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If You Could Put a Gun to People's Head to Force Them to Play Any Game...


I Saw the Devil
So, I'm working on a gaming project, can't talk about yet, but we have a list of games and I had to do research on all of them and I found myself shocked to see that some of these games were titles that didn't even break the 30k in copies sold. These are good games and people are skipping them. It makes me wish I had a gun so I could force people to play them because I know that once they got into it I'd need my gun again just to retrieve my copy from them.

Anyway. I know there are threads for underated games, game recommendations and so forth, but I know I'm not the only one who's loved an unloved game and found it both criminal and, quite frankly, frustrating.

So, if you had a gun and you could force people to play any game that you wanted, namely because otherwise the wouldn't play it, what might that be?


Well-known Member
Of course i will do that. but only to one certain person. I will make that person play Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, forbidden siren, Eternal Darkness,... ETC. Because THAT person used to love Horror a lot to the point where he said "Horror makes me feel alive.". I never understood what he meant by that. But a few weeks ago and after completing Silent Hill: Homecoming. That person started to cry and said "He will never play horror again".


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
* alien isolation. play it or die...not by gunshot wound. i'll shoot you in the bollocks and then have the xenomorph sniff out your blood then devour you...was that a bit extreme...? i feel like it was, but it was a necessary extreme.

* hellboy the science of evil. i know people say its terrible, but its fun...and you're gonna like it...you will learn to like it

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Like VW said, no. I'd never take away someone's freedom to choose. Good games, movies, shows, etc. get skipped over all of the time. That by no means is a free pass to take their right to choose away from them.

Just think of it this way; what if the tables were turned? What if it was something you weren't interested in, and someone coerced you into playing it?

Just sayin'...that's a tad bit overzealous. :cautious:


I Saw the Devil
Like VW said, no. I'd never take away someone's freedom to choose. Good games, movies, shows, etc. get skipped over all of the time. That by no means is a free pass to take their right to choose away from them.

Just think of it this way; what if the tables were turned? What if it was something you weren't interested in, and someone coerced you into playing it?

Just sayin'...that's a tad bit overzealous. :cautious:

I couldn't because i would n't want to take away that freedom of choice from anyone.
It's called free will for a reason.
I only could strongly recommend something & leave it up to the individual to decide.

And it would be much more satisfying if the individual reached the same conclusion on their own as i did & found whatever game i recommended enjoyable.

I'd rather recommend & not dictate.
You seem to have taken the idea a bit too literal.

Anyway, I'll counter argue your post with a small story. When my little sister was younger I forced her to watch certain movies that she wouldn't watch unless I forced her. I forced her to watch a whole lot of movies and some anime. She didn't want to, she'd rather watch cartoons and bad kids shows. After they were done she never once complained that I'd forced her or that I'd taken free will, or anything that theatrical. I put a metaphorical gun to her head almost every time and she never regretted my forcing her because if I hadn't she'd never gotten to see Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park, Wayne's World, Fullmetal Alchemist, Star Wars, K-On, Gladiator, Rear Window, the 13th Warrior, and a dozen other great shows and movies.

By the way, by metaphorical gun I mean I blackmailed her.
-Can we go play at the park?
-Fine, but when we come back we are watching that movie I told you about.
-I don't understand this homework.
-I'll help you, no problem, but after we're done I'm showing you Airplane.

Yeah, she tried to wiggle her way out a whole bunch of times and when she did I reminded her that she had when ever she came to me for help next and eventually I had the perfect argument 'When have I ever showed you something you didn't like?' I've introduced her to some of her favorite shows and movies and for the most part I did it by force. Layered!

Just think of it this way; what if the tables were turned? What if it was something you weren't interested in, and someone coerced you into playing it?.
What makes you think my friends have never done that nor I to my friends? We do it all the time. Not exactly the most intrusive evil we could imposed on each other. I played Bioshock because my friend forced me to it, and let's say if I didn't like it what great harm was there? A few hours lost and then knowing that I wouldn't finish it.

You are taking it too literally. I've never owned a gun nor would I use it to force someone to do something like that and I am pretty surprised I have to actually explain this. Call it dramatic flare or an exaggeration or just an expression but whatever you might call it I wasn't implying a literal action of forced violence and I'm rather taken back at the need to actually say so.

Didn't your parents make you watch anything when you were kids? Think of like that.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Sorry, but you made it sound literal. :/ If it had been phrased any other way, I'd probably would have still said no, but with less vehemence. It's all about context.

Kind of a game of roulette, really, that you managed to pick out things that your sister liked; what if she hadn't? You wouldn't have been able to use that argument so easily with her then, I wager. :tongue: Then again, if she was completely against watching what you wanted, then I imagine no amount of promises of helping her with her homework or whatnot would have persuaded her.

That said, if we're not literally talking violence...er, still no. I would recommend certain things, but I don't think I'd ever make anyone do anything they genuinely don't want to do. Guess it just boils down to a difference of opinion.


I Saw the Devil
That's fair but are there no games that you love that you feel have gone unloved? Games that you feel deserved better? Titles that frustrate you at how little they got despite how good they are?

In my case Okami is one of my favorite games ever but it is considered one of gamings worst financial failures. It is such a fantastic game, so hard to put down. It's got so much to offer so the fact that it went unplayed is unjust and quite honestly infuriating. It deserved better than that and if I could force others to play it I would in the same way I would make my kids watch Indiana Jones.

* hellboy the science of evil. i know people say its terrible, but its fun...and you're gonna like it...you will learn to like it
I always wanted to try it but I never had money when I saw it at the stores. By the way, did they have the movie cast do the voices?

Of course i will do that. but only to one certain person. I will make that person play Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, forbidden siren, Eternal Darkness,... ETC. Because THAT person used to love Horror a lot to the point where he said "Horror makes me feel alive.". I never understood what he meant by that. But a few weeks ago and after completing Silent Hill: Homecoming. That person started to cry and said "He will never play horror again".
That's a tall order. Some of those games are not only rare now, they are expensive, too. Horror aged like that, they are great but they became hard to find at a reasonable price.
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Fake Geek Girl.
Sorry, but you made it sound literal. :/ If it had been phrased any other way, I'd probably would have still said no, but with less vehemence. It's all about context.

Kind of a game of roulette, really, that you managed to pick out things that your sister liked; what if she hadn't? You wouldn't have been able to use that argument so easily with her then, I wager. :tongue: Then again, if she was completely against watching what you wanted, then I imagine no amount of promises of helping her with her homework or whatnot would have persuaded her.

That said, if we're not literally talking violence...er, still no. I would recommend certain things, but I don't think I'd ever make anyone do anything they genuinely don't want to do. Guess it just boils down to a difference of opinion.
Yea lol. "Games That You Think Need More Love" would suffice if you ask me. Not, "Play this game or I shoot you in the face!"

The Final Offer

Well-known Member
I couldn't because i wouldn't want to take away that freedom of choice from anyone.
It's called free will for a reason.
I only could strongly recommend something & leave it up to the individual to decide.

And it would be much more satisfying if the individual reached the same conclusion on their own as i did & found whatever game i recommended enjoyable.

I'd rather recommend & not dictate.

Fuqin plot twist!


i like turtles
Supporter 2014

Have you heard of the saying You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
of course you can. you shove it's face into the river.

lol all jokes aside though, this is purely a hypothetical situation. i don't think any harm was meant in the proposal...unless...BERTO IS A MONSTER I'VE BEEN HUNTING!!!


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
I always wanted to try it but I never had money when I saw it at the stores. By the way, did they have the movie cast do the voices?
yup. the whole cast was assembled. i even believe that del torro and mignola penned the script as well


I Saw the Devil
On another note, totally get the metaphorical part of the thread and thanks for explaining it BUT I would like to point out that with all the hype about games/gamers and violence, this thread is going to stand out like a sore eye to the peeps who haven't joined the forum, and would probably scare some of them off from joining. Don't think of it in your way, think of it in a 13 year old's perspective. Because that's the age you need to be to join the forum, right? Just sayin', it don't look good.
Actually, I think the 13 year old would understand the altercations and intentions, it's his/her overbearing mother that would lose her... lunch over the title.

He he he. No, son. I am the monster that's been hunting you.

Yea lol. "Games That You Think Need More Love" would suffice if you ask me. Not, "Play this game or I shoot you in the face!"
And the distinction should've been obvious. I'm a bit struck that anyone here would get the impression that I was actually promoting kidnapping and assault for the purposes of gaming. Remember when Chancey289 said he could literally kill everyone who uses hyperboles? That, as we all know, was a hyperbole because since we know he wouldn't do that, which, by the way, means he is literally using the word 'literally' wrong :)laugh:). Well, same concept.

I'm going to make one last attempt to save this thread by actually sticking to the subject. It would make me exceptionally sad to have to shut this thread down.

For whatever reason Sony did absolutely nothing to promote a game of theirs called Puppeteer. It was a cool little game that, if not for a demo that they released on the store I'd never even heard of it. It's a fun title with plenty of creativity about a puppet show where you play the lead puppet and you play on a stage. It's ingenious and no one's heard of it. It was free on PS+ a while back but no one ever talks about it. It went forgotten and I think I might own one of the only physical copies in existence. It's criminal how good the game is but how little effort went into letting people know of it's existence. What a colossal waste.

When Shadows of the Damned was announced there was a big smile on people who liked Mikami and Suda51 and Yamaoka and a lot of excitement. When the game came out, though, it was littered with basic and fundamental flaws that shouldn't exist on a modern game like no new game + nor the power to skip cutscenes so reviewers were less than impressed. With that the game sold somewhere around 30 to 35k in it's initial sales so it received no support from EA to fix any of the issues it came with. The thing is, the game was bad @$$. The gameplay was an improved version of RE4's and it played better than RE5 and it even does a few mechanics better than the Evil Within so for it to go so unappreciated sucks. Yeah, it's not worth the $60 price tag but it is certainly worth playing.

When I was in college I saw a review on X-Play for a super weird rhythm game called Space Channel 5 which seemed so ape popped bananas it could only come from Japan but the review seemed so happy about the game that I wanted to give it a go. Oh, man, is it nuts. It's hard, too. It takes so much practice but it's pretty worth it. It such an experience, it's like watching a quirky anime. I actually went out of my way to find the PS2 version since it only on Dreamcast at first, so I waited and I found a cheap new copy of the PS2 version that came with it's sequel.

For a while it seemed that El Shaddai had made a great impression but it was pretty short lived and the game got buried under mediocre reviews and other releases but been a game that was made by former Capcom employees who worked on both Okami and the original Devil May Cry, well, I couldn't pass it up knowing that. Yhig is? The actual game is gorgeous. It's flawed, most definitely, but man is it imaginative. It's definitely something those who made Okami made. It's got, by far, some of the most creative level design I've ever seen and it bugs that the game did so poorly for it's initial release. It's a hidden gem, it seems, and it really should've had more but now it seems it went all but forgotten. Bloody BS.

Pale Rider

Wickedly good
Naah, I would never be able to do that. My reason being, Self-satisfaction. Personally, I'd be more happy and satisfied if I advised a game to a person and he/she came back telling how good the game was without my interference in any way in his assessment. It would have a different, relieving feeling than the feeling I'd get if I forced someone to play a particular game by keeping a gun on his head.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I get where berto is coming from. He just means that if they had done more to promote these certain games then he wouldn't feel like he would have to try to convince others to play them. You don't have to make people see how good games are if they get so much attention. We're talking about games that slip by us. Those games equally as good if not better than others.


I couldn't because i wouldn't want to take away that freedom of choice from anyone.
It's called free will for a reason.
I only could strongly recommend something & leave it up to the individual to decide.

And it would be much more satisfying if the individual reached the same conclusion on their own as i did & found whatever game i recommended enjoyable.

I'd rather recommend & not dictate.
Maybe Phil Fish though, force him to play good games.
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