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I would like to pose a suggestion?


LoD Come Back!!!
this is more of an idea for the mods. They seem to be tired of banning people. And all of us here showing ill feelings towards the way they run the forum doesnt make things any easier. Now the forum is a social network. And in any social network, disputes do occur. But we need to be mature on here and not let it get out of control. That is the ideal. And i agree with that in totality. But all do respect, with so many people on here and all of us communicating in such an impersonal way that often comments are misunderstood, would it be such a problem if u make a specific thread to where people can do just that. Tell eachother our problems we have with others. Talk it out. Argue. Just don't flame other threads. I think that will keep the banningss down a bit while also giving us a way to funnel our emotions. The mods will then have to just monitor the other threads. They won't need to worry about EVERY petty disagreement and we won't have to keep it all bottled up. If this idea does get shot down (which i have a good feeling it will, and i respect that) then all of us forum goers do need to heed Angelo Credo's words and GROW UP. He's been saying it for years, and i'm at the point where i agree with him. I'm tired of losing friends and I'm tired of people believing the world ends with them. People are not the important part of the world. The world isn't about "it's my life and i'll make my own decisions and f*ck you if you don't agree". The world is just the opposite. It is about doing wat's best for others AND yourself. It's about doing wats good for the environment and the community. The DMC forums are a community. And we all need to start respecting that.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
i agree with that idea. but the trouble is, some people just don't like the truth, and thats how the arguements start.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Agreed, but it won't be easy as some people does not accept all criticisms or other people's opinions easily. Great thread.


Is not rat, is hamster
The main problem is people are forgetting that this is first and foremost a DMC site, as stated in This Thread. So we get entire lives played out in post-form and then people getting precious about their issues which, to be perfectly honest, are best left to private conversations, not public threads. Arguments ensue, tempers flare and then the staff get the inevitable "waaah! he/she called me XYZ!" in the form of reported posts, visitor messages or PM's - usually with some sort of ultimatum attached such as "If you don't deal with this, we're leaving/such and such will happen".

People on forums have the luxury of being able to stop and think about what they are going to post before hitting send - the trouble is, they act as though it is all a real-time conversation and they have to respond now or face losing an argument. By thinking first, a lot of the rows that happen here can be easily avoided. By using the ignore and block functions, people can stay on the boards without crossing paths unnecessarily. By exercising a little basic common sense, things will run so much more smoothly here.

After all, it's better to be silent and thought of a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt ;)


LoD Come Back!!!
I agree Angel...but unfortunately, as Angelo Credo often points out, people here aren't at the maturity. In the above suggestion, people are given a way to settle these disputes by invoking that immaturity. It sounds counterproductive, i know, but if they decide not to post theyre criticisms and disagreements in said thread, then there is reason to ban them. It's kind of like a Virtual Version of Jerry Springer (for lack of a better description) where people choose whether to continue dragging it on or just ending it by not replying or finding a solution. It's a thread designated solely for debating and arguing. If it leaks onto other threads or PMS and visitor messgaes, then start the warnings and especially bannings. Im not saying the mods aren't doing their job. Just the opposite, that their job is very difficult and they deserve something to make it easier. With this, the discussions can stay on topic and not get to the point of arguments. That way, we still get our feelings out and you can monitor the site in a stricter, but easier way.


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't think it'll be of much help in solving personal disputes. Seen these kinds of threads in other places, and they barely last the day. Like karma systems and popularity contests, they just seem to provoke rather than help.

Then again I just tend to let things run their course on forums where everybody knows each other fairly well and knows exactly what to expect from each other. That's different. I get the feeling here that most of us don't know each other that well, and this is one of the reasons this forum's high-strung.


LoD Come Back!!!
im not saying that this is a solution to our problems...im just saying its a way to better the use of the forums...if you have any other ideas by all means im open to hear them...I'm just saying we should at least give it a test run for a week-a month

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Gotta say I have to agree with Angel here, first and foremost this as a DMC board, and honestly, if people just took the time to think before they posted rather than hastily writing back a reply they will inevitably regret, half of the crap that's been going on around here lately could be avoided so easily.

Sadly, even with the idea you've suggested, people here have time and time again proven to not be able to deal with any form of criticism in a mature and respectable manner, so a thread such as that would simply cause more issues than it'd solve.
Again, it's for these reasons that Angel, myself and I'm sure Keaton + Dark Drakan, will be seriously cracking down around here, all of us have to tighten up ship around here and I'm willing to put in the time to really enforce the rules to a much more severe degree than usual until such a time that we deem you've all learned your lesson.

It's not something I take any pleasure in doing, and saying what I've said...I take no pleasure in that either, but it's the truth, and until every single one of you realises this, takes it into account and begin to act more maturely to and respectful to other members of the board, things are gonna be strict.

Again, it's not hard to simply stop and think about what you're about to post for a moment before actually doing it, and backing away from arguments if things become too heated, not only will it improve the atmosphere around here, it'll make both mine and the rest of the staff's lives a hell of a lot easier.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
S'cool, the idea was a nice one, and it comes from a good place, I understand, but sadly people just aren't all that open to criticism around here, again, it'd cause more trouble than it's ultimately worth.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Angelo Credo;263607 said:
S'cool, the idea was a nice one, and it comes from a good place, I understand, but sadly people just aren't all that open to criticism around here, again, it'd cause more trouble than it's ultimately worth.

After thinking about it, Credo has a good point. People here seem to be extremely defensive, and that doesn't exclude me, unfortunately.


Is not rat, is hamster
We're all defensive *shrugs* - goodness knows I spend most of my time editing my posts before I hit send :lol:

Doesn't mean I don't still think the things I delete before posting...:ninja:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I respect everyone on this forum. If i don't like a person, I won't speak to them or acknowledge them.

Last night i realized that, If no one takes the Admins or mods seriously, then the forum is gonna have more problems than what it has now.


Well-known Member
"Never get in an argument with an idiot. They'll just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." Just thought it was worth mentioning. :lol:


Don't trust people
So... ehh... arguing on VM's or PM's with each others should be ok since it's outside of the threads and personal?


Don't trust people
So... Since I don't have much connections with my friends on here except this actual forum, I can't argue about disagreements? Not even on VM's or PM's which is completely personal and outside of the forum threads? o_O

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
aka958;263898 said:
So... Since I don't have much connections with my friends on here except this actual forum, I can't argue about disagreements? Not even on VM's or PM's which is completely personal and outside of the forum threads? o_O

Well, if you have an issue with someone, that's what the PM system is for, use it, don't let it spill out onto the boards, but the point we're trying to get across is that you guys have to become mature enough to learn when to back away from arguments when they become too heated or aggressive.
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