this board alone at any one time we can have up to 150 active members posting - on our other boards, the groups are very tight and all know each other either offline or via social networking as well so we tend not to kick off too much. But when it does happen I think it's worse because people are genuinely hurt by it because they feel that their friends have let them down or upset them. And it takes longer to heal those kinds of hurts than it does to just whack some unknown somebody on ignore. These boards go through phases of bad behaviour - usually when big news hits or Capcom do something stupid like sanction a new game that polarized the community ;) But when this place is good, it really is golden. When those moments happen they are really worth waiting for.

10) Have you ever asked any of your real-life friends to join this forum?
No...because none of my friends in real life know what the hell I'm talking about. They think I'm mental.

11) What are the common positive/negative feedbacks of this forum that you have encountered?
Positives tend to be when we deal with something quickly and efficiently and someone occasionally creates a thread to thank us for it. The negatives are when people think we don't deal with things enough or in the way that they would like. Kind of like handing us a cake and then when we take a bite, it's full of razor blades :lol:

12) Why are double-posts/triple-posts not allowed in this forum? What are the exceptions for this rule?
Because it can be rather overpowering to look at - someone dominating an entire thread without seemingly taking a breath before launching into something else. It puts people off, makes the place look messy and the flow of conversation is halted because different people are being replied to by one person and it's all over the place. It was originally in place to prevent people from potentially spamming the site - it helps to filter out the genuine posters from the ones who just want to get to the minimum post count in order to show videos or link to their weird donkey porn sites or whatever.

An exception for this rule would be best displayed by Vampire Wicked's posts - if you notice, there will be 3 or 4 in a row when posting about gaming news. This is generally ok because when posting news, not everyone will have something to say about it and in order to keep people updated, a new post is made. Or when someone has a story or artwork - that's fine too.

13) Do you have a lot of problems in managing this forum?
No, I don't think so. People are usually pretty receptive to being spoken with about stuff that's going on and spammers are few and far between. Persistent trolls have to jump through hoops to get back in, so we just enjoy watching them go through the whole logging in process only to be kicked again before they can so much as view their profile. People here make good use (if sometimes a little excessive!) of the report and ignore functions and for the most part, we have a great community here, despite the disagreements that go on. What would be awful is if all people said was "no u r ghey!" to everything. That would be time to pack it all in and try another job, I think ;)

General Game Questions

1) Why does playing games is considered minority and a waste of time for some people?
Because they are probably still stuck in the mindset that games are for little kids and have no real quality or depth to them. Either that or they read the Daily Mail and think that video games are equal to devil worship and if you play them you'll become a crack addict and sacrifice your babies to Bahamut within the week. Or something. Also, other people are idiots.

2) Why do movie adapted games (or other media adaptation such as books) are generally badly received by players?
I think it's the lack of continuity or messed-up canon. Or the fact that so often it can be a cash-cow and no one is really interested in making something of quality, they just want another part of their franchise expanded.

3) Would you consider providing your possible voice talent to a video game?
Olololol - yeah, I think I've said elsewhere on the boards that I essentially sound like a man with a speech defect. It would be a terrible idea to have me be the voice of anything other than perhaps some sort of gender-confused comedy character who dies fairly early on.

4) Games on mobile devices are on the rise lately, such as iPad. What makes them more appealing than other consoles like PS3, Xbox 360, PC, and etc?
Well, you have to admit - it's a heck of a lot easier to put a smartphone in your pocket than your PC. With gaming on the go, you can appeal to a wider demographic - I know people who do not consider themselves to "play games" happily spend hours on Candy Crush Saga and Angry Birds because they are easy to pick up, free to download and addictive to play. It's another form of entertainment while we wait for the train or have some time off from lessons at school or college. It's something to mess about with during your lunch break or those times when you just want something very light and fun rather than some epic RPG.

5) Why do voice actors are uncredited in many games, especially in Japanese games?
I actually did not know this so I can't answer it sensibly. So I shall just scream "RACISM!" and see what happens from there...

6) Do you think it is fair for them not to be uncredited for their work in the game?
I don't think it is ever fair to not credit someone for the work they have done, regardless.

7) If you are given a chance, which company would you like to be the CEO for and what would you do once becoming the CEO?
Bethesda. I would just sit in my massive office and make that awesome game I was telling you about earlier in the interview...oh, and guy expensive coffee. I can never afford expensive coffee :(

8) Does annual release of games are good for both gamers and the developers, such as Assassin's Creed series and Call of Duty series?
Good for the devs because of money, I guess, but II'm not so sure about the gamers. With annual releases of titles, it makes me feel there is an attitude of quantity over quality and that's never good. But whilst the majority are haapy to go along with it, money talks enough to say, "hey, we don't care - give us any old crap and we'll lap it up"

9) Which video game companies that you like, and why?
Bethesda: they make my kind of games - epic RPGs which I love enough to see their faults but not give up on them.

Lionhead (during Molyneux's reign): imaginative and fun games - even with the Fable franchise kind of hitting all the wrong spots for a lot of people, I love what they did and what they were trying to achieve. I thought their earlier titles were inspired too such as Black and White and The Movies (which I still cannot get the hang of. True and embarrassing)

Rare: Quirky, fun and titles I can play in front of the family, for the most part.

10) Which video game companies that you hate, and why?
I actually don't hate any companies but some I think are a bit crap like EA and Activision. I can't help but view them as only being in it for the money now and not the quality of gaming. They churn out all kinds of tat each year and no one seems to bat an eyelid if it's just re-skinned from past titles with a couple of extra bonuses. If anyone could have invented the term "cash cow" had it not already existed, it would have been them.

11) Do you regard a game's story to be a very important factor in choosing a game?
For me, yes. But that's because I like immersive RPGs. For shooters and the like, I don't really care so much. So long as it makes sense and doesn't make me sit there going, "wut?", I'm happy. RE6 let me down there massively - two campaigns down and I still have no idea what's going on. Which should never happen in a game. Ever.

12) What kind of games do you consider as niche?
Hmm...that's a tough one actually. I'm not sure I can answer it so I might have to leave this one. Sad face...

13) Do you value new IP games or sequels of a current existing series?
Both, so long as they are done well. Sequels can surpass their predecessors if done with care and attention to detail and the fanbase. New IPs can breathe life into a flagging market and gamers should be supporting devs who try new things and push boundaries.

14) Piracy is a rage nowadays. Do you think it is fair for the customers or the developers?
No I don't - I know there are some out there who will argue the side of the pirates until the cows come home, but stealing is stealing and if devs are not paid for their work then where are new games going to come from? With the financial climate hitting companies hard and people being laid off from active developments which then have to be halted, I cannot see the justification in piracy at all. Gaming costs will go up, prices will hike and it's just a vicious circle which is headed up by selfishness. If a gamer truly supports the industry, they will cough up and pay like everyone else. If you are only interested in pirating games then I would question whether you are even a gamer at all.

15) What do you think about the current games' pricing?
Well I primarily game on PC now so the prices are nearly always cheaper than consoles anyway, but I still don't like how expensive new games are. I'm not up on financial markets regarding the cost of creating a game, projected sales and profit margins and other adult stuff, but whilst games are costly, the devs need to make money back on their venture so it's a tough one to call.

DmC: Devil May Cry related questions

1) Have you completed DmC: Devil May Cry? What do you think about the overall game?
I've only watched all the cutscenes, which I spoke about in a thread a little while back, and I've watched Steve play parts of it. There is room for improvement but then again, what game doesn't need something somewhere along the line? Even my beloved Elder Scrolls games need work and I adore them. I think bits were not done as well as they could have been and there were a couple of inconsistencies but rather than relate the whole lot here, people can take a look at my views here if they haven't already done so.

2) What is your impression on the game's story?
See linky ^

3) What do you think about the characters in DmC?
See linky ^^

4) Does the gameplay feel right to you at all times, or do you have some problems while playing it such as problematic controls?
Not played the game at all because it's not my cup of tea, so can't answer this one.

5) Do you think Ninja Theory is a good choice in developing DmC?
I don't actually know. I've never come across any of their stuff before so for me there is nothing really to go on. I think what they brought to the table was very different and an improvement in many ways, but whether they were a better choice than another company, I can't really say.

6) If you have the creative decision, which company you would like to develop DmC instead?
Rare. We'd have a DmC/Viva Pinata mashup and it would be awesome. Come on, guys - you know I'm right.

7) How better is this game when you compare it to older DMC games?
Graphics, dialogues, voice-acting...oh and the clothes ;)

8) If the sequel is made, would you play it?
No, but I'd watch and view all the cutscenes like I did before. I'm so hardcore, right?

9) What actually makes you dislike about this game?
Some of the pointless elements like the weird exchange of profanity between Poison and Dante and a few other bits that I referred to in my thread (again, check the link to avoid me posting a wall of text here)

Interview List
Steve Part 1
Steve Part 2
Angel Part 1
Angel Part 2
Dark Drakan Part 1
Dark Drakan Part 2
Angelo Credo Part 1
Angelo Credo Part 2

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
WOOO! ChaosRaiden you are the King of reviews and getting the good details. Angel your awesome for taking the time to answer his questions, this is what I call a Mod! :)

Five stars for awesome-ness! :D


Is not rat, is hamster
That was fun :D

Don't know what's going on with the links in it though - they seem to have a mind of their own...

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
That was fun :D

Don't know what's going on with the links in it though - they seem to have a mind of their own...

lol The links are possessive.

Thanks again for participating in the interview.

Added past interviews links now on the first post.
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