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Is not rat, is hamster
Please, guys, try to spare a few minutes to read this carefully.

I'm actually pretty upset right now at the level to which some of you guys are stooping. Snide remarks in the "what are you thinking thread?", snippy comments in your Visitor Message area - it's really quite hurtful and unfair. The pettiness on these boards now is obscene and you guys are destroying this place whilst moaning we aren't doing anything to stop it.

The staff do what they can, but we are expecting you guys to show a little maturity. We are not here to babysit you; that's not what forum staff are for. People are just flaring up and leaving all because they cannot or will not use Ignore, Block and Report.

You guys clearly have no idea what work goes into this place - no idea at all. You just see it as some crappy forum you can spam with your arguments, hate mail and bitchiness, forgetting that actually you are screwing this up for everyone. If you've got a problem with a decision the staff has made, then tell us - don't strop around the boards making nasty comments. If there is someone upsetting you, use your ignore function and talk to one of us about it. All this "I'm leaving, this place upsets me" bullcrap is just offensive, in all honesty. You guys make this place what it is and it's you guys who tear it to pieces then blame the staff for not fixing it.

You have to understand that just because someone is annoying you, it doesn't mean they ought to be banned. Just because someone calls you out on your post does not mean they should be infracted. You're being unfair. You're treating this place like crap. If you want to do that, do it somewhere else. Make your own boards and trash them instead. But this site means more to me than that - more to a lot of us than that.

I used to think you guys were a good bunch of people. I'd still like to believe that but right now, I feel like a playgroup assistant trying to stop you all breaking the toys during your tantrums. IF you don't care about this place, fine. But stop ruining it for everyone else just because your sensitive needs are not being met.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I understand where you're coming from Angel, and I totally respect that. I'm at fault here myself, because I have had a few arguments and such here in my time. I know that I haven't always taken the most mature way of fixing those problems, so I wasn't right in my actions. But lately, I just try to apologize and forget what people say or do. My latest example was with moses. We had a little row, but I just said sorry, that I over-reacted. It was mainly to do with off-forum stress, that wasn't his fault, so it was quite immature of me really. But it lasted for about two VM's, then just ended. I think that if people here can't just learn to ignore those that bother them, they are just opening themselves up to arguments in threads.

As you've said, this is a Devil May Cry Forum, therefore it is about that alone. It isn't about Fan Fiction. If you want that, you should go to a place that is based on it entirely (Not being hrash, I'm just saying) And also, this isn't about talking about what you ate yesterday, or if you think blonde hair is better than brown hair. It's about the gaming series Devil May Cry. So flaming comments in threads that aren't even based on the series are just foolish. If you want to 'debate' such things, you can ALWAYS PM or VM the person. This said, it's just as foolish to flame and troll in any part of the Forums. It's more understandable to have a little row over the series, because we are all here with our fan egos. So it is more understanding that things should get a little heated. Still not saying, or meaning that it is acceptable however.

Trust me, I have realised half the time that if something I am discussing to someone isn't getting across, just leave the thread alone and contact them personally. Sending them a message saying something like "I see we have different feelings, so let's just agree that we have our own opinions" and call it a day. If you just carry on and on and on, it'll go nowhere. It'll frustrate you, and in the end, you'll just get moaned at (quite rightly) by a member of Staff, for going on like a child.

I know that there are loads of good members at this site. I have seen everybody help each other. You guys say how great you think this place is, as do I. Let's just listen to the Staff, and not trash this place up. They do a lot of work, and I respect that. We should all respect that. I don't want to see any of you guys and girls get in trouble for arguments and things, just like I wouldn't want to myself.

And on another note. If anybody needs help, contact the Staff. They are the BEST helpers for anything, it's what they are there for. Also, you could always ask me any questions. As it says in my PM, I am willing to listen and help out any member here that has a question or problem, or just wants to chat. Let's make handy use of what is there for us, all of us :)

Nicodemus Zamoran

The Hellslayer Knight
I'm not completely gone right now(Gathering contact information from certain members), but I saw this and thought I'd come to say something.

I do not leave because of those who are causing things to happen, I'm leaving because I don't like it when my friends get upset, and I can't bear to stay where it is constantly happening. I can ignore someone all I want, but that doesn't mean I will ignore how my friends feel.

This is just to set the record straight for my leaving.

Now, no more posts in the forums for me. See some of you later!


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Nicodemus Zamoran;272244 said:
I'm not completely gone right now(Gathering contact information from certain members), but I saw this and thought I'd come to say something.

I do not leave because of those who are causing things to happen, I'm leaving because I don't like it when my friends get upset, and I can't bear to stay where it is constantly happening. I can ignore someone all I want, but that doesn't mean I will ignore how my friends feel.

This is just to set the record straight for my leaving.

Now, no more posts in the forums for me. See some of you later!

Angel said:
All this "I'm leaving, this place upsets me" bullcrap is just offensive, in all honesty.

Look, all I can honestly say to those of you that 'want' to leave the forum is, why did you come here in the first place? The Staff are tired of hearing the moaning of us, going on like children. I have given them my fair share of grief, when I went through some stages of wanting to leave here. Looking back, I was acting stupid and pathetic. My last leaving never said I was going, I just said I wouldn't be on as much. And at the time, I wanted to appreciate how everyone had treated me. Considering if I wasn't coming on so much, I wouldn't get the chance to tell people here how I truly felt about them.

Ultimately, this isn't a Social Network Site. You can't just join a place like this to meet fun people, get their contact information from their Social Networks and e-mail addresses, and then moan and pack your bags. That is incredibly rude and offensive, since the Staff members here have put so much effort into this place. And honestly, how do you all think the owners of this place feel? Pretty disgusted by our actions, let me tell you straight up. In any thread, any forum, I am seeing announcements that are saying "Please stop acting this way. Stop these silly comments, flaming and bashing". What is that telling us? We should stop acting this way.

In other words, if you don't like it here, then you should probably leave. Don't go through all the trouble to spend a few more days here, posting how much you want to leave this place. How much things here are going wrong and everything. We wouldn't have to lose so many good members, if we as members stopped acting the way we are. Ultimately it is all of our faults. And when it comes to us wanting to leave, we pretty much have only ourselves to blame, for not brightening up and being mature and saying. "Listen, I came her to talk about a video-game series. And at the end of the day, I don't need to argue about a game. I don't need to talk to people who bother me. I don't need to ruin people's topics by arguments"

Why can't we all just be mature adults and get along? Even the younger members here also? Because at the end of the day, Devil May Cry is quite an adult game. Although we have younger members here, that isn't the point. We're ultimately here for a chillingly gruesomely awesome game, and that takes a bit of adult maturity to discuss. Instead of 'Dante is the best. Shut your face"... :rolleyes:

There are several things that need to happen here.

We need to...

-Stop abusing this place with silly comments in threads.
-Be mature enough to listen to other people.
-Use Ignore Functions if you don't get on with someone.
-Talk to Staff members, or people willing to help, if you need help/advice/whatever.
-Respect that everybody has a different opinion.
-Realise this is DevilMayCry.Org, nothing else.


Wild Ranger
I agree with all of the above. I too have been posting extremely foolish comments here and there and even having an argument with one of the guys here on the forum, which eventually led him banned and vs, threads forbidden (my actions were indirect, there were plenty of other users arguing back then, not just me). I am a newcomer and I do like this forum, it's rich and big with information. However, like all big cities, pollution has come here, slowly poisoning and corrupting us.

At one point I've abandoned the forum, citing there's nothing good left for me. Because of so many silly and childish thread/comments around, several of which are ridiculous, irrelevant, rude and nasty. I confess, I've written some bad stuff too, like I've stated earlier, now I wish to recuperate and become a better member!

One thing though. About them silly comments. I think their place is in bloody palace/random section. However, I don't mean to ban humor in other posts.

P.S. Maybe it's because we have many children around here the forum is flooding with rubbish?


Dante enthusiast!
Just thought I'd stick my nose in while this thread is quite new and say I really like it here and I really appreciate the staff and what they do - thank you! I have a healthy attitude of lurking - 'cuz I'm addicted but I just don't post until I really feel like posting and I just ignore all the immature crap. I wish other people would too at the end of the day it's only a forum. Some people treat it like life and death!
Thank you Angel and The rest of the staff I appreciate your hard work.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Out of all the forums we have owned in our time ive never witnessed such childish, immature, snide and such self centred attitudes than some ive seen here. At the end of the day we are here to help, if people dont report things, use the tools they are given (ignore button) or show some maturity into not being baited into flamefests then theres very little we can do.

We are all gamers, we are all here because of our love for games. Not just DMC (as i dont play it) but as we are all gamers in general. So why is it that some of you just cant seem to get along? We have had to turn this place into some locked down detention centre sometimes and remove things or restrict things (sigs/rep system etc) because people abuse the right. Bottom line is Grow Up, until peoples attitudes change and people show some maturity we have to take these measures. We dont like it either but we have been left with no choice and im getting sick of it.

Im not as prominent around these forums as i am around the others we own (as i dont play DMC as ive said and just do Admin stuff here) and ive been letting Credo and Keaton get a feel for things. They have a little more patience with the attitudes here than i would and know more of the people in the community here but maybe its time for a change.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Dark Drakan;272259 said:
Out of all the forums we have owned in our time ive never witnessed such childish, immature, snide and such self centred attitudes than some ive seen here. At the end of the day we are here to help, if people dont report things, use the tools they are given (ignore button) or show some maturity into not being baited into flamefests then theres very little we can do.

We are all gamers, we are all here because of our love for games. Not just DMC (as i dont play it) but as we are all gamers in general. So why is it that some of you just cant seem to get along? We have had to turn this place into some locked down detention centre sometimes and remove things or restrict things (sigs/rep system etc) because people abuse the right. Bottom line is Grow Up, until peoples attitudes change and people show some maturity we have to take these measures. We dont like it either but we have been left with no choice and im getting sick of it.

I'm bored of the petty immaturity, at first it's fun to watch the children squabble, like watching kids in a play group hurl really pathetic insults at each other, but after a while it gets really, really tedious after a while.

I'm honestly surprised at the things that have had to be done in order to keep some of you lot in line, it honestly takes the ****, I believe 90% of you are, at the very leastk, older than 13, hell, some of you are even over 18, so why the hell are so many of you acting so immature? We have features in place that allow you to avoid people who bug you, and yet you still choose not to use them and instead bitch at us, because god forbid some of you ever do something for yourselves.

We have lives outside these forums, it really is about time some of you learned to grow up and leave your petty little egos outside. We try to do what we can to help, but it's not always possible, so for the love of god, like Angel said, you have to show a little maturity and initative yourselves and take care of your own problems, it's what you have to do out in the big, wide world, so why can't you do it here?


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
You guys are in charge of the forum and only you can stop the immaturity that goes on here.
I'm admin of another forum. Okay, its not easy, but when things go wrong, you have to sort them out and not let things get out of hand like they obviously have.
We have obvious trolls and they are still here. Its not as if their attitude is going to change overnight.

The newbies come onto the forum , do what they like, and seem like they are getting away with it.

I mean what i said about leaving. So its not bullcrap.
If i used the ignore function all the time, there would be no point in posting in topics.

At the end of the day, why should long time posters of the forum put up with the hassle of being treated like cr@p by other users.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Vergil'sB*tch;272280 said:
You guys are in charge of the forum and only you can stop the immaturity that goes on here.
I'm admin of another forum. Okay, its not easy, but when things go wrong, you have to sort them out and not let things get out of hand like they obviously have.
We have obvious trolls and they are still here. Its not as if their attitude is going to change overnight.

The newbies come onto the forum , do what they like, and seem like they are getting away with it.

I mean what i said about leaving. So its not bullcrap.
If i used the ignore function all the time, there would be no point in posting in topics.

At the end of the day, why should long time posters of the forum put up with the hassle of being treated like cr@p by other users.

We dont have eyes in the back of our heads and the Admins here do the job on multiple forums and have family's so our time can be spread out. All we need is people to report things and not add to the problems by taking the bait by trolls. We have created many forums and Steve and I have done this for nearly 8 years now and pretty much seen it all in our time so we are aware of what goes on but people need to help us to help you.

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Agreed with all of the above. Different people, different opinions. Different people, respects appreciated.

If there is anything that I can do to help, please ask. I will do whatever I can to help.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
What i was trying to say is, you can't do anything or get anywhere by slapping someone on the wrists.

I can remember what it took to get something done about SpardaTM


Well-known Member
GEES! I leave for one day and suddenly everyone else in the world wants to? I need a break people. I wasn't planning on leaving forever, just for awhile. I've got a lot of crap going on in life and I don't need it here to. I just wanted to chill and relax for a month or so. The only reason that I announced that I was leaving was so people didn't wonder why I wasn't responding to them. I'm not the most mature and wonderful person, but I do think that have handled myself pretty well here. Sure I've had slip ups, we all have, but for the most part I've brushed it of and went along with a smile and a joke like I do in life. But honestly. The staff here shouldn't be the only ones dealing with all the flames and such. I've done my best to keep the peace and find common grounds in arguments, but after what happened yesterday I realized I need a break. So to all the people going on about how they wanna leave because I did or whatever. Don't. I just what a break.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Vergil'sB*tch;272294 said:
What i was trying to say is, you can't do anything or get anywhere by slapping someone on the wrists.

I can remember what it took to get something done about SpardaTM

And why do you think I'm putting on the hardass stance now? That's not particularly easy either, especially considering everything else I have to deal with at the moment.

As has been made crystal clear in many instances, things will be changing around here and we all have our own lives outside of this place, you cannot expect us to be able to deal with everything all the time, things take time for us to process and other things we need to reach a decision on before taking action.

Give us a break and help yourselves for a change, it's not that hard, as both myself and Keaton have said a MILLION times, the first thing you can do to help yourselves is simple.


Spot a troll? Ignore them and they'll go away, if not, they'll do something which ensures a ban, just stop responding to them. *Sigh*
meg127;272295 said:
GEES! I leave for one day and suddenly everyone else in the world wants to? I need a break people. I wasn't planning on leaving forever, just for awhile. I've got a lot of crap going on in life and I don't need it here to. I just wanted to chill and relax for a month or so. The only reason that I announced that I was leaving was so people didn't wonder why I wasn't responding to them. I'm not the most mature and wonderful person, but I do think that have handled myself pretty well here. Sure I've had slip ups, we all have, but for the most part I've brushed it of and went along with a smile and a joke like I do in life. But honestly. The staff here shouldn't be the only ones dealing with all the flames and such. I've done my best to keep the peace and find common grounds in arguments, but after what happened yesterday I realized I need a break. So to all the people going on about how they wanna leave because I did or whatever. Don't. I just what a break.

Agree with meg,all of them want to leave right now,and i hate those dramatic goodbyes.If you´re gonna leave the forum just leave and if you will be back then say that you will be back.I would like that all of them just take a break like meg and then come back because we could lose some valuable members(just mine opinion:D)

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Vergil'sB*tch;272294 said:
What i was trying to say is, you can't do anything or get anywhere by slapping someone on the wrists.

I can remember what it took to get something done about SpardaTM

The staff might have been a little lenient on people but we are also being sick of people accusing us of unfair and unjustified bannings too. Now ive opted to have a larger presence here the lenient way is out of the window as im not as kindhearted and lenient as the rest of the staff team as im sure people will start to notice.


meg127;272295 said:
GEES! I leave for one day and suddenly everyone else in the world wants to? I need a break people. I wasn't planning on leaving forever, just for awhile. I've got a lot of crap going on in life and I don't need it here to. I just wanted to chill and relax for a month or so. The only reason that I announced that I was leaving was so people didn't wonder why I wasn't responding to them. I'm not the most mature and wonderful person, but I do think that have handled myself pretty well here. Sure I've had slip ups, we all have, but for the most part I've brushed it of and went along with a smile and a joke like I do in life. But honestly. The staff here shouldn't be the only ones dealing with all the flames and such. I've done my best to keep the peace and find common grounds in arguments, but after what happened yesterday I realized I need a break. So to all the people going on about how they wanna leave because I did or whatever. Don't. I just what a break.

I agree with meg we all want some breaks once at a time,don't we?
This place has changed all that time that i was gone.
Oh and i didn't left cuz i was mad with someone just some freakin' connection problems.


Is not rat, is hamster
We still have to abide by the rules we have set in place - we cannot just ban someone because they are getting on your nerves. That's not our problem, it's yours. SpardaTM took almost 2 years to ban because he skirted around the rules for a long time before doing anything banworthy. If we just hand out infactions and warning cards at the drop of a hat because someone has had their feelings hurt, EVERYONE would be bordering on being banned.

Do you have ANY idea how offended the staff are day in and day out by some of you guys? If we followed your logic, we'd have no one left on the boards. But we can't do that and we don't do that and all we are asking is that you all stop being so unbearably dramatic, making woe is me leaving threads and getting all emo over everything.

If you want to leave, do so. Don't make a song and dance about it. And don't talk about how crappy the place is and how useless the staff are because it's completely unfair.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
We dont want to come of as forum nazis (which we have been accused of being before when we started to crack down) and infract/ban people for looking at others in the wrong way so we try our best not to make people feel like they cant even have freedom of speech and state opinions for fear of 'upsetting' someone else. These are meant to be a board for adults so i think its about damn time some members here started acting like it.

I mean you said it yourself:

VergilsB*tch said:
You really can't speak your mind at times
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