Stylish Nero
We Dem Boys!!
Found a funny video (well funny based on who you are and your sense of humor) about Hades Riffs series on DmC.
Hades Riffs is when Hades (from Kid Icarus: Uprising) rips on something.
Note: He is not ripping on DmC but the Developer Diaries.........granted he does rip on DmC a bit.
I thought it was somewhat funny (his riffs of "Improve Your Personality" and "My Little Pony: Dusk's Dawn" were funnier) and since its DmC related (considering we haven't had DmC or DMC related news in months and probably won't for a while) decided to put it up.
If you somewhat feel offended by the content in the video, I take no blame if you feel offended and note I said "IF".
Oh what am I saying, someone is going to feel offended regardless and this will escalate out of control as always.
Hades Riffs is when Hades (from Kid Icarus: Uprising) rips on something.
Note: He is not ripping on DmC but the Developer Diaries.........granted he does rip on DmC a bit.
I thought it was somewhat funny (his riffs of "Improve Your Personality" and "My Little Pony: Dusk's Dawn" were funnier) and since its DmC related (considering we haven't had DmC or DMC related news in months and probably won't for a while) decided to put it up.
If you somewhat feel offended by the content in the video, I take no blame if you feel offended and note I said "IF".
Oh what am I saying, someone is going to feel offended regardless and this will escalate out of control as always.