yes, please, especially since my and the wifey are naming our little girl on the way Samus...I know right? Hands off the Samus. Seriously.
yes, please, especially since my and the wifey are naming our little girl on the way Samus...I know right? Hands off the Samus. Seriously.
yes, please, especially since my and the wifey are naming our little girl on the way Samus...
Congratulations! And I'm very happy to hear that you're naming her after one of the most positive, mentally-and-physically-strong, covered-up females in all of gaming.She's covered up until the very end of the old gameboy games. I didn't know Samus was a female until you see her in a bikini at the end:blink:
I hope Samus is a good role model to your daughter -- and also that she tries to emulate her namesake.You mean, hunting down Mother brain excluded of course. That would be dangerous.![]()
On another semi-positive/semi-negative note, if her name is too "conspicuous" she can always just call herself "Sam".
Of course, you want your daughter to be special after all, but not attract too much unwanted attention (this expands to "sports trophies" and the like as well -- because they could inflate the ego and spoil her personality -- but that's another issue altogether).
I hated how they took her and turned her in to the women who was basically just submissive to this guy. What the hell?!
I just view New Samus as a mistake in the way she was presented, and will wait for the next game to represent her in a better light.
By the way, have you seen Moviebob's"Heavens to Metroid" and "HtM: One Year Later" videos? Let's not forget "Extra Credits" Other M vid.
Congratulations! And I'm very happy to hear that you're naming her after one of the most positive, mentally-and-physically-strong, covered-up females in all of gaming.
Yeah, Samus has always been one of my heroes of gaming, and I've been wanting to make her power armor as a homage to her...despite the crap I know I'll get of "SAMUS IS A CHICK!".
I hope Samus is a good role model to your daughter -- and also that she tries to emulate her namesake.
IN being confident, self reliant, and brave despite fears? Oh yes, I intend so
On another semi-positive/semi-negative note, if her name is too "conspicuous" she can always just call herself "Sam".
Of course, you want your daughter to be special after all, but not attract too much unwanted attention (this expands to "sports trophies" and the like as well -- because they could inflate the ego and spoil her personality -- but that's another issue altogether).
Ugh, f**k Moviebob. I used to love that guy back when he was on youtube. When he started hosting his vids on Screwattack, it all went downhill with the overbearingly long "plotlines and his "Nintendo can do no wrong/CoD shooters and consumer complaints are destroying gaming art" mentality.
I actually don't like a few aspects of Moviebob's personality either (for different reasons). I actually want to have a "story-based videogame show" like his because I enjoy it so much.
I don't have a problem with your opinion on MB. I actually found it hilarious -- because I will admit that he does come off as pretentious at times, so I won't hold it against you.
One of the reasons why the girls of Street Fighter are badass. Although they may be pretty, they are musclar and it fits for people of their status.![]()
I'm sorry, that was uncalled for.
Although you have to admit, he did start out that way.
In any case, I'm not mad about Samus. I'm not even mad about the new Spider-Man even though I don't like him.
I just view New Samus as a mistake in the way she was presented, and will wait for the next game to represent her in a better light.
By the way, have you seen Moviebob's"Heavens to Metroid" and "HtM: One Year Later" videos? Let's not forget "Extra Credits" Other M vid.
I played and finished Metroid 1 and 3. I started Prime and Echoes, but never finished them. I honestly don't really care about the character as much as I do the actual atmospheric experience that I go through while playing them.
And having said that, I was never that big of a fan of the games in the first place. I just found them kind of enjoyable once or twice.
Also, I like other Metroidvania games better. SotN is still my all time favorite.
On a side note: I heard that the lady who does the voice for Samus in Prime is Bayonetta as well.
Imagine Samus stripping off all her arm -- oh.
Ok, now I'm mad. I know it's part of her official lore, but you'd think a woman who wears armor (even lightweight techno-armor) would be a little more muscular and a little less porno.
Well, the Bayonetta thing turned out to be true. I just hope they don't objectify Samus any more than they already have.
Oh... and Order of Ecclesia is the best Metroidvania. Fact.