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I'm now here for good

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
All of my exams are finished so it looks like I'll be here for quite while.

Pop open the champagne would you?:D


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Awesome! Good to hear your exams are over and you can now relax... on our humble Devil May Cry forum too, I might add. ^_^

I hope you did well on your exams too, by the way!

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
:) :D

Thanks all, I will be inteniding to be one of the most active people on here.Thanks for the concern Steve, I'm sure I did alright in them. Many thanks also go to TDK for his poetry thread. I generally think up quite a few in a day so it'll be good to get them down here.

:) :D

The dark knight

Well-known Member
You're welcome.I dont seem to put down my best ones in fear of severe criticism.
But welcome back forever.And stay away from Cerebus he hasnt eaten since last night.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Tony_Redgrave;43186 said:
Great news. And I see that you opened a nice new thread already:D
Glad to have you back^_^

Thank you,
Good to be back.;)

More than one new thread though!:D


Is not rat, is hamster
Good to know you are not only back proper but also the torture is over - I hated exams...

Oh, and don't bother with champagne coz it tastes nasty - go for a really nice bottle of South African white wine...can't go wrong with that stuff...

Sooo - results in the summer I'm guessing?


Demon a$$-kicker
Welcome back full time!!!!!!!! <<hugs>>:D :D :D

Ah,this forum feels much more fun with my ol' buddies around;) And thank god the nightmares (aka exams) are over^_^

Oh, by the way <<hits on the head with a frying pan>> That's for overreacting when I welcomed you back earlier:p

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
ilovevergil why dont you give yourself concussion while you're at it :)lol:)
well, welcome back forever and ever and ever and ever..........and i bet you are glad them crap exams are over and done with.
If we are gonna open the champagne (or wine...whatever) then can i have it with lemonade? im not much of a fan when it comes to alcohol, it tastes weird.
like Dk said, cerberus hasn't eaten for a while and hes starting to get abit wild *ducks* and hes trying to eat my head. If we throw a wild party to, i'll get the dj who did my party, he was pretty good lol ;)

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
IloveVergil;43235 said:
Welcome back full time!!!!!!!! <<hugs>>:D :D :D

Ah,this forum feels much more fun with my ol' buddies around;) And thank god the nightmares (aka exams) are over^_^

Oh, by the way <<hits on the head with a frying pan>> That's for overreacting when I welcomed you back earlier:p

I told you I was kidding TWICE! :wacko:

Nowshin, you need to recognise when I'm joking, I am not easily offended.:D

Would it be okay if you postponed hitting me over the head again till maybe 70 or eighty years in the future.

BTW thanks for the hug.^_^

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Demons Destiny;43241 said:
ilovevergil why dont you give yourself concussion while you're at it :)lol:)
well, welcome back forever and ever and ever and ever..........and i bet you are glad them crap exams are over and done with.
If we are gonna open the champagne (or wine...whatever) then can i have it with lemonade? im not much of a fan when it comes to alcohol, it tastes weird.
like Dk said, cerberus hasn't eaten for a while and hes starting to get abit wild *ducks* and hes trying to eat my head. If we throw a wild party to, i'll get the dj who did my party, he was pretty good lol ;)

Cerberus eh,

Yes, I'm not much of an animal fan myself, particularly ones that will rip your head off without warning.

So when do the celebrations begin?:D


Demon a$$-kicker
The Phantarch;43262 said:
I told you I was kidding TWICE! :wacko:

Nowshin, you need to recognise when I'm joking, I am not easily offended.:D

Would it be okay if you postponed hitting me over the head again till maybe 70 or eighty years in the future.

BTW thanks for the hug.^_^

^_^ Okey dokey.:wub:


Demon a$$-kicker

So Josh,have you moved again during this time,by any chance?:D And what do you think of the new Devil May Cry anime epidsodes?

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
IloveVergil;43296 said:

So Josh,have you moved again during this time,by any chance?:D And what do you think of the new Devil May Cry anime epidsodes?

Nope, the life of the semi-nomadic Josh has stopped.:D
The Anime episodes are cool, I can't wait for episode 3 to be subbed.^_^

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
The Phantarch;43263 said:
Cerberus eh,

Yes, I'm not much of an animal fan myself, particularly ones that will rip your head off without warning.

So when do the celebrations begin?:D
Whenever you want them to begin ;) just tell me and i'll be right on the ball *stands on ball* blimey...this...is...very...hard...*falls off ball*..........IM OK....I THINK......:wacko:

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Demons Destiny;43339 said:
Whenever you want them to begin ;) just tell me and i'll be right on the ball *stands on ball* blimey...this...is...very...hard...*falls off ball*..........IM OK....I THINK......:wacko:

Careful! ;)

Okay they begin between now and next Thursday.
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