I more open use win 7 than Vista, what IMO was bugged and faster getted undeletable viruses and spyware. And yeah I use legal win 7 

Hipster. ;P
I prefer Windows 95 over ANY of the new ones. HAH!
No, but seriously, I found Vista to be too buggy and it really tore on my computers' memory. W7 just seems lighter and more pleasing, but that's just my opinion. ^^
Fun fact: Windows Vista and 7 are the exact same operating system. The only difference is slightly tweaked visuals.
It's all a marketing ploy, folks. We won't get a truly good operating system from Microsoft like Windows XP ever again. Windows 8 included. The visuals are all they care about these days.
XP ftw.
I have Vista and still hate it. Steve has 7 and prefers it to Vista but if I could go back to XP I would. I lost a whole heap of stuff thanks to Vista patches either not being available or not working.
Home Edition.
At least 7 works.
They may effectively be the same OS, but Vista is/was such a buggy, horrendous pig of an operating system that every computer I've worked on that runs it, I've wanted to set fire to. 7 has never actively denied me basic god damn user functionality either, so it wins several hundred thousand points right there and then.
I fail to see exactly what's so complicated about 7's interface either, I like it, 7's been less of an overbearing annoyance to work with than Vista.
Seriously, a plague on Microsoft for releasing that garbled mess of an OS.
What annoyances and bugs ?? plz tell me ! man its the pile of garbage you ppl make it out to be
Hoo boy here we go.
- Inability to install any drivers that are unsigned, that is, the people who made the drivers haven't ponied up the cash to get them "tested". That made various fixes and working with older hardware a nightmare.
>this problem only occurs in 64 bit versions and as for me i've updated it to the latest drivers without any problems
- God damn bloatware.
>What program ?? what bloatware ? i don't get it
- Performance with anything relating to files, while it seems petty, copying and deleting anything on Vista takes an unnecessarily long time.
>it doesn't its the same ! i have vista&7 vista Ultimate and 7HP you must have lots of viruses if its slow
- The fact that for a good, long while, to get anything done in regards to file operation, you had to dive into the command line, which Vista also had a damn annoying habit of trying to keep you out of it. At least it did to me, with warnings like you'd give a child. "Use of command line can cause irreversible damage blah blah blah".
>command line ?? what why do you need that ??
- Unexpected crashes.
>Its fixed in the recent updates it shouldn't crash anymore if it does its just your bad luck
- Frequent hard lock ups.
>Now this is Rare
- Loss of data because Vista goes and decides "No, I don't want you using that particular piece of software today."
> again never happened to me
- Frankly catastrophic system errors on some systems I've seen, you would not believe the amount of BSODs I've seen just because Vista bitches about old drivers.
>you really have a bad copy of vista that's what it seems like because as vista is now its almost equal to 7
The only reason I ever ran Vista on any of my machines in the first place is because a couple of the games I played at the time refused to support XP.
Then 7 came out, by christ was 7 ever accompanied by a descent of angel song.
^ Dear god, I cannot imagine the horror of being forced to use something as resource intensive as Vectorworks on something as bloatware and crash happy as Vista.
You sincerely have my sympathies, I think that'd have drove me to the brink of insanity.
I'm not forced or something i already said i have both of them and vista isn't as bad as you all people make it out to be