This is what happens when angry fans spam the creator with angry mails and tweets on Twitter etc. Fans are trying to control the creator's franchises and this is not just Megaman, just look at how many Devil May Cry fans are trying to push and pull at the developers to get what they want. I think it is a hilarious and creative way for Capcom to keep the fans down on the ground where they belong. The ever so demanding crowd should know their place instead of being so greedy greedy greedy.
Don't get me wrong though, I would much more prefer a more serious approach with Megaman and I would love it if Capcom would make more Megaman games, but with the bad attitude of so many fans, I think this is a good kick to their groins, saying "You want Megaman, here's Megaman, now shut up!" which is well-deserved, imo. XD
This Megaman appearance really shouldn't be taken as seriously as some make it to, but people can be so stuck-up and prude, taking everything so personally and raging over the slightest of things. I sometimes feel embarassed by calling myself a fan of certain franchises such as Devil May Cry and Megaman, because of how the majority of the fanbases are acting. I love those games, but I wouldn't want to be compared with those people. I just approach things differently.