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If you were Dante. . . . .


Well-known Member
Earlier today, while sitting in my Brothers Garden I began thinking about Dante and Nero for no apparent reason, and I started to wonder how I would react to having Nero's Devil Bringer or ALL of Dante's Powers and Abilities.

It struck me that in an urban environment it wouldn't be so easy to use your Powers and remain low-key, it would attract alot of attention, even if you were using them for the good of Mankind.
So the thought cropped into my mind, would I infact use the Powers I had, had I been blessed exactly like Dante, would I help mankind or use them for my personal gain, would I purely use them in secret or allow the World to know me.

So, my question for my fellow DMC fans is this.

If you had the Powers Dante has, would you use them and if so, how would you use them?


Wesker's #1 fan!
Thats a hard question. Im not so sure I would help mankind because mankind is already unapreciative and to busy trying to kill itself. Thats probably why I never mind the bad guys that want to take over the world because we got humans thats been wanting to do that anyway.

Anyways...I would use is for my OWN good, any every once and a while help someone out, mabey.


Lost Soul
I think I would be like Vergil and try and get my full power. After being changed into a full demon I'd see what my powers can do.


Supreme Ruler
Vergilissexy;48221 said:
Thats a hard question. Im not so sure I would help mankind because mankind is already unapreciative and to busy trying to kill itself.

I'm gonna have to partially agree with you there, but not all of mankind is as you speak of it. Surely it is, and I'd would probably say that's about 50-75% of the population of the planet, but there are still good people in the world. My point is if I had Dante's powers, I would help those people who are good and needed help and get rid of the corrupt people in society.


TimeLord Detective
Dante's power is not meant for this world but I might as well give it a try for the sake of curiosity.

First of all, I would surely have some issues with this power if I was born with it:p As a child I angered quite easily and being unable to get hurt by mere humans and simple means would probably make me arrogant and self-centered. Probably I wouldn't even want to acquire for a job, considering that I could do "everything".

With great power comes great responsibility. Some of us say we will try to use our power for the good of humanity. That certainly sounds noble and that's what I'd like to do as well, but it is not as easy as it sounds. Some of us could be persuaded to join wars, in order to end them and let peace prevail. By doing this we would lose our cause, since we would be considered a weapon or an experiment. As someone mentioned, the majority of the world today is rotten. No trust, no sense of morality, and everyone just tries to make something for himself, and he is not to blame because if he helps someone, there is a great possibility the one he helped could make use of him and the circle goes on.

But of course some people are good. And it is because of them some of us would choose this path. I believe the best of all would be to just create another identity and try to be as helpful as possible. The identity is useful since otherwise we would become known to the state, and it would definitely try to persuade us to become a soldier or something, or even worse, try to capture us which would create a whole new problem to the world. With the secret identity we could hide or learn what we should avoid during our normal life. Also, by not knowing who we are, they won't be able to raid our house. And not only the good guys, people we stopped from committing crimes like theft and arson.
The thing is the secret identity would be a little pathetic, since the best option would be a mask, and that is somehow lame.

Of course, the best option would be to remain unknown to the world and have contacts which would provide us with information and Missions like Dante does, but that is quite ideal, and I don't think is possible.

Since we would have to have a normal life it would come to the question - which life of the two is more important to us? If its our second life, that could prove to be quite troublesome. If the "hero" business is the important thing, then we should devote the normal life into becoming someone successful. Someone with funds and access to many information. Thus allowing our second life to thrive by making use of it. Since I am talking about my choice though, I would probably choose the normal lifestyle as the more important, which will enable me to continue my regular days as they are without stress etc.

Some of you said that would have wanted to eliminate some of the scum that lurk the earth nowadays. Are you referring to those with good status as well? That the law cannot touch them? 'Cause if you are, you are also in for more trouble. By eliminating these guys, the state would be after you. Of course some will say, you wouldn't be seen etc. But then again, if you do this multiple times, you give them an idea that you are the same guy who did the other thingies as well. So more running and stress.

For my answer:
Yes I would want to help as many people as possible. However I would try to make my powers hidden to every other person in the world. Thus preserving a somewhat easier life. Of course knowing my character, every time that I heard something would really attract my attention if I was in a mood about doing something extreme like this - not speaking for really serious issues.
Another thing - the most important.
Since I would be Dante, pizza would be the main dish almost every day;)

Although, we speak of our world but we would be able to transform into a hellish devil. And wouldn't have any really good weapons at first like these guys have. Although since we are Dante, we know how to use every weapon in the world right?:lol:


Wesker's #1 fan!
Mm, id still raise hell XD. And $JP I agree with you, I was mainly talking about the people who can't help but to make war and fight, blah blah ect.

TR, im not so sure Dante keeps much of a secret identity, he owns a demon slaying business after all. Of course im sure he just doesn't go out and kill people, but I don't think he'd mask himself completely either. But thats just me.


that zzzombiekid
Well it depends, if they use it for personal gain they could store it and someday resurrect the whole demon world. Mwahahaha!!..... sorry, just getting very evil thoughts again...


TimeLord Detective
Vergilissexy;48239 said:
Mm, id still raise hell XD. And $JP I agree with you, I was mainly talking about the people who can't help but to make war and fight, blah blah ect.

TR, im not so sure Dante keeps much of a secret identity, he owns a demon slaying business after all. Of course im sure he just doesn't go out and kill people, but I don't think he'd mask himself completely either. But thats just me.

He doesn't have a secret identity. But he is quite unknown to the normal world. He is only known by people who do similar jobs with him/clients/those who give him the jobs - by known I mean what he really does:p


Wesker's #1 fan!
Tony_Redgrave;48260 said:
He doesn't have a secret identity. But he is quite unknown to the normal world. He is only known by people who do similar jobs with him/clients/those who give him the jobs - by known I mean what he really does:p

You're right, poor Dante. He must get lonely at times. ):
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