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I'm looking for some patch


Well-known Member
Hi, I was wandering is there any patch or trainer or anything else that I can play whole game by Nero? I don't really like to play Dante and now I'm playing on Dante Must Die mode and it's more fun to me when I'm playing Nero.

Sorry for my english, it's not perfect but I hope all of you understand what I'm mean. :p


Well-known Member
Dante actually has his own perks.

To begin, sword strikes with the Rebellion is much more powerful than strikes with Nero's Red Queen (without Exceed).

Nero always needs to weaken the bosses to perform a proper Buster on them but anytime Dante can hit the bosses with a Real Impact, he does just as much damage (or more if you master the 'Distortion' glitch).

Trickster Style's Dash is like having free TableHoppers without the need for specific timing. On top of that, he can do Dashes in air.
Air Trick is Dante's own Hell Bound but he's invincible when executing the move, plus he only needs to lock-on to the enemy (and not be way too far).

Fireworks (Gunslinger move for Coyote-E) can remove Faust and Mephisto cloaks much faster than Nero can, when done at point blank.

I could go into more detail but I might end up writing a FAQ on the spot...

You just need to practice a bit more with Dante. He has a lot of moves that makes up for his lack of grabbing and grappling abilities.


Well-known Member
^I agree :)

I'm a huge Nero Fan, but Dante can handle every situation with a quick style change, and none of the specific button timings such as MaxACT or Table Hopper.

Give Dante a practice and you'll love him ^_^
My biggest problem was that I didn't change weapons or styles much, but when it set in that I had free will over those monsters there was little situation that phased me. ;)

But, to anwser your original question, there isn't a patch or mod that will allow you to play as Nero through the whole game -- sorry!


Well-known Member
I've finished the game 5 times in within a year and on the human and devil hunter mode Dante is good but on the next levels Dante sucks ass in my opinion. Well anyway thank you guys.


Well-known Member
^Actually you would be suprised to find that its on the harder difficulties that Dante really begins to shine. Tricksters ability to ALWAYS get you out of trouble is unparalleled and the massive destructive possibilites available to Dante via his many styles and weapons mean that harvesting Style is easy.

Trust me, give Bloody Palace a go with Dante, and simply experiment with his moves and styles -- you'll be pleasantly suprised.


Well-known Member
Keaton;178964 said:
^Actually you would be suprised to find that its on the harder difficulties that Dante really begins to shine. Tricksters ability to ALWAYS get you out of trouble is unparalleled and the massive destructive possibilites available to Dante via his many styles and weapons mean that harvesting Style is easy.

Trust me, give Bloody Palace a go with Dante, and simply experiment with his moves and styles -- you'll be pleasantly suprised.

If you say so :D
Thanks for advice, I used to play as a Sword Master, I'll try as trickster. What is the best weapon for trickster style? Regular sword or maybe something else?
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