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Horror Buffs

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm one of the biggest horror fanatics there is. I've always loved horrors since I was a wee little one, and I'm constantly stalking movie sites to see when the next shiver-me-timbers scary movie is going to hit the big screen.

So, whether you're a horror buff like me, or even if you're not, name the scariest movie you've ever seen, the scariest character that stalked you through your dreams, the most frightening movie concept that created a phobia in you, and recommend good horror flicks that you feel people just HAVE to see, and give reasons for each. You can diss on the crappiest horror movies too, so we can have an idea of which ones to give a miss. ^_^


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Well, to a 4 year old, Nightmare on Elm street is really terrifying. The first kill especially, where the victim is pushed up against the ceiling and slashed, blood spurting everywhere.

I couldn't sleep for months.

I think most horror films are rubbish these days, epecially most of them when it's semi clad 'ladies' (i use that word because the other word i have in mind would get me into trouble) run through and forest and constantly scream!! Personally, if they're like that, i cheer when the killer gets them.

One movie that really did nearly make me sick was Slither... it was so pathetic, yet gross.
Fave horror movie is Event Horizon. (I think Dead Space is based on it a little)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Vergil'sB*tch;202025 said:
I think most horror films are rubbish these days, epecially most of them when it's semi clad 'ladies' (i use that word because the other word i have in mind would get me into trouble) run through and forest and constantly scream!! Personally, if they're like that, i cheer when the killer gets them.

Aye aye, I'm with you on that one. 'Drag me to hell' failed so much I was laughing at the sheer patheticness of it. And yeah, I tend to pull a Scary Movie move when the half naked chics are being chased: "Run ***** RUN!!" LOL. It's just sooo...meh.

I loved Nightmare on Elm street. They've got another one coming out this year sometime, about Freddy's origins, which looks decent enough. I mean I LOVE Freddy, and Jason was pretty good too, but that movie where it was Freddy vs Jason - total fail :(

They've also leaked that they're going to be doing a remake of the 1988 film Child's Play featuring my beloved bad boy Chucky (get it? Bad Boy - because he's a supposedly Good Guy doll?hehe) which I am TOTALLY PUMPED about!

Has anybody seen Paranormal Activity?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Paranormal activity is rated 15... since when have 15 rated movies been terrifying?

I didn't know they were remaking Child's Play. I love Seed of Chucky... it's just so stupid.


Devilicious Devi
When i was about 5 years old, i was terrified by the movies Chucky and Leprichuan. They`re both so stupid really, but i guess the thought of things that seem the most harmless - dolls and leprechuans, in fairytails about them guaarding their treasure, are the ones that seem the scariest if you add a little crazy to them.
I`ve to agree to Vergil`sB*tch about Freddy, though, actually i loved them A LOT, despite my age... weird huh...There`s going to be a remake of the first Nighmare on Elm Street, can`t wait to see that.
Then there was Hellriser. Epic classic, 1-4, others are so-so.
I really loved Army of Darkness aswell, though it was more humerous than scary, still a lot of fun to watch.
Though, from recent horror movies there aren`t a lot. I liked Silent Hill movie. Though it is being despised by Silent Hill fans for, sort of, not getting to the point about what Silent Hill is supposed to be. But actually, if you overlook just that one bit and accept the movie, you get a very good survival horror with fantastic atmosphere. Then there was Drag Me to Hell. It is an awesome horror movie, though again, it has some bit of humor.
As for the rest... Girlfriend-scare-movies or noise-picture-jump-movies nothing more.


Oldschool DMC fan
It's difficult to find a horror movie that makes me cringe and not laugh...

I guess there were only two I've seen that had the desired effect. One was "The Thing", which I saw when I was six years old. I had nightmares about the head-spider for years. Watched it recently and rofl'd.

The other was "Ju-On: The Grudge" (Japanese), which I watched with the lights out by myself in the middle of the night. Not frightening exactly... but it did raise a few hairs on the back of my neck in places (girl on the stairs).

A friend recommended me the "Guinea Pig" films when I asked for something that would actually be 'scary', but they're more all-out gross than horror, I got bored halfway through "Flower of Flesh and Blood" and didn't finish it. They also suggested "Odishon" (Audition), which I haven't seen yet...

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Resident Evil 4: After Life is apparently going to come out soon. I'm not sure whether this is just a rumour or whether it's true, but if Milla is in there, I'm definitely watching.
Oh... and I thought Legion was going to be good, because the guy who plays Gabriel is pretty cool, but ehm...it's got that other whatshisface in it that plays in all the 'meh' movies :( Freaky graphic effects though, but the whole trailer I saw might have been the best the movie has to offer. Anybody know of anything GOOD coming out?
The few movies that I haven't ticked off my list yet (until I find some bad movie reviews) are
-The Crazies (zombie-type movie)
-Daybreakers (vampire movie)
-The Book of Eli (ehm...starring Denzel Washington?)


Fearfully and wonderfully made
That clown horror film "IT" made me very uncomfortable when I was a kid. I remember being pretty freaked out whilst watching it and took a few breaks. There's been nothing else since then - since I was about 7 or 8 - that has actually phased me movie-wise. Fast forward to when I was about 18 and I watched the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and that made me feel pretty uncomfortable; the torture scenes anyway.

I'm reluctant to say scared because I think I'm so immune to horror after all these years that I don't get any more scared watching most modern horrors than I do watching... I dunno... Care Bears! I never had nightmares as a kid after watching horror movies or any of that kind of thing. The last horror film I watched was the Halloween remake by Rob Zombie which I quite enjoyed but it definitely wasn't as good as the John Carpenter original. When I watch horrors nowadays all I can think is "What the hell is he/she doing? He/she could escape if..." This is the kind of thing that came up alot whilst watching the Halloween remake.

Also: old horrors > new horrors.


Oldschool DMC fan
...IT! Tim Curry was awesome as Pennywise. Almost everyone at school watched it on TV the same night and was freaked out at least a little bit. The first part was pretty good. The second... not so great, but, yay for nostalgia.


Fearfully and wonderfully made
Lol! That's the one! I couldn't think of Tim Curry's name for the life of me; I probably should have checked IMDB... :p But yeah, Pennywise did freak me out as a kid. I re-watched the clips again on YouTube and I thought it was laughable but back in the day I found the "backyard with all the white sheets" and "balloon in the sewer" scenes incredibly scary - especially when he pulls that demonic smirk. *poos pants*


Oldschool DMC fan
It's not banned in the UK at least, I've got a rated copy on my shelf.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I just found this on wikipedia about itchi the killer

As a publicity gimmick, vomit bags were handed out at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) to those attending the midnight screening of this film. Similar bags were handed out during the Stockholm International Film Festival. Reportedly, watching the movie caused one person to throw up and another to faint.


Well-known Member
Can you guys PLEASE explain why you guys likes horror movies..? I cant stand them..
My first horror movie was the grudge, and i couldnt sleep for months.. Never turned off the light in my bed room or anything..
Have seen 3 horror movies in my life. The grudge, The mist and another one. It was something about that people got a message on their cellphone, so the heard them self get killed or something..
I freaked out when i saw 20 mins of friday the 13th :p


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
If someone took me out on a date to see a slushy film, and i didn't know it, i'd probably be sat there say "When is the killer gonna get them"
or probably wishing for a sadistic killer to pop up and end the film in a torrent of blood and guts.

I thought Halloween was lame.


Super Penguin Number 2
I recommend watching Pandorum. That movie was pretty creepy, and if I've learned anything in my time, it's that anything that I normally think is creepy makes most of my friends **** their pants.


Oldschool DMC fan
iry;202231 said:
Can you guys PLEASE explain why you guys likes horror movies..?

To be honest, I don't. A lot of horrors I've seen at friends' places, or just watched out of morbid curiosity. I'm not much of a fan. Like I said, I don't get much out of horror - I'm not easily spooked. If you want me writhing, you gotta tie me to a chair, tape my eyes open and force me to watch a rom-com. :(

But I'm a sucker for sci-fi/action/fantasy films. Any horror seeping in there's fine by me. So, stuff like Alien, Jaws, Pan's Labyrinth, Ghostbusters, Cube, Sunshine... I love it.

@ VB - yeah, I heard that about the Ichi screening. Hype! Ichi isn't scary, just a bit... demented.
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