Well-known Member
I would also advice to change your keyboard settings first. You can use mine for reference.DMC HD Collection
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition (PC 2006)
For Vanilla/Style Switcher 2.4.3 and below:For Style Switcher 3.0+, edit StyleSwitcher.ini file:
Keyboard.L2 =51,51 ;Q
Keyboard.R2 =45,45 ;E
Keyboard.L1 =4E,4E ;N
Keyboard.R1 =20,20 ;Space
Keyboard.Triangle =49,49 ;I
Keyboard.Circle =4C,4C ;L
Keyboard.Cross =4B,4B ;K
Keyboard.Square =4A,4A ;J
Keyboard.Select =4D,4D ;M
Keyboard.L3 =43,43 ;C
Keyboard.R3 =46,46 ;F
Keyboard.Start =1B,1B ;Esc
Keyboard.D-Pad.Up =31,31 ;1
Keyboard.D-Pad.Right =32,32 ;2
Keyboard.D-Pad.Down =33,33 ;3
Keyboard.D-Pad.Left =34,34 ;4
Keyboard.LeftAnalogStick.Up =57,57 ;W
Keyboard.LeftAnalogStick.Right =44,44 ;D
Keyboard.LeftAnalogStick.Down =53,53 ;S
Keyboard.LeftAnalogStick.Left =41,41 ;A
Keyboard.RightAnalogStick.Up =26,26 ;Up Arrow
Keyboard.RightAnalogStick.Right =27,27 ;Right Arrow
Keyboard.RightAnalogStick.Down =28,28 ;Down Arrow
Keyboard.RightAnalogStick.Left =25,25 ;Left Arrow
- Install AutoHotkey v2 and AutoHotkey Dash will launch afterwards.
- Click New Script > name it something like "DMC HDC KBM" > click Edit and select Notepad or any text editor that you're comfortable with.
- Copy and paste this script:
Code:; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Devil May Cry 1 HD ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe dmc1.exe") LButton::I ;[LMB] Melee/Y RButton::J ;[RMB] Shoot/X MButton::L ;[MMB] Shoot/B Space::K ;[Space] Jump/A XButton1::Q ;[Mouse Button 4] Map/LT XButton2::E ;[Mouse Button 5] Taunt/RT LShift::Space ;[Left Shift] Lock-on/RB T::RShift ;[T] Pause Menu/Back Esc::M ;[Esc] Menu Screen/Start Pause::Suspend ;[Pause] Suspend Script #HotIf ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Devil May Cry 2 HD ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe dmc2.exe") LButton::I ;[LMB] Melee/Y RButton::J ;[RMB] Shoot/X MButton::L ;[MMB] Evade/B Space::K ;[Space] Jump/A XButton1::Q ;[Mouse Button 4] Change Guns/LT XButton2::E ;[Mouse Button 5] Disengage Lock-on/RT LShift::Space ;[Left Shift] Lock-on/RB T::RShift ;[T] Pause Menu/Back Esc::M ;[Esc] Menu Screen/Start Pause::Suspend ;[Pause] Suspend Script #HotIf ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition HD ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe dmc3.exe") ;1 ;Item Screen/Trickster ;2 ;Map Screen/Swordmaster ;3 ;Equip Screen/Royalguard ;4 ;File Screen/Gunslinger LButton::I ;[LMB] Melee/Y RButton::J ;[RMB] Shoot/X MButton::L ;[MMB/Scroll Button] Style Action/B Space::K ;[Space] Jump/A XButton1::Q ;[Mouse Button 4] Change Guns/LT XButton2::E ;[Mouse Button 5] Change Devil Arms/RT LShift::Space ;[Left Shift] Lock-on/RB T::RShift ;[T] Taunt/Back Esc::M ;[Esc] Pause/Start Pause::Suspend ;[Pause] Suspend Script #HotIf ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition (PC 2006) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe dmc3se.exe") ;1 ; Item Screen/Trickster ;2 ; Map Screen/Swordmaster ;3 ; Equip Screen/Royalguard ;4 ; File Screen/Gunslinger X::N ; [X] Devil Trigger (LB) LShift::Space ; [LShift] Lock-On (RB) XButton1::Q ; [Mouse Button 4] Change Guns (LT) XButton2::E ; [Mouse Button 5] Change Devil Arms (RT) LButton::I ; [LMB] Melee (Y) RButton::J ; [RMB] Shoot (X) MButton::L ; [MMB] Style Action (B) Space::K ; [Space] Jump (A) T::M ; [T] Taunt (Back/View) Pause::Suspend ; [Pause] Suspend Script #HotIf ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Devil May Cry 4 (DX9) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe DevilMayCry4_DX9.exe") LButton::I ;[LMB] Melee/Y RButton::J ;[RMB] Shoot/X MButton::L ;[MMB] Style Action/B Space::K ;[Space] Jump/A XButton1::Q ;[Mouse Button 4] Change Guns/LT XButton2::E ;[Mouse Button 5] Change Devil Arms/RT C::O ;[C] Change Target F::P ;[F] Reset Camera Pause::Suspend ;Suspend Script #HotIf ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Devil May Cry 4 (DX10) ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe DevilMayCry4_DX10.exe") LButton::I ;[LMB] Melee/Y RButton::J ;[RMB] Shoot/X MButton::L ;[MMB] Style Action/B Space::K ;[Space] Jump/A XButton1::Q ;[Mouse Button 4] Change Guns/LT XButton2::E ;[Mouse Button 5] Change Devil Arms/RT C::O ;[C] Change Target F::P ;[F] Reset Camera Pause::Suspend ;Suspend Script #HotIf ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe DevilMayCry4SpecialEdition.exe") LButton::I ;[LMB] Melee/Y RButton::J ;[RMB] Shoot/X MButton::L ;[MMB] Style Action/B Space::K ;[Space] Jump/A XButton1::Q ;[Mouse Button 4] Change Guns/LT XButton2::E ;[Mouse Button 5] Change Devil Arms/RT C::O ;[C] Change Target F::P ;[F] Reset Camera Pause::Suspend ;Suspend Script #HotIf
- Save the script in the Notepad as .ahk file.
The logic of this script is that if AutoHotkey v2 with the script and one of the DMC games are running in the background, these keybinds will be in effect as well so if you want to suspend the script to use your keyboard normally, press Pause on your Keyboard or right-click AutoHotkey from the hidden icons in the taskbar then Suspend. You can also click Exit to shutdown the script after suspending. This is also a good solution if you're worried that the script will affect other programs.
- Head to the location of the script (Default location: %SystemDrive%\Users\%Username%\Documents\AutoHotkey) and run the script.
- Run the game to test.
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