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I hope DMC 4 ends like this

Son of Dante 33

Well-known Member
I hope that in the second to the last mision in DMc 4 Nero tries to stop the main boss but he dies. So Dante has to come to kill the main boss. In the end we learn that Virgil is still alive or something along those lines that leaves the game open ended for DMC 5.
Meaning Dante would be the main character in DMC5 and Id prefer if DMC5 was a PS3 exclusive though i dought it.Anyway thats how i hope DMC 4 ends with
Nero dying (heroicly) and making Dante the main character again.

Dante Redgrave

Son of Sparda
Not going to happen. The director and producers have said Nero is going to be a reoccuring character, so he's not going to die at the end of DMC4.


probably still going to have his DB but he will be like Raiden from MGS, but probably a secret playable character.


Why do you want to Nero to die?

Yeah Zato I was thinking that same thing about Nero's devil bringer. It might disappear completely or it might spread over more of his body.


Aya Brea
*found out who Nero really is a few days ago...* I hate myself... ;3; But I have no idea how it's gonna end. I can't picture anything. My minds blank... ):


Yeah it make sense who he really is by certain features on him if you put one and one together. IDK how DMC5 is gonna work out after this game.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Perhaps It does consume him, and in 5 Dante goes off and he's the last boss, and Dante has to kill him.
I'm not saying I want him to die, that was just an idea.

Poopy X

The best artist.
Maybe Nero will get Kyrie back and live happly ever after. Then our game will return to the story of Dante.(new mission or something)

Son of Dante 33

Well-known Member
well i really dont want 2 play the 5th game as nero cuase i started the series with dante and hes so much more badass than nero also i hope dmc 5 is a ps3 exclusive cuase it wont take 3 years 2 make cuase they only havb 2 make 1 version of the game
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