I everybody ny name is Vince and I ain't telling you my last name
I'm a real fan of Devil may cry series I liked all of them (even if he 2 is suposely worst...)
I'm from Quebec, Canada so if I don't speak english properly don't hurt me
I bought evevery Devil may cry game to the first one to the Special edition
I also play a lot of other games but DMC is for me the best one
I have a ps2 gamecube but no Xbox because I don't like them...
I also like music I have about 2 gig of not downlaoded music
My favorite group is Rhapsody don't know if you know them but their music is great
and to finish I work as a part time employee at Wal-mart in the Electronic section...

I'm a real fan of Devil may cry series I liked all of them (even if he 2 is suposely worst...)
I'm from Quebec, Canada so if I don't speak english properly don't hurt me
I bought evevery Devil may cry game to the first one to the Special edition
I also play a lot of other games but DMC is for me the best one
I have a ps2 gamecube but no Xbox because I don't like them...
I also like music I have about 2 gig of not downlaoded music

My favorite group is Rhapsody don't know if you know them but their music is great
and to finish I work as a part time employee at Wal-mart in the Electronic section...