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I Am No Longer Supporting Nintendo


Supporter 2014
I never really had anything against Nintendo. It's just that, I had lost interest in them some time back and I never managed to obtain that 'spark' again.


If this catches on, then it will be a huge step back for the gaming community at large. We already have enough to worry about with SOPA, ACTA, and SISPA. We don't need the Big N to make things any more difficult for us.

The 'Next-Gen' has gotten off to a rough start. I don't expect things to get any better with the next two big systems to come out. I don't even expect all that much from other gaming systems like Ouya, Steambox, or whatever they're calling the Linux platform.

Don't get me started on Apple. A higher-up just recently dumped a lot of stock within the company, and whatever 'game-box' that Apple will try to push onto its audience will definitely crash and burn. The market's too saturated, and therefore has no more room for even more 'living room centers'.

Out of all the systems, I had considered maybe getting either Steambox or maybe even the PS4... if they ever had any games that I would ever want, that is.

I had even thought about getting the WiiU for my next Zelda fix. Looks like that's not going to happen. I refuse to pay for any more Zelda games.

And furthermore --




Space Detective

Ill Just drop this here and be on my way......


Lord Cheesington
How does this work? Will there be Nintendo ads, followed by normal ads and then I get to watch the video or will there be only Nintendo ads and then I get to watch the video? Youtubers can probably still make money if it's the former but not so much if it's the latter.


Where did you get that information from?
TotalHalibut Twitter - "Network partners do not sign the standard Youtube ToS, they are partnered via the networks rules NOT standard YT rules." and "I should have added something about the idiots repeatedly linking Youtube partner ToS about videogame footage. DOES NOT APPLY TO NETWORKS"


Lord Cheesington
TotalHalibut Twitter - "Network partners do not sign the standard Youtube ToS, they are partnered via the networks rules NOT standard YT rules." and "I should have added something about the idiots repeatedly linking Youtube partner ToS about videogame footage. DOES NOT APPLY TO NETWORKS"
That's great. Still sucks for small time youtubers though.


Enma Katana no Kami
inconvenient but if Nintendo copyrighted content is being used they have the right to make money off of it, while those that buy a copy of the game do not. it would be nice of Nintendo to allow random people to make money off of Nintendo copyright but it is ridiculous to act as if Nintendo is somehow obligated to do so.


Single life for life
If you want money from gaming videos you would be a complete fool to not join a network, this just strengthens that claim.
However if you joined the Machinima network, you would regain fool status.


Lord Cheesington
If you want money from gaming videos you would be a complete fool to not join a network, this just strengthens that claim.
However if you joined the Machinima network, you would regain fool status.
What about the Smosh Games Alliance...............?

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
Remember when Rockstar Games was like this? They became more lenient over the past years; still ridiculous though. Unless I'm stealing/pirating the game, taking all the codes, selling them or releasing them all over the net for others to take, and uploading everything about the game through videos therefore spoiling everything, there shouldn't be a problem. At least Rockstar Games allows you to upload videos of the campaign if you ask for permission and that's pretty much it. Multiplayer is anything goes I think except for obvious exceptions.

Copyrighting huh? Unless it's a mod, hack, rip-off, plagiarized version of the game, I don't think Nintendo needs to do this. It's freaking obvious who made Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Metroid, etc. There's probably no one in the world stupid enough to steal one of their games and claim it as their own. We know it's associated with Nintendo in some way, we're not that stupid. Now, stealing a game from say, The Behemoth, that might be possible - the developers who made Alien Hominid and BattleBlock Theater.

Ugh, this feels like the music industry now. Who owns the song? I don't know. Obviously it's the composer, but then there are people who claimed to have written it or had parts exactly like it or publishers saying they own the rights, I have no idea. Copyrighting... So annoying, but necessary to honor who actually did something.


Fake Geek Girl.
I know Nintendo's a little bummed about the WiiU sales but this is just a rather shameful tactic. It's like trying to chop off the hand that feeds you. Nintendo I love you but, I think you need a swift kick in the ass and someone to knock some sense in to you.

Shin Muramasa

Metallic Stranger
I know Nintendo's a little bummed about the WiiU sales but this is just a rather shameful tactic. It's like trying to chop off the hand that feeds you. Nintendo I love you but, I think you need a swift kick in the ass and someone to knock some sense in to you.
Hey, at least their 3DS sales are good - I think it's good. Then again, that's comparing a system that was released 2 years ago versus a system released about a year ago. Kind of like the whole Xbox 360 versus PS3 thing that happened when the PS3 was released. And it's comparing a system that's easier or less time consuming to develop on versus a system that takes more time; 3DS and the PS Vita don't have to deal with high resolution textures and stuff like that while the Wii U does.

Another thing is that the Wii U or Nintendo in general is behind a generation since the Wii was only slightly more powerful than the Gamecube and Xbox just as the Wii U is only slightly more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360. With PCs, the PS4, and NeXtbox or even the nVidia Shield pushing the hardware floor higher and the Wii U being at the bottom of the floor or maybe below it, not a lot of developers would like being limited in their ideas. Sure, people can get their Nintendo fix and the Virtual Console really helps with people who want to play games they missed or played a long time ago, but that's saying the same thing with the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, NeXtbox, PS Vita, 3DS, DS, PC, etc. It's a question of what do you want? What will you give up? And is this really worth it?


Fake Geek Girl.
Hey, at least their 3DS sales are good - I think it's good. Then again, that's comparing a system that was released 2 years ago versus a system released about a year ago. Kind of like the whole Xbox 360 versus PS3 thing that happened when the PS3 was released. And it's comparing a system that's easier or less time consuming to develop on versus a system that takes more time; 3DS and the PS Vita don't have to deal with high resolution textures and stuff like that while the Wii U does.

Another thing is that the Wii U or Nintendo in general is behind a generation since the Wii was only slightly more powerful than the Gamecube and Xbox just as the Wii U is only slightly more powerful than the PS3 and Xbox 360. With PCs, the PS4, and NeXtbox or even the nVidia Shield pushing the hardware floor higher and the Wii U being at the bottom of the floor or maybe below it, not a lot of developers would like being limited in their ideas. Sure, people can get their Nintendo fix and the Virtual Console really helps with people who want to play games they missed or played a long time ago, but that's saying the same thing with the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, NeXtbox, PS Vita, 3DS, DS, PC, etc. It's a question of what do you want? What will you give up? And is this really worth it?
The WiiU is scaring away 3rd party support. The WiiU isn't unique, it's arbitrary.

Nintendo is trying to force people to make friends with their silly gimmicks because they don't know that gaming will not get any better than holding a simple controller in your hand. The Gamecube was a lovely console. I loved it. Now it's like wtf Nintendo?! I don't want to hold TV Trays in my hand. Nintendo just should make great games for a great standard and normal console.

They can't hope to put all the chips on nostalgia either though.
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