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Imagine what will happen in the ending?


Let's rock, baby!
What do you think will happen? Will Sparda return to fight with Dante as a test if his son surpassed him, or will Vergil return to get revenge on Dante?

Ending guesses:

1) Sparda would have Nero take his place to defend Fortuna in order to assist his son to protect humanity


2) Vergil would kill Dante with the revolver and Kyrie rescues Nero from Vergil's grasp by having him kill her with the Blue Rose and Nero would snap out of it and see what he's done and Nero would have no choice but to cut off the arm


Well-known Member
Nero gets consumed by the spirit inside him at some point in the game. At the end of the game, he has become completely posessed, and Dante has to defeat him. Perhaps Dante will have to obtain some kind of item to bring the spirit out of Nero. I can imagine a fight between Dante and Nero, and then the spirit coming out of Nero, and Dante has to fight that in a physical form.

Devil Leon

Devil Hunter
Chrysander;64102 said:
Nero gets consumed by the spirit inside him at some point in the game. At the end of the game, he has become completely posessed, and Dante has to defeat him. Perhaps Dante will have to obtain some kind of item to bring the spirit out of Nero. I can imagine a fight between Dante and Nero, and then the spirit coming out of Nero, and Dante has to fight that in a physical form.

I think this is very likely. I do believe the spirit is Vergil myself, so I think the last battle will be Dante against Nero/Vergil.

This would also explain why you cant play the second half as Nero, if he becomes the bad guy.


Demon Slayer
all i knw tha nero will be helping dante with his job and be in future and he will fall in luv with klyie


Well-known Member
Hmmm i'd take a guess and do like they did in phoenix wright 2 and the guy you want to turn up (vergil in this case).
Appears out of no where(the clues are all there)slashes at one of the main villans saving dante/nero from there fate nero/dante gives him his sword and you fight with vergil.
Or vergil is set up for dmc5 but dmc usually don't have cliff hangers(well except 2 but people don't like to talk about 2:lol: )

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
I don't know, it would be appropriate for the even number games to have a cliffhanger, it would certainly create a big draw for DMC5, and a reason to keep Nero around.


i think at the end with out tp peoples knowlege the spirit of vergil will get his body back and it will be a special cutscene at the end if you beat 100 enemies (cause its only right vergil in a special cutscene in the last game) the cut scene will come on and the first thing you hear when all music is off is "its been a long time brother" then they show dante " i was just going to say same thing"
then after wards they either go devil trigger and slash then end cut or shake hands but this came into mind today


oh and first before they speak dante is shown smiling and he throws vergil his yamato and then vergil speaks


Wesker's #1 fan!
No offense, but what is it with all this, "Vergil comes back for revenge to kill Dante. Vergil wants a peice of Dante. Vergil wants Dante dead." Dude! Last time Vergil knew of Dante's presence and come across him he basically protected him.

If it wasn't for Vergil, Dante would probably be Mudus' biznich. I could be wrong, but I don't see any reason for Vergil to be angry with Dante. HE choose to jump into Hell, HE choose to challenge Mundus in his weak state, and HE choose to give his amulet to Dante. Dante had nothing to do with what happend to Vergil. So if Vergil is ****ed over that, my blue sweety has some problems.

Come back for revenge? Revenge on what?


they would just be fight for the hell of it like a rematch but it wont be to the death look at what i wrote in the dmc5 thread


Let's rock, baby!
Okay! So revenge would never work... but how about Vergil fights Dante one last time until his soul goes to the heavens where their mother is in peace. And that way Nero would become a new member of Sparda's family and together Dante and Nero would become allies & brothers and partners


Fearfully and wonderfully made
No matter what happens in the ending... Capcom have to set up some sort of Cliffhanger that'll keep us on guessing until Devil May Cry 5 is released. Capcom: Please, please, please let Vergil make an appearance in Devil May Cry 4. ^_^


Well-known Member
I'd kind of be happy with that, because if they're happily ever after, then it would mean that DMC5 wouldn't have them in, and Dante could have 21 missions on his own.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I think if Sparda returned he should fight a much powerfuller Mundus, Mundus said he'd return.


Demon Slayer
it will be funny if it turn out nero is dante 2nd brother but i knw tha anit gonna happen but i hope it will.


Let's rock, baby!
here's a thought

I think Vergil would come back to fight Dante one last time. And the reason he wants to fight his brother again is that Vergil wants to go to the heavens and see their mother again. Dante and Vergil will never forget each other and that their mother & father are always watching Dante to defend the human world. And once Vergil is removed from Nero's body, Nero would be Dante's new brother and Nero would reveal himself as a reincarnated self of Vergil but with a Dante personality. And together Nero and Dante defended humanity from demons

What do you think?


i agree with the dante will fight the yamato spirit. That's a real good possiblity. But, i dont know bout this vergil = spirit thing no more. Looking closely at the spirit It looks more like a samuari not nelo IMO. Though, there are similarities. Perhaps it wasnt vergil who influenced yamato maybe it was yamato that influenced vergil. Like a&r or beowulf influenced dante when he DT in dmc 3...
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