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Good or horrible parenting?


Well-known Member
Check this out, then voice your opinion if this was a good or bad punishment.


For me it was GOOD parenting. The only thing I thought was a bit too far was the dad using a cord. He could've used a belt, but whatever, they ass deserved it regardless. More parents need to be like this.

EDIT: Second thought. That wasn't really good parenting, but still I think more parents have to spank their kids to listen. Thank yall for opening my eyes though.


"Waiting for one's arrival."
I would go as far to say that he could have handled the situation in a better manner. I understand that they uploaded a twerk video on facebook, but does he need to go as far as hitting them with a cord? I don't think so, what he did should be counted as abuse. The bruises and cuts a cord can make hurt beyond belief, and you're stuck with them for about a week or two. He could have handled himself in a much better way, rather than abusing his children then uploading it online. There are far better ways of punishing your children rather than inflicting pain and suffering upon them.

I wouldn't go as far to call him a bad parent, but I will say that he doesn't know what he is doing.


Keyser Söze
WHOA ! that's Definitely Horrible !

get that psycho dad AWAY from her !! It was just a freaking TWERK VIDEO NOT A NUDE XXX VIDEO !! WTF ?? Her dad is freaking NUTS !

I wouldn't go as far to call him a bad parent, but I will say that he doesn't know what he is doing.
Uh he was.. beat her with a whip.. that's not "Bad parenting" ?? O_O!!


"Waiting for one's arrival."
WHOA ! that's Definitely Horrible !

get that psycho dad AWAY from her !! It was just a freaking TWERK VIDEO NOT A NUDE XXX VIDEO !! WTF ?? Her dad is freaking NUTS !

Uh he was.. beat her with a whip.. that's not "Bad parenting" ?? O_O!!
What I'm saying is that it is 'bad parenting'. You didn't read my post right. What I'm saying is that he himself may not be a bad parent.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Check this out, then voice your opinion if this was a good or bad punishment.


For me it was GOOD parenting. The only thing I thought was a bit too far was the dad using a cord. He could've used a belt, but whatever, they ass deserved it regardless. More parents need to be like this.
I'm guessing you're not a parent yourself.
That is child abuse.
Here's a guideline to tell the difference between parenting and child abuse.
If you're a kid: would you like to be the one on the receiving end of that punishment?
If you're an adult: would you do that to somebody else's kid?
If the answer is no to either, it's child abuse.


Well-known Member
I guess you guys are right, maybe he did take it a bit too far. But if he whipped them with a belt instead, would yall opinion change? Mine sure would.

Because let's get this straight, people are just too soft in today's society, even parents. Some kids need that old-fanshioned ass-whooping like that(though with a belt), cuz most of them I see will grow up to be punks or girls doing what she wants at a young age.


Devil hunter in training
Some kids need that old-fanshioned ass-whooping like that(though with a belt), cuz most of them I see will grow up to be punks or girls doing what she wants at a young age.

I think this is a case of wait until you become a parent. It's easy to look in and see problems. But wait until you have a child and see what you would do. It's not as simple as spanking a child or shouting at them unless you want the child to grow up hating you. And it certainly isn't about beating a child like that. Hitting a child is more likely to make them run away to a life on the streets and doing who knows what.

Not all male children will be disrespectful criminals and what is wrong with a female doing what she wants? What do you think a female wants to do that is so wrong that it requires discipline?

Also people have their own free will. Sometimes all the punishments and rules in the world will not stop a person. Actually, usually the opposite happens. The more punishments are given, the greater the resentment and need to act out grows....especially teenagers.

I know children need rules and consequences for breaking rules, but that was:O No way should a child be treated like that. It's like bullying to me. Someone much bigger picking on the child who can't or won't fight back.

That sort of thing sticks in a child or teen's mind for a long time, maybe forever and causes a lot of emotional and trust problems. If you can't trust parents, the ones who are supposed to love and protect you then you're off to a bad start in life.

Don't blame the child when the adult is old and alone if they treated their child like crap.


Praise the Sun!
My Dad would beat my ass with a ruler or a stick I was lucky when i got the belt but my grandma was worse she whooped me with a shoe...a high heel shoe


"Waiting for one's arrival."
I know children need rules and consequences for breaking rules, but that was:O No way should a child be treated like that. It's like bullying to me. Someone much bigger picking on the child who can't or won't fight back.

That sort of thing sticks in a child or teen's mind for a long time, maybe forever and causes a lot of emotional and trust problems. If you can't trust parents, the ones who are supposed to love and protect you then you're off to a bad start in life.

Don't blame the child when the adult is old and alone if they treated their child like crap.

Agreed. I still have problems from the punishments that I was given. I still have panic attacks and I'll be going to therapy soon. Some parents need to realize that physical beatings, are not the way to go. I don't mind if a kid gets a swatt or two every few weeks if they do something especially bad. Violence is not the answer, yet people seem to ignore the studies that support non-corporal punishment, and carry on with the punishments anyways. People who do this to their kids only instil one thing:

"Violence is always the answer."

Chimera Khaos

Hades Leading General Commander
Was....was this thread really necessary?...
This is similar to the treatment I used to get as a child, but much worse, thank you for reminding me of my nightmares :/...


Well-known Member
I was not expecting to see that at all :ermm: ....needless to say her dad scared the living **** out of me; it could have been handled waaay better. I wouldn't be surprised if the girl grows up to have severe psychological problems. He could have just taken away her computer or something and her screams make me want to cry honestly.

Edit: It's not like she was filming a porno.


Keyser Söze
What I'm saying is that it is 'bad parenting'. You didn't read my post right. What I'm saying is that he himself may not be a bad parent.
I'm confused.. so you mean that he may not be bad person ?
That's just unnecessary punishment, there were plenty of other ways she could have been punished and she would have still learned that doing whatever she did was wrong.
exactly the easiest way should be grounding her for a year


"Waiting for one's arrival."
I'm confused.. so you mean that he may not be bad person ?
exactly the easiest way should be grounding her for a year
Some people can do something like that, but it doesn't define them as a person.

(This saying does not apply to: rape, murder and anything along the lines of that.)


"Waiting for one's arrival."
I'm confused.. so you mean that he may not be bad person ?
exactly the easiest way should be grounding her for a year
Some people can do something like that, but it doesn't define them as a person.

(This saying does not apply to: rape, murder and anything along the lines of that.)


Well-known Member
I think this is a case of wait until you become a parent. It's easy to look in and see problems. But wait until you have a child and see what you would do. It's not as simple as spanking a child or shouting at them unless you want the child to grow up hating you. And it certainly isn't about beating a child like that. Hitting a child is more likely to make them run away to a life on the streets and doing who knows what.
Yeah that's true but if parents smack their children with a belt after the child did something wrong, they expect them not to make the same mistake again. So yeah, it's probably half the child's fault by wanting to hate the parent by doing the same thing twice cuz they refuse to listen after ONE time the parents told them.

Not all male children will be disrespectful criminals and what is wrong with a female doing what she wants? What do you think a female wants to do that is so wrong that it requires discipline?
Like smoking weed at a young age and prostituting on the streets at her own free will or getting peer pressured. That's what I meant. Not saying all girls do that, just saying what some would end like if they don't listen or doesn't receive a whipping after a third time they did the same mistake.

Also people have their own free will. Sometimes all the punishments and rules in the world will not stop a person. Actually, usually the opposite happens. The more punishments are given, the greater the resentment and need to act out grows....especially teenagers.

I know children need rules and consequences for breaking rules, but that was:O No way should a child be treated like that. It's like bullying to me. Someone much bigger picking on the child who can't or won't fight back.

I'm starting to think about that as well, but like I said, if he whip them with a belt instead of a cord, most people would actually agree with what he was doing, cuz I know MOST of us DMC fans have received an old-fashioned butt whooping or a spanking. More parents have to be like that physically or mentally again(like no TV for a week).

Don't blame the child when the adult is old and alone if they treated their child like crap.

Understandable, and I just recently found out that the dad went to jail for that. I think he deserved it now because he whipped them with an unusual cord.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Yeah that's true but if parents smack their children with a belt after the child did something wrong, they expect them not to make the same mistake again. So yeah, it's probably half the child's fault by wanting to hate the parent by doing the same thing twice cuz they refuse to listen after ONE time the parents told them.

Like smoking weed at a young age and prostituting on the streets at her own free will or getting peer pressured. That's what I meant. Not saying all girls do that, just saying what some would end like if they don't listen or doesn't receive a whipping after a third time they did the same mistake.

I'm starting to think about that as well, but like I said, if he whip them with a belt instead of a cord, most people would actually agree with what he was doing, cuz I know MOST of us DMC fans have received an old-fashioned butt whooping or a spanking. More parents have to be like that physically or mentally again(like no TV for a week).

Understandable, and I just recently found out that the dad went to jail for that. I think he deserved it now because he whipped them with an unusual cord.

This is the thing, right: spanking doesn't necessarily work. I wouldn't be surprised if this girl ends up in an abusive relationship one day. That's the tone her father has set for her - it's acceptable to be beaten. You may think 'no' but the subconscious effects that parents' actions have on their children are permanent and very difficult to break away from.

Plus, I've seen people beat a dog just like this.


Devil hunter in training
This is the thing, right: spanking doesn't necessarily work. I wouldn't be surprised if this girl ends up in an abusive relationship one day. That's the tone her father has set for her - it's acceptable to be beaten. You may think 'no' but the subconscious effects that parents' actions have on their children are permanent and very difficult to break away from.

Plus, I've seen people beat a dog just like this.
Yep, just like a dog....:( Actually I've seen dogs treated better.

If a Dad treats a daughter bad....that is what leads to a girl later in life looking for love in all the wrong places, with bad men who abuse and she thinks it's okay because her Dad hit her. Or the girl who grows up thinking she has to give sex for a guy to love her.

Yeah that's true but if parents smack their children with a belt after the child did something wrong, they expect them not to make the same mistake again. So yeah, it's probably half the child's fault by wanting to hate the parent by doing the same thing twice cuz they refuse to listen after ONE time the parents told them.
A child will do it again and again if it's that sort of child. Not every child will take not of physical punishment. Some children will grow to fear their parents, others will grow to hate them and possibly kill them. It's not the child's fault if a parent hits them.
Saying it's half the child's fault isn't right. A child doesn't know the difference. An adult should know better. It's like saying a guy walking with his phone out in a bad area of town was asking to be beaten and robbed for the phone.

Like smoking weed at a young age and prostituting on the streets at her own free will or getting peer pressured. That's what I meant. Not saying all girls do that, just saying what some would end like if they don't listen or doesn't receive a whipping after a third time they did the same mistake.
Guys are just as likely to smoke weed as a girl.
Also, if the father treats the daughter bad, beats her, then it is more likely she will look for love in all the wrong places because her Dad never loved her. She'll give in to peer pressure, drink and have sex just to get the illusion of being liked and loved. And guys are just as responsible for peer pressuring girls into sex with promises of love. It's not all the girl's fault. It takes two.

And surely peer pressure is the fault of the peers pressuring her, not the girl. And guys are just as likely to give in to peer pressure as well. Why do you think there are so many gangs and gang crimes. Guys want to feel like they belong, so they do anything to be in a gang to get a sense of belonging somewhere and a feeling of brotherhood.

I'm starting to think about that as well, but like I said, if he whip them with a belt instead of a cord, most people would actually agree with what he was doing, cuz I know MOST of us DMC fans have received an old-fashioned butt whooping or a spanking. More parents have to be like that physically or mentally again(like no TV for a week).
A beating is still a beating, regardless of what was used. How does changing the weapon of the attack make it more agreeable? And why would you think fans of DMC were beaten up by their parents? Is there a correlation between playing hack and slash games and how bady you were treated by parents? Is playing DMC and beating up demons a therapy for what parents did?


Philosopher and fangirl. Worst. Combination. Ever.
This doesen't seem to me a man doing his parenting job, but a man acting out of fury (as much as his fury could be justified). This doesen't seem to me a thought out punishment, but an enraged, emotional, reaction.

Now, I can agree that maybe the girl deserved a punishment, and that nowadays parents can be too soft, but there are better punishments than physical pain. Like not letting the girl go out with her friends for a period of time, or deny her the use of her PC, or something like that. I can even agree to a little spanking, but NOT TO WHIPPING, because it causes just too much pain. When I misbehaved, my father used to slap me, but he never did it with too much strength. The amount of pain was just symbolical. Using a belt causes a lot more of pain, which is unnecessary. Lessons could be taught differently.
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