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Interesting Theory...(Be warned)may contain spoilers


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
I believe that Dante's demonic power was suppressed by Sparda as kid to only allow him to harness it to a more limited degree, and the same could be said for Vergil's but only at a degree that they're allowed to use it to survive, and blend enough in their backgrounds so it doesn't effect the world around them, this is to keep them safe from Demons long enough as to not be sensed by them.

After witnessing his mothers death Vergil's power inside him went berserk probably holding unto Yamato and from what I realised is that anything with magic power, especially one that's been used by a parent has power trapped within it, that when it recognises the same power in another can be allowed to be used by that person.

Now after trying to protect his mother and brother!? Vergil's power was unleashed by Yamato, and after leaving his presumed dead family made it his goal to learn as much as he could, so that the same could never happen to him ever again.

What is indeed been established is that Force Edge/Sparda, Yamato and Rebellion are natural forged Devil Arms with Demonic embedded power, and can be used to seal/open gates to the underworld, but also release Demonic power hidden within Hybrids/Cambion's such as Vergil's and Dante's hidden demonic power allowing them to access their Devil Trigger, and though Dante's was done via being stabbed by the Yamato first and then Rebellion after!

Here's the deal...

Nero is supposed to be a Cambion too right?

So why hasn't he manifested a true Devil Trigger?

The theory I propose is that Nero's Devil bringer is a partial manifestation of a Devil Trigger, so let me explain...

After having come into contact with a powerfully demonic source such as Rebellion awoke a portion of the Demonic power that was inside Nero's and brought forth a little portion of his dormant potential. And once in contact with Yamato...well being in close proximity excited his arm a little more, but not that much as to boost him to awaken his true Devil Trigger. And since Nero was stabbed by an imitation of such a Devil arm...that bring Agnus's blade!? Which isn't a real Devil Arm and therefore couldn't awake a Devil Inside him, as Vergil said to Dante "I see a Devil inside you has awoken as well"!!!!!!! Although Dante said something similar such as "Hm...you've got a trick up your sleeve"!!!!!!

What does this mean for Nero?

Well Nero's power is borrowed and not his real one that sleeps inside him, as seen when he uses the spectral form of Vergil's Devil Trigger and it's just that...borrowed. As you may remember when Nero had a visitor in his mind asking what he wanted a voice said "Power...I need more Power" to which Nero replied by saying "I'll take that too". This interaction seems to be primarily the connection between him and Yamato conversing with each other. Also I noticed something really interesting whilst observing Vergil's gameplay in the Live Japanese stream, where Vergil had the ability to spin a summoned sword in the tip of his finger, and doesn't that remind you of something? Yes you've seen it whereby Nero uses charged shot 3 in Devil Trigger and you see the spinning summoned swords being flung into enemies.

Does Nero have the capacity to awaken his true Power?

Yes why not...I mean he's got Sparda's blood flowing through his veins and therefore should have the capability to awaken his own Demonic Linage, and I believe this can be done if Nero were to get his hands on a pure Devil Arm...one with real Demonic power imbedded in it, and since his sword Red Queen is just a mechanical one and not a pure sword brings me to a realisation that Nero is incomplete, and his power is synthetic which is not quite balanced or in harmony with what it should be. This can be seen where Nero uses his Devil Bringer to Pull or Throw objects and not to mention grab Demons too. The Devil Bringer's abilities are just a mental extension of Nero's power but in spectral form made physical.

Let's discuss Nero's Future and how he'll evolve...?

Nero will have to learn that he can't always use borrowed power and find a way to gain it naturally because there will come a time where his sword Red Queen will be made redundant and he can't just use Yamato, and he'll probably go through a transition where his journey will take him to find a Devil Arm in order to compete with Dante, and sooner or later Vergil will come back to take his sword since it belongs to him...and I really think Vergil will come back! I mean why include him in the Special Edition just for the sake of having him as a playable character, if it's not a future forshadow that Capcom is thinking about wanting him to return right?.

The Devil Bringer?

Yes what about it...?

What will become of it?

The enchanted arm will sooner or later fade and it will probably be deactivated by Yamato since if you look back to the scene where Sanctus stabbed his arm...it deactivated and couldn't be used at all, which suggests that Vergil will do the same but he'll extract the power and direct it to the heart, thereby awakening Nero's true power that sleeps inside him...

Well that was long...hope you're all enjoyed reading it or at least gave it a try.

p.s I could go even further if you want me too?


Well-known Member
I read it all, but I'm not sure what the core of the theory is. I mean, you've said a lot of different things that I could individually take apart or support, but I'm not sure what it's all for. Like, what is this theory trying to prove? Are you just trying to say that Nero hasn't achieved a full devil trigger yet?

If so, I'm not sure what undiscovered devil arms and Nero's Devil Bringer being an incarnation of a mental construct have to do with it, really. It all seems a bit extraneous.

Now, if what you're proposing is that these Cambions can actually manifest their thoughts in the real world, and that this extends to their devil trigger, that would be interesting. It would also explain why Dante's DT changes so often, as well as the 'physics' behind Vergil's summoned swords.

But yeah, I feel like I just read a lot but I don't know exactly what you're getting at.


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
I read it all, but I'm not sure what the core of the theory is. I mean, you've said a lot of different things that I could individually take apart or support, but I'm not sure what it's all for. Like, what is this theory trying to prove? Are you just trying to say that Nero hasn't achieved a full devil trigger yet?

If so, I'm not sure what undiscovered devil arms and Nero's Devil Bringer being an incarnation of a mental construct have to do with it, really. It all seems a bit extraneous.

Now, if what you're proposing is that these Cambions can actually manifest their thoughts in the real world, and that this extends to their devil trigger, that would be interesting. It would also explain why Dante's DT changes so often, as well as the 'physics' behind Vergil's summoned swords.

But yeah, I feel like I just read a lot but I don't know exactly what you're getting at.

What I'm trying to say is that Nero's power isn't really his own and that it's borrowed at the moment, and what I suggested is the only way for Nero to awaken his hidden potential, is if where to go through the process of what Dante did when he awoke the Devil inside him too. The Devil Bringer is just a partially transformed Devil Trigger and hasn't accessed his own since the one he has is Vergil spirit manifested through his arm via Yamato. Yes Nero will gain a Devil Trigger of his own but he will have to go through the family tradition, of getting impaled or stabbed by Yamato in order to do so.

Imagine a mirror world of ours and that the person we see in the mirror is you but someone who's locked in the other side of the dimension...now imagine Yamato being the key that opens the door to the other side and bringing forth your true self merging it with you, but in this case Nero's true power resides in Hell, and the only way to bring it forth is to call forth, and a powerful Devil Arm is just that.

As for the Devil arm? Well Nero has to find his own enchanted sword like Yamato, Force Edge and Rebellion so that it can keep on par with Dante's Rebellion and Vergils Yamato, and there's a reason for that? So bascially Red Queen is just a mechanical Sword with no Magic properties of it own, and going toe to toe with a powerful sword such as Yamato, Rebellion and Force Edge will put Nero at a disadvantage since it will break and he'll have to continuously repair it.

Cambions can manifest their power through their own thoughts and from what we've seen Dante has Telekinetic abilities and Vergil's Teleportation and Summon Swords!

And what you proposed with the idea that Dante's Devil Trigger changes due to his continuous exposure to other Devil Arms! Not only does it seem to suggest that each Devil Arm changes the users outward appearance, but also has an effect on their Devil Trigger once they don't use them after a long time. Haven't you noticed how Dante's Rebellion Devil Trigger doesn't change anymore when he uses other Devil Arms? It seems to suggest that Dante's true base form for his Rebellion Devil Trigger is what you see when you use it in the game itself, and that the one we saw in 3 was not a matured version of what you see in 4.

Nero on the other hand doesn't posses his own Devil Trigger and he's only using Vergil's for he time being.

Look I know what I want to say it's just I'm trying to figure it out but I want to share my discovery with everyone, so I can have everyone's input and ideas to help me see it clearly.


Well-known Member
Oh, I see what you mean. You're just kind of organizing your thoughts. Yeah, I think we've all thought of something like this time and again. It would be interesting if Yamato not only unlocked Hell gates, but demonhood itself.


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
Oh, I see what you mean. You're just kind of organizing your thoughts. Yeah, I think we've all thought of something like this time and again. It would be interesting if Yamato not only unlocked Hell gates, but demonhood itself.

I think Yamato being plunged into a Cambion to bring forth their Demonic power in a ritual of sort that Dante went through to access his Demonhood, but somehow Vergil stablised it using Rebellion since Rebellion is the only weapon that's connected to Dante and therefore only Dante's sword can harmonise and balance his power. My mind has been on the scene where Agnus stated that Yamato was the key to the opening Hell Gates, and a thought came into my mind where I believed that if it can happen to a gate...what if it can do it to Cambions too? If so then Nero will go through this ritual in the future, and I believe that Nero needs to have his own enchanted Devil Arm soon in order to hold his own ground...and with future battles is going to make Nero realise that his sword is no match.

Yamato unlocked Vergil's Demonhood
Rebellion unlocked Dante's Demonhood
Force Edge is Sparda's unique Power that grants him his own, and to share it's power with his sons.

Nero needs something unique to his own hidden power.

Here's something quite interesting that I learned whilst replaying DMC 4...

When someone with a powerful Devil Arm comes into a close proximity to Nero it makes his Arm glow, so in a way when Nero came into close proximity with Dante's Rebellion an explosion occoured and once the dust cleared it we see Nero blocking Dante's sword which means that his arm transformed and in doing so shared/borrowed some of it's power enough to protect himself from being harmed, and the same with Yamato when he called the sword forward and take down the Angelos to save him.

But everything that Nero has right now is just borrowed/shared and not really his own.

Ok I'm just monologuing right now and my Aspergers traits is making my mind go into tangents hahahahah oh well I hope everyone is finding my thoughts interesting, and if not please don't hesitate to say so OK.


Well-known Member
If there's anything we know of that would have done it (according to this theory), it would have been Evil Legacy. However, all of those 'collectables' that Nero got were abilities rather than weapons, so maybe he does need to find something else. Honestly, I feel like Yamato may have already done it, but he simply has less power being a something like a quarter-breed.

Even then, maybe it's not so bad. The Devil Bringer can do a hell of a lot already, so if he keeps acquiring power and stuffing devil arms in there, I wouldn't doubt he could eventually be a match for Dante.
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